地图 > 祝福语 > 范文大全 > 七年级新目标英语教案 >










Knowledge objective:

To master some words and expressions about places, positions and giving directions.Ability objective:

1.To ask the way and give directions.2.To understand a conversation of giving directions.Moral objective:

1.To be polite to others.2.To be ready to help others.3.To know more about Beijing and love Beijing.【教学重点】

1.To learn some words and expressions about places:

Bank, museum, along, across, cross, opposite, tourist, excuse, excuse me, street ,turn, third, guidebook, bookshop, right, why not ?? could, underground

2.To learn and review some words about positions: near,opposite, along, on the left/right, across.3.To learn some expressions about asking ways and giving directions:


1.To get information from the conversation.2.To ask the way and give directions.【教学方法】

PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach.【教学手段】

A tape recorder, multimedia ,PPT courseware, the teaching CD and some pictures.【教学过程】 Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision【复习】

1、listen to an English song.Aim : to activate the classroom atmosphere.2、Do a duty :

Aim :To give one student a chance to train his spoken Englishin every class.3、Talking and acting:

Aim :to check if the students can practice the topic of the last

module and to develop the students’speaking and language expressing abilities.Step 2 Leading in


1、Play a guessing game: The teachers shows the pictures ofnew words and let the students say as quickly as possible.Ai : to check if the students preview the new lesson before the class and to be familiar with them.2、Look, think and say: the teacher shows some pictures aboutgiving directions and some road signs and asks the students to think and say the phrases.Aim :to consolidate the phrases about giving directions.3、Find and say.The teacher shows pictures of direction prepositions, and the students find the right words and make some sentences with the direction prepositons.Aim : to understand and master the usage of the directionprepositions.【总结】

1.Do some exercises about the direction prepositions。2.Do some exercises about the patterns of asking for and giving directions.


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ?】








肯定回答是:Yes,主语 +may。否定回答是:No,主语+mustn't。或please don't。

join+某个组织,俱乐部,party,参军,党派等 “加入”

Join sb. “参加到某人中” join in (doing)sth “加入做......,参加某个活动” Join in=take part in +活动,比赛

3、说某种语言:speak+语言 4、play+球、棋、牌;play+the+乐器。

5、擅长于(做)什么:be good at +名词/动ing

6、帮助某人做某事:help sb. (to ) do sth. help sb. with sth.

7、我能知道你名字吗?May I know your name?

8、想要做什么:want to do sth 例如:I want to learn about art.

9、What club do you want to join?

I want to join the chess club and the basketball club.

10、What club does Tom want to join? He wants to join the swimming club .

11、He can’t play the violin or the piano. Can you help kids with swimming?

12、Why do you want to join the English club? Because I want to learn English well.




No. 110 Middle School of Chongqing By Cao Yi

Teaching Goal:

1. General aims:

Talk about jobs.

2. Particular aims:

A. Language Focus.

Talk about jobs and the place where people work.

B. Language goals

(1). What do you do? I’m a reporter.

(2). What does she want to be? She wants to be a sales assistant.

C. Language structures:

(1). What do you do? I am a teacher.

(2). What does he want to do? He wants to be an officer.

(3). Does your father work? Yes, he does.

(4). What does your mother do?

D. Useful words and phrases:

Words: assistant, sales assistant, doctor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk, star, thief, nurse, money, station, magazine, dinner, dangerous, afraid, late

Phrases: get … from, work for, work hard, call at, school play, evening newspaper, be afraid of

E. Grammar language:

Special questions

F. Learning strategies:

Learn other’s job

G. Interdiscipinary:

Social and communication.

H. Emotion and manner:

Teaching time: 6 periods

Teaching procedures:

Period One (pp19-20)


1. Match the vocabulary: sales assistant. Doctor. Actor. Reporter. Police. Officer. Waiter. Bank clerk. student

2. Master and use: What do you do? What does he do? Does he work in hospital?



1. The vocabulary

2. language: What does she do? She is a doctor.

难点Use the language to ask for the jobs

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体运用

Step 1

Organization 1’ Organize students to prepare for the class


Ree talk 2’ Talk about the weather and weeks. The student talk about something.

Step 3


15’ 1. Ask students to look at the picture and remember what they can see

2. Find four groups to say the words that they remember. (教师板书,学生说出)

3. Talk about the picture then make a dialogue.

Such as: What is this? It’s a store. What can you see? I can see a sweater. What color is t? It’s green. How much is it? It’s 50 dollars

4. Ask students: What is your father? He is a worker. (Tell them another way of saying:

What does your father do?板书)出示一张人物以及职业的图片,问学生:

Is he a worker? No, he isn’t. What is he? He is a doctor. 或问:What does he do?


Such as: A: What does he do?

B: He is a reporter.

5. Listen to the tape: 1b. 2a. ab.

Listen and number the people (1-3) in the picture above. Listen carefully three times. Point out the picture in activity 2a. Ask who each person is, say, Now work with your partner. Ask and answer questions about the pictures.

Ask ss to close their books and write down the words about the things.

Ask ss to act out in pairs or groups.

Call more students to practice more.

Ask ss about jobs in pairs or groups.





Step 4

Practice 6’ Now, practice the things we have learned.

They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

I am a student.

What does your father do?

He is a farmer. 给学生们一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都能有机会来表演。


Step 5

Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class.

Language: What does he do? What does he want to be? He is a worker. He wants to be a sales assistant. 以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。

Step 6 text 4’ 1、Self check 让学生作后再讲解答案。 多媒体放映

Step 7 Consolidation 4’ In this class, we have learned the sentence:

What do you do? What does he do?

What does he want to be?

Talk about the jobs. Pay attention to the usage of “want” or “wants” 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework(1’) Practice The dialogue according to the picture on Page 1. 让学生写出五个询问对方职业的句子。

Period Two (p21)

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体运用

Step 1

Organization Organize students to prepare for the class

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Talk about the family and the jobs, Such as; My father is a worker, And He works in a hospital The student talk freely

Step 3

Presentation 3’

1. Ask students to make some sentences with these words; waiter. Bank clerk. Reporter. Nurse. Police officer.

2. Look at the picture and match the jobs with the people in the pictures. Such as; I see a lot of money every day. But it’s not mine. I count it for other people match the bank clerk.

3. Let the students practice more and more.

4. They make a conversation to proc-tise the drills.

For example: What do you do?

I help doctors and patients. Some people call us “angels in white”, Can you guess what I do?

5. Pairwork: Practise the conversation on the right. Use the jobs and places in activity 3a.

Where does your sister work? She works at a hospital.

What does your sister work? She works at a hospital.

What does she do? She’s a doctor.

6. Game: Guess the game!

Draw a picture of someone at work.

Can your classmates guess the job?

Just like: Is he a police officer?

No, he isn’t? Is he a waiter?

Yes, he is 1. 叫学生口头造句,用一些有关职业的句子。争取大部分的同学都有回答的机会,多次重复加大练习。

2. 教师边让学生读句子边解释这些句子的意思。

3. 教师边让学生读句子,做到熟练掌握。

4. 采用游戏的形式,让尽可能多同学参与。







Step 4

Practice(6’) Now, practice the things we have learned.

They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

Where does he work?

He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

Is he a police officer? Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t 给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都能有机会来表演 多媒体放映

Step 5

Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class

Language: What does he do? What does he want to be? He is a worker.

He wants to be a sales assistant.

Where does he work?

He words in a hospital.

Is she a nurse? Yes, she is. 以提问的形式来进行总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会

Step 6

Test 4’ 1、Self check(见后面) 让学生作后在讲解答案 多媒体放映

Step 7

Consolidation 4’ In this class, we have learned the sentence:

Where does he work? He works in a factory.

A bank clerk: I see a lot of money every day. But it’s not mine. I count it for other people.

Talk about the jobs. Pay attention to the usage of “want” or “wants” 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework Pratice the dialogue according to the picture on Page 25. 让学生写出五个句子,分别询问职业和工作地点

Period Three (pp22-23)

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Oranization1’ Organize students to prepare for the class

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Oral practice: Games, words that describe jobs, such as exciting, dangerous, boring The students talk about freely

Step 3

Presentation 8’ 1. Let students look at the picture and guess the jobs. The teacher describes the jobs and let students guess what. Ask job does the person have? Where does the person work?

2. Then use explanations and short sample sentences to help students understand what each word means. For example, Exciting means very interesting and very fast-moving.

A police officer has an exciting job.

3. Let students practice. Such as: He is a police officer. It’s an exciting job.

4. Listen to the conversation. What jobs do Betty, Jenny, and Sam want? Then write the jobs below.

5. Listen again. Why are Betty, Jenny, and Sam interested in these jobs? Complete the chart above.

6. Listen to the tape: Listen and number the picture(1-3) below.

Then practise the dialogue.

7. Grammar focus: 1.叫学生口头造句用一些有关职业的句子。争取大部分的同学都有回答的机会,多次重复加大练习。

2. 教师边让学生读句子边解释这些句子的意思。

3. 叫学生口头练习一些有关这方面的句子。

4. 听录音,让学生填写表格,然后再纠正答案。

5. 分组练习,让学生大面积的练习。

6. 让学生朗读Gammar Focus 多媒体放映





Step 4

Practice 6’ 7. Read the newspaper want ads. And fill in the blanks with the correct jobs.

One: Wanted: Do you like to work late? Do you like to work hard? Do you like to meet people? If your answer is “Yes”, then we have a job for you as a …… 给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都有机会来表演。


Step 5

Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class Language:

本节课主要是听录音来完成各种对话,充分让学生学会职业的文法以及地点的表达法。 以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。

Step 6 test 4’ 1、Self check(见后面) 让学生做后再讲解答案 多媒体放映

Step 7 Consolidation 4’ 在这节课例我们主要听录音然后回答问题,让学生充分练习听力,达到会听、会说然后在自己编对话来练习。 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework Read the newspaper more and more. 让学生朗读3A部分的内容。

Period Four (P24)

教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Organization 1’ Organize students to prepare for the class

Step 2

Free talk 2’ Oral composition: My parents.

Such as: I have a very happy family.

My father is a worker. He works in a factory. My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. 学生口头作文,让他们把学到的知识系统地用到自己的作文中来。练习关于职业以及工作地点的表达。

Step 3


1. Let the students hurry to read the words they can’t remember.

2. Then the teacher guid the students to go over the words. See how the students have grasped.

3. Ask students to write five new words in their Vocab-builder.

4. Practise: I magine you want one of the jobs at BFS. Write and explain why your are good person for the job.

They don’t have to use real information about themselves-they can imagine that they have the skills needed to do one of the jobs. Remind them that they have to show why they are good for the job.

5. Go over the whole unit, first the words and useful expressions.

Then go over the frills: What do you do? What does he do?

Where does he work? He works in a factory. 1. 学生自测,看看他们急得如何。

2. 在让学生写五个生词填在单词表上。

3. 找工作:以小组为单位讨论。个人介绍推销自己。

4.总复习时,领着学生复习全部单词,争取让每一个学生都能来掌握。 多媒体放映





Step 4

Practice 6’ Now, practice the things we have learned.

They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

Where does he work?

He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

Is he a police officer? Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t

给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都有机会来表演。 多媒体放映

Step 5

Summary 2’ Game: How to find a good job? Discuss and make a dialogue. 以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。

Step 6 test 4’ 1. Self check(见后面)

In this class, we have learned self- 多媒体放映

Step 7


(4’) Check, then go over the whole unit. I think most of the students have grasped them very well. 让学生写一篇作文。 大屏幕显示

Step 8

Homework 1’ Especially the jobs and the places.

Compostion: How to find a good job?

Period Five

Testing (Weekly paper and Nan’an paper)



Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?


1. 教会学生表达做某事的能力。

2. 谈论自己的爱好和意愿。

3. 学会表达自己对于各种协会的选择。

4. 会写简单的招聘广告,会使用简单的求职对话。


1. 会使用can.表示能力。

2. 会谈论喜好和意愿。











5. 测试


Period 1

1. T: We can do lots of things. I can sing. I can dance. What can you do? Can you sing /dance /swim /paint /speak English/play chess…?

S: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.

Teach the words: sing, dance, swim, paint, speak, chess, guitar.

S1: I can sing. Can you sing?

S2: Yes, I can. Can you dance? (to S3)

S3: No, I can’t. Can you …? (to S4)

2. Teach: club. Yao Xia is in Guo An Football Club. Football players are always in football clubs. They can join a football club they like. We can join a club we like. We have many clubs.

I like singings. So I want to join the music club. What club do you want to join?

S: I want to join the … club.

T: Can you …?

S: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.

3. Do 1a.

4. Do 1b. Listen and number the conversations

5. Pairwork: Let them pratice the conversations: I want to join … Can you…?

6. Do 2a.

7. Do 2b.

Task 1: I want to know what your favorite clubs are. Groupwork.

Name Clubs want to join can

Eli Music club Play the guitar


Recite the new words.

Write a small composition about what they like and they can.

Period 2

1.Revision. Do you like…? Does she like…? Can you…? Can he…? What club do you want to join?

2. Talk about their homework. Let them read their composition.

3. Review the grammar box. Ask students to say the questions, answers and statements. Let them observe: can’t = cannot.

4. Do 3a. Read the four lines to students. Then put this conversation in order.

5. Do 3b. You will talk to three students. Ask each what he or she can do. Write it on a piece of paper. Later you will tell the class about these three students.

Ask what can you do?

6. Task: Build their clubs and write the ad in the poster.

Period 3.

1.T:What can you do?

S: I can…

T: Can you play chess?

S: Yes…

Teach the new words of music instruments.

2. Section B. Do 1a.

3. Task 1: Talent show. Let them play the different music instruments or do other things.

name act

4. Listen and do 2a and 2b.

5. 2c. Ask two students to read the conversation to the class.

Students pairs do.

6. 3a. Ask a student to read it to the class. Underline the things.

7. 3b. Complete the poster with the words.

8. Task 2: Write your own poster for a sports day. Ask some students to read their ads to the class.

Period 4

1.Task 1: Ask a student to draw an music instrument, then let other students to talk about them and write down the words.

2. Task 2Write five things about yourself on a piece of paper. Another student will read to the class. The other students will guess who you are.

3. Self check. Do 1 and 2.

4.Task 3. You are in charge of a music club. The others want to join it. Please prepare the interviewing questions and act.

5. Task 4. I can do!

Encourage the students to say their hobbies and what they can do. Let them write it down.

Period 5

Do Weekly paper or Nan’an paper


























UNIT 1:Part A Let’s learn 运用“金太阳”光盘进行教学,让学生学习单词的标准的发音。

Part B Let’s talk 运用“金太阳”光盘进行句型的教学。

UNIT 2 :Part A Let’s learn 运用“金太阳”光盘进行教学,让学生学习标准的发音。

Part B Let’s talk 运用“金太阳”光盘进行句型的教学,学生能进行分角色对话。

UNIT 3 :Part A Let’s learn 运用“金太阳”光盘进行教学,让学生掌握句型标准的发音。

Part B Let’s talk 运用“金太阳”光盘进行句型的教学。

UNIT 4 :Part A Let’s learn 运用“金太阳”光盘进行教学,让学生学习标准的发音。

Part B Let’s talk 运用“金太阳”光盘进行句型的教学。

UNIT 5 :Part A Let’s learn 运用“金太阳”光盘进行教学,让学生学习标准的发音。

Part B Let’s talk 运用“金太阳”光盘进行句型的教学。

UNIT 6:Part A Let’s learn 运用“金太阳”光盘进行教学,让学生学习标准的发音。

Part B Let’s talk 运用“金太阳”光盘进行句型的教学。


周次 日 期 内 容

1 2月19日—2月24日 Unit 1 Part A Let’s learn &Let’s do

2 2月25日—3月2日 Unit 1 Part A Let’s talk

Unit1 Part A Read and write

Unit1 Part B Let’s Learn

3 3月3日—3月9日 Unit 1 Part B Let’s talk

Unit 1 Part B Read and write

Revision and Test

4 3月10日—3月16日 Unit 2 Part A Let’s Learn &Let’s do

Unit 2 Part A Let’s talk

Unit 2 Part A Read and write

5 3月17日—3月23日 Unit 2 Part B Let’s Learn &Let’s chant

Unit 2 Part B Let’s talk

Unit 2 Part B Read and write

6 3月24日—3月30日 Revision and Test

Unit 3 Part A Let’s Learn & Let’s do

Unit 3 Part A Let’s talk

7 3月31日—4月6日 Unit 3 Part A Read and write

Unit 3 Part B Let’s learn &Let’schant

Unit 3 Part B Let’s talk

8 4月7日—4月13日 Unit 3 Part B Read and write

Revision and Test

Recycle 1

9 4月14日—4月20日 Unit 4 Part A Let’s Learn

Unit 4 Part A Let’s talk &Let’s chant

Unit 4 Part A Read and write

10 4月21日—4月27日 Unit 4 Part B Let’s Learn & Let do

Unit 4 Part B Let’s talk

Unit 4 Part B Read and write

11 4月28日—5月4日 Revision and Test国际劳动节

12 5月5日—5月11日 国际劳动节

Unit 5 Part A Let’s Learn & Let’s chant

Unit 5 Part A Let’s talk

13 5月12日—5月18日 Unit 5 Part A Read and write

Unit 5 Part B Let’s Learn & Let’s do

Unit 5 Part B Let’s talk

14 5月19日—5月25日 Unit 5 Part B Read and write

Revision and Test

Unit 6 Part A Let’s Learn & Let’s do

15 5月26日—6月1日 Unit 6 Part A Let’s talk

Unit 6 Part A Read and write

Unit 6 Part B Let Learn & Let’s chant

16 6月2日—6月8日 Unit 6 Part B Let’s talk

Unit 6 Part B Read and write

Revision and Test

17 6月9日—6月16日 Recycle 2

18 6月17日—6月22日 Revision

19 6月23日—6月29日 期末考试,学期结束工作


No. 110 Middle School of Chongqing By Cao Yi

Unit 6 Where are the jazz CDs?



本单元的核心内容是用英语问路及谈论爱好,因此本单元的主要交际功能项目为“asking for and giving directions”and“talking about favorites,’本单元通过在音乐节Music Festivals)上问路,让学生在问路与指路的同时,又掌握了本单元中出现的音乐名词(Names of musical styles, such as jazz, pop, country)。在Section A中的3 ,4和1a,lb,2a,2b,2c为谈论自己的爱好,学生可当堂表演。



名词:jazz, pop, country,dance, video, floor,!!section, group,singer, sound,fan,are, direction, culture, palace, hall, painting, gate

形容词: classical, traditional, amazing, awful, bad, western

副词: upstairs

词组:not bad,and so on


1 Where’s the pop music?

Go upstairs and turn right.It's next to the jazz.

2 What's your favorite kind of music, Judy?

My favorite kind of music is...


1. Where are the jazz CDs?

Go upstairs /Go straight and turn right /left.

They are between the pop and the country

2 The use of the sentences structures.


1.Master the vocabulary.

2.Master and use:Where are the country CDs?

Go upstairs /Go straight and turn right /left.

They are between …and …/next to… behind …


重点 难点

I The vocabulary.

2 The Grammar. 1 Asking for and giving directions.

2 Talking about favorite.









My favorite kind of music is country, and The Smith Family is my favorite group …



A:What’s your favorite kind of music?

B:My favorite kind of music is country.

A:Who’s your favorite country group?

B:My favorite group is The Smith Family.





Section A(一)1课时

Section A(二)1课时

Section B(一)1课时

Section B(二)1课时

Section A(一)


Section A中la.lb.lc.2a.2b.2c Grammar focus



1、Match the vocabulary: jazz,classical,dance, pop,country, upstairs,video,floor, section,

2、Master and use:Where’s the jazz music?

Go straight /upstairs and turn left/right.It' s next to…/behind... /between…and…


学生在前几个单元已经学会了询问和指点方向,能自然地与本课知识相连接。通过“Where’s the jazz music?”引入创设情景,引起学生的兴趣。并借助媒体来调动学生的积极性。





1、The vocabulary

2、language points:

Where’s the jazz music?

Go straight /upstairs and turn left /right. It’s next to … / behind …/between…and …


1 Asking for and giving directions

2 Kind- of music



2 Language points的学习,借助于Where is……?的练习和课件的图画来使其形象化。








教学步骤、时间 教师时间 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Organization (1’) Organize Ss by greeting each other. Greetings

Step 2

Free talk (2’) Ask the student

1. “who is on duty?”

If there’s a student who doesn’t come, then ask.

2. “Is everyone here?”

3. “Where is he/she?”

4. “Why he/she isn’t here today?” The student who is on duty answer.


Presentation 20’ 1. Ask eight Ss to come to the front of the room and stand in two rows, leaving a few feet between Ss. Let the other Ss ask and answer questions about “Where is …? “He is between…and…”

“Where is…?” “She is behind…?/next to…”

2. Tell the Ss “Do as I told you”.(point to a student) “Wang Ming, go straight/go ahead, and then turn left, then turn right.” Let the Ss follow the directions. 学生模仿练习(impairs)


“Where is …” “He is between … and …”

“Where is …”

“She is behind …/ next to …

学生模仿表演(in pairs)

A student do as the other student told him/her.

go straight/go ahead, and then turn left, then turn right.”

3. Let the Ss practice in pairs using the CDs they have brought.

Such as one student ask “Which kind of music do you like best?”

Let the other Ss answer.

“Jazz or Country or Dance or pop or classical music.”

4. Let the Ss look at the Section A (la)

Ask the Ss to tell what they see.

Guide Ss to understand that the pictures shows different types of music. (Point: teach the new word “upstairs” with a picture.

At the same time, can teach “downstairs”)

5. Ask Ss to match each picture with one of the words on the left. Say “Write the letter of each picture. next to the words on the left”. Point out the sample answer.

Check the answer. (Answers: 1b, 2c, 3d, 4e, 5a)

6. (For 1b) Draw a set of stairs on the board. At the top of the stairs, write “jazz” in a box at the eight.

Write the three conversations on the Bb, then read it as you use your fingers to “walk” up the stairs and turn left to the “jazz” section. Then ask various Ss to come to the front of the Bb to read the other conversations, at the same time, use their fingers to walk to each section mentioned.

Play the recording the first time.

Play the recording the second time. This time, ask the Ss to listen to the recording and write the number of each conversation in the correct box. Point out the Sample answer.

Correct the answers.

(Answers: From left to right: 3, 2, 1)

7. (1c, Pair work)

Point to the conversations in 1b and ask Ss to read after you.

Use the stairs you drew on the board earlier. Erase the words you wrote before and write in the words “country” and “pop” to the left of the stairs, “dance” straight ahead of the stairs and “jazz” and “classical” to the right of the stairs.

8 (For 2a)

Ask four Ss to come to the front of the classroom. Arrange the Ss so that one is in the middle and the others are to the left of, to the right of, and behind the first student. Then describe the location of the Ss using the words “behind, next to and between”. For example, “Li Peng is behind Zhou Wen. Cao Ying is next Zhou Wen is between Cao Ying and Cong Zheng.”

Letn the Ss look at the pictures. Ask Ss to tell what they see in each picture.

Ask Ss to match each numbered sentence with one of the pictures. Say “Write the letter of each picture next to the correct sentence.

Check the answers. 小组表演

One student ask “Which kind of music do you like best?” Let the other Ss answer “Jazz or Country or Dance or pop or classical music”


“Where’s the dance music?”

“Go straight and turn left.”

“Where’s the classical music?”

“Go upstairs and turn right.”

Ss listen to the tape carefully

Ask Ss to match each numbered sentence with one of the pictures 多媒体放映图一


(The answers are 1a, 2c, 3b)

9 (For 2b)

First, tell the Ss that suppose they are clerks of a music store, if someone asks them the directions, what they should do?


注意CDs和 videos 中的s 发的[z] 解说在以元音或浊辅音([z], [v], [dv]除外)结尾的名词后读[z]。

例如:play [pleiz], doogs [z].

10 Ask Ss to work in pairs. Suppose one student is a clerk of a music store, the other is asking him/her for different kinds of CDs, show her the Ss listen to the tape carefully and label the map of the CD store Ss write them down


directions by looking.

At the map at Page 36, 2b.

Step 4

Practice (6’) Pairwork

Practice the conversations by looking at the screen and pictures on the Bb, ask and answer questions about other places in the pictures. Ss practice the dialogue in pairs “Where’s the pop music?” “It’s …” 多媒体放映 2a, 2b

Step 5

Just for fun (5’) 1. Ask all Ss to read the conversation. Have Ss identify the two characters in the cartoon.

2. Ask pairs of Ss to present the dialogue to the rest of the class.

3. Ask Ss to play both roles.

Work in pairs


Summary (2) 1. Summary the language points of this lesson.

2. Words and phrases of this class.

3. Language points.

Step 7

Test (4’) 同“练习设计 Do it by themselves.

Step 8

Consolidtion (4’) 1. Let’s Ss keep the Grammar Focus in their hearts.

2. Ss practice the Grammar Focus in pairs by looking at the pictures on the Bb.

Practice in pairs.

Homework (1’) Practice the dialogues according to the pictures on Page 35 and 36




本节课主要学习问路、指路和各种类型的音乐。学生掌握后,可以问学生如果别人问路而他不知道时该如何办?本课的拓展活动为Shelf - Check中的Just for fun,同时增进本课所学。如:

When’s the pop music/dance music?

Where are the country CDs/jazz CDs?

I don’t know! You don't? No, I don’t. I don't work here.




downstairs(反义词) videos,


在…的旁边 在…和…之间 上楼 下楼

一直往前走 向右转 爵士音乐 古典音乐





3. 乡村乐碟在哪里?他们在舞曲碟的旁边

4. 爵士乐碟在哪里?它们在乡村乐的旁边。


Unit 6 Where um the jam CDs?

1, Where’s the pop music? go straight

Go upstairs and turn right. go upstairs-go downstairs

It’s next to the dance music. pop music

2,Where are the country CDs? Between …and …

They are behind the jazz CDs.turn right/left

Section A(二)


Section A中3,4以及Self check中1,2两部分



1. Match the vocabulary : group, singer

2. Master and use:What’s yaw favorite kind of music?

My favorite kind of music is country.


通过“What’s Bob’s favorite kind of music?”引入创设情景,引起学生的兴趣。并借助多媒体来提高学生的主动性,让其大量练习。





1. The vocabulary.

2. language points: What's your favorite kind of music?

My favorite kind of music is country.

Who's your favorite group?

My favorite group is The Smith Family.


The language points










教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Organization(1’) Organize Ss by greeting each other.

Step 2

Free talk (2’) Ask the students

1. “Who is on duty?”

If there’s a student who doesn’t come, then ask

2. “Is everyone here?”

3. “Where is he /she?”

4. “Why he/she isn’t here today?” Answer.

Step 3

Revision (5’) 1. Draw a set of stairs on the Bb, at the top of the stairs, write “dance” in a box, and “pop” in a box in its right, and “country” on its left, behind the pop box write “jazz”, and behind the country box write “classical”

2. 2. Let the Ss works in pairs, practice the dialogues by looking at the picture. Ss work in pairs

1. “Where’s the pop music?” “Go upstairs and turn right. It’s next to the dance music.”

2. “Where’s the jazz music?” “Go straight and turn left. It’s …

3. …4. …

Step 4

Presentation (15’) 1.处是些听风的一张图片,问学生 “Who is he?”

Let the Ss answer. Then say: “Yes, you’re right, he is xie tingfeng.”

Ask a student “What is he? /What does he do?” (student can answer in Chinese.)

“Yes, he is a singer.” Teach the word ‘singer’.(sing-singer)

2. 让学生无人一组谈论

“Who is your favorite singer?”

“Who is your favorite group?”

“What’s your favorite kind of music?”

Let the Ss write their answers in the chart on the book (SectionA, 4)

3. Ask a student the other four’s favorite singer/goup/kind of music. eg, ask Wang Ping:

“Who is Li Ming’s favorite singer/group?”

“What’s Li Ming’s favorite kind of music?”

4. Let the Ss work in pairs. Ask the other three Ss in their group their favorite singer/group/kind of music.

5. Let a student describe the musical tasts of the other Ss in thir groups. Such as: Liu Fang’s favorite kind of music is dance, and his favorite singer is Sun Yue.

6. Tell the Ss “If I’m student A, if I want to know what Bob’s favorite kind of music is, what should I ask?” “Yes, I should ask ‘What’s favorite kind of music?’”

7. Ask the pairs to continue on their own.

Move around the room monitoring the progress of the pairs.

8. Go over the answers.

The answer are:

Bob: classical The Boston Orchestra

Carla: jazz Boys from Brzil

Mary: dance Patsy Street

Joe: country The Smith Family

Ss answer: ‘He is Xie Tingfeng.”

Answer my question in Chinese or English

Ss work in group of


“Who is your favorite singer?”

“Who is your favorite group?”

“What’s your favorite kind of music?”

Ask the other’s favorite singer/group/kind of music Work in groups.

Ss describe the musical tastes of the other Ss in their group.

Ss listen carefully

Work in pairs

Student A in each pair look at the chart on Page 37. Student B look at e the chart on Page92

Ask and answer

“What’s Bob’s/Carla’s/Mary’s/Joe’s favorite kind of music?” and so on. 多媒体放映


Consolidation(6’) Give Ss five minutes to consolidate the language points by practicing the dialogues which this class have learned in pairs. Work in pairs.

Step 6


(2’) Summa the language points of this lesson.

Show the teaching aims. Ss read after the teacher. 多媒体放映

Step 7

Test(8’) Self Check1, 2.

Ask Ss to check all the words they know.

Ask Ss to find out the meaning of any words they don’t know. They can do this by reviewing to unit, asking the teacher, asking their classmates, or using dictionaries.

Ask Ss to write five new words in their Vocabulary on Page 106.

After Ss to have recorded their new words, ask to have recorded their new words, ask them to share their lists with other Ss.

2. 同练习设计 Check all the words they know.

Find out the meaning of any words they don’t know.

Work in groups.


(1’) 1 Practice the dialogue in pairs after class.

“What ‘s your favorite kind of music?”

“Who’s your favorite singer/group?”

2 预习Section B 中的1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c.


本节学习了2个生词和What's your favorite kind of music?及Who's Bob's favorit group/singer句式的练习和运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练地用英语谈论自〔喜欢的歌词和乐队。


教师通过展示明星卡片,来引起学生的兴趣,通过对自己喜欢的歌手和乐队的谈论,(例如小组谈论”Who is your favorite singer?’’“Who is your favorite group?’

“What's your favorite kind of music?’),引导学生联系实际,谈论一下当前国内-些较为流行的音乐,歌手及乐队等.




(1) My favorite kind of music is country.(划线提问)

(2) Bob’s favorite group is the Smith Family.(划线提问)

(3 ) My mother's favorite singer is Cheng Long.(划线提问)


(1) Please look ______this page.

(2) Work ______small groups. Ask your classmates ______ their favorite groups or singers.

(3) Where's the pop music?It's next ________ the dance music.

(4) What's your favorite kind ______ music?


Unit 6 Where are the jazz CDs

1 What’s Bob’s favorite kind of music? sing-singer

His favorite kind of music is … in small groups

2. Who’s Carla’s favorite group? Look at

Her favorite group is …


Section B中1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c



1. Master the vocabulary: amazing awful bad Latin sound

2. Can talk about singers or musical groups


学生在本单元Section A中已学过不同风格的音乐如;jazz music, dance music, classical music等,已具备了学习本课的初步知识,课前通过放不同风格的乐曲录音来导人新课,让学生通过听录音后的感受,来谈论他们喜欢的歌手或乐队。





1 The vocabulary

2 Language:Talk about singer or musical groups


Talk about singers or musical groups


1. 本课学习的单词主要是一些表示感情色彩的形容词,可通过丰富的表情演示来学习

2. Language放音乐录音,让学生边听边谈







教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step l


(1’) Organize Ss by greeting each other

Step 2

Free talk(2}) Ask the student:

1 “Who is on duty?”

2 “What’s your favorite kind of music?”

3“Who’s your favorite singer/ group?” The student talk about something



(15') la:

1.Focus attention on the three faces:

Guide students to understand the meanings of the three faces: the snide face means“I like it”.The middle face with no smile means “I don’t like it or dislike it“. The frown face means ”I don’t like it“ 读单词并根据单词意思做出不同的表情

2.Then call attention to the list of words. Say each one and ask student's to repeat then talk about what it means.


3.Ask students to draw the correct face on the line to each word. Draw the correct face

on the line.


1.Play a piece of dance music let students listen then ask them:Do you like the dance music?

Guide the students to answer:

”Yes,I do. It’s awful.” Then play another type of music, such as classical, jazz, country and so on

2.Ask each student to make a list of three singers or musical groups then ask them to work on pairs:

A: Do you like the Latin Sound?

B:No,I don’t.They’re awful.

C:Do you like?

D: Yes,I do.No, I don’t.


1.Let the Ss look at the chart and the pictures of the four students,tell them they will listen to recording of these four persons.Write the name

of each person’s favorite kind of music/favorite groups/singer and Description word in the blank under their photo,Then play the recording the first time, Ss only listen

2. Play the recording again.This time students listen and write their answers in the chart. Listen the music and

answer the question.

Make a list

Work in pairs

Do you like?

Yes …

No, ….

Listen to the cording

Listen and write.

Look at the chart.

Listen and complete

the chart.

2b Play the




1. let Ss look at the chart on the right, tell them that we will listen the recording again. listen and complete the chart.

2. Play the tape,students write the favorite group or singer and the description words in the chart.

Step 4


(5’) 2c:

Tell the students: This activity we will work in pain,you are Mike and your deskmate is Judy. Have a conversation about music like 2b. Talk about the music in pairs

Step 5


(2') 1.Words and phrases of this class

2. Language points talk about singers and musical groups. Talk about the music in pairs

Step 6


(8') Show the pictures of Tian Zhen, Na Ying.,Sun Nan,Beyound group,Yuquan and play their music,

let the students talk about them. Look, listen and talk 课件


Step 7

Homework(1’) 1.预习Section B中句3a,3b,3c



本节课学习了5个生词和Do you like? What's your favorite句式的练习和运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能更加熟练地用英语谈论自己喜欢的歌词和乐队。


通过对国外某些歌手和乐队(Who’s your favorite singer/group?What’s your favorite kind of music?)的谈论,引导学生联系实际,谈论一下当前国内一些较为流行的音乐,歌手及乐队等.




Unit 6. Where are the jazz CDs?

1 amazing, awful,bad, 3 Do you like The Latin

great sound,terrible, No,I don’t.They’re awful /fantastic

2 What' your favorite... 4 Do you like Livinia Casey?

My favorite…is… Yes,I do.She's cool.

Section B(二)


Section B中3a,3b,3c,4和Self Check中3.



1. The words(three skills): direction,culture, palace, area,western,eastern,hall,traditional,and,painting, by, and so on,gate

2. Master: How to give directions to the places that people ask you.








1 The vocabulary

2 How to give directions


How to give directions.










教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1


(1’) Organize Ss by greeting each other.

Step 2

Free talk

(2') Ask the students:

1.“Who is on duty?”

2.“What's your favorite kind of music?”

3. “Who’s your favorite singer / group?” Students answer my questions



(15’) 1.“Now,pop music fans,listen carefully,if you,here”.(Start with a circle and label it.“You are here“)

Read the first set of instructions,draw a map of the pop store.

For example,when you read the words “Go straight’,draw an arrow straight up.

When you read the words “Turn left at the classical music’,

draw a box and label it‘classical music’,Then continue your first arrow around this box to the left.

Let Ss draw a map on the exercises books.

At the same time,let the other Ss look at the country music section, draw a map.in groups of four.

Let Ss work in groups of four,check the accuracy of the map by reading the instructions as their fingers through the map.

2.(3b),First,let the Ss look at the Big Sound music store map Point to each section of the store and ask Ss to read all the labels on the drawing.

Then ask Ss to fill in the missing words by themselves.

(As Ss work,the teacher can move around the room monitoring progress and answering any questions they may have.)The third,ask the Ss to check each other' s

won,and the teacher check the answers Pop music fans draw a map on their Exs books.

Draw maps

Ss work in groups of four.

Ss use their fingers to trace the path.

to the classical music section. 多媒体


3,Let the Ss write directions to the jazz/dance/country/pop sections. They can use the same kind of sentences.(As Ss work,the teacher can move around the mom monitoring progress and answering any questions they may have.)Ask Ss to check each other's work.Then

check the answers. Write directions 多媒体




Step 4


(7’) From each group to be the first to give directions to be a location somewhere in the school.Tell the students that the first student to correctly guess the answer takes the next turn.

Self check(3a)

1.Let the students read the article by themselves.Find out the words that don't know list it. They can learn them by looking them up the directions or asking the teacher or the classmates or looking at the books.

2.Let the students read the words they don’t know after the teacher. Summa, the language points of this unit.


见练习设计。 Work in groups

Ss do the activity 多媒体






本节课中,可以让学生在知道west一western,east ---eastern的同时,自己找出表示方向的名词转换为形容词时在其后面直接加ern就可以了。(例如south一southern, north一northern, southeast一southeastern northeast一northeastern,…等等。)并出训练题,如个性练习。




1.Direction _____ the Country Music section.

2.Turn left _____ the classical music

3.Pop music is _____ jazz and dance.

4.Look _____ the Big Sound music store map.Then fill ______ the blanks.

5.The classical music is next ______ the country music.

6. Welcome ________ the Culture Palace.

7.You can listen _______ classical music ______ Area E.

8.There you can see the traditional paintings ______ Qi Baishi.



1.We have a _______ (west) section,the left,and on ______ (east)section on the right.

2.a _______ (northeast)wind(东北风)

A _________(southeast)wind(东南风)

3.the _______ States of the U.S.A.(south)(美国南部各州)

4.The _______ (north)States of the U.S.A



Unit 6.Where are the jazz CDs?

Go straight west一western

Turn left at the east一eastern

pop section. south一southern

The classical music is north一northern

next to the country southeast一southeastern

music northwest一northwestern


在本单元的教学中,多数学生能按照老师的要求掌握好大纲的内容,而且本单元的内容与学生的生活息息相关,在现实生活中经常遇到,也经常谈论。通过小组练习、讨论,练习“Where’s the jazz music?” “It's …”. ”What’s your favorite kind of music?”“It’s …” “Who's your favorite singer?……多数学生掌握得相当好。但是学生的自主学习能力尚待提高。




1.When is your birthday ? My birthday is November 11th .

2.How old are you ? I’m thirteen years old .

3.What events do you have at your school ?

We have an Art Festival each year .

4.Do you have a pop concert ?Sorry ,I don’t know .

5.When is the school trip ? It’s in April .

6.When were you born ? I was born in ….





课时1: p47-p48 2c

课时2: p482d-p49

课时3: p50 Section B-p51 3b

课时4: p51 (4) groupwork-p52 selfcheck


Period One

1. Showing the students a large calendar.

Teaching the words : when , January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September ,October , November , December.. birthday.

2. T: When is your birthday ?

S1: My birthday is -----

T: When is his /her birthday ?

S2: His /Her birthday is ----

Teaching : first , second , third , fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth , ninth , tenth , … , twentieth , thirtieth,twenty-first -----

3. Training the ordinal numbers together .

4. Listening to the tape recorder of 1a . The students try to remember the words of the months .

5. Listening to 2b conversations and number them 1-3.

6. Pairwork : Practise the conversations “When is your/his /her birthday ?” “…”

7. 2a. Listen to the recorder several times and repeat them.

8. Ss try to find the rule of the ordinal numbers and the teacher writes them on the Bb.

9. 2b,2c : Listen and match the names , months , days.

10. Homework: Workbook , Copy new words and setences.

Period Two

1. Duty report,

Review words of the months and the ordinal numbers .

2. T: When is your birthday ?---When were you born ?

S: My birthday is …. ---I was born in /on …

3. Help the students to learn the festivals of the year .

The students discuss them while the teacher write some of them on the Bb .

4. Pairs work : Practise “ When is your birthday ? / When were you born ? ’ How old are you ?…

5. 3a : Point out the conversations and read with students , practise“How old are you ?”

Point to the three ID cards ask questions about them .

6. 3b: Pairwork

First students make their own ID cards . Then pairs ask and answer.

7. Dictate the sentences .

8. Homework : Workbook , 评价手册 ,让学生制作家人生日卡。

9. If there is time , the whole class play games about birthday , age , name one by one.

Period Three

1. Let the students say out their family members’ names, birthdays , ages ,

2. Section B

Match the pictures and the events :

1. speech contest d

2. party c

3. school trip b

4. basketball game a

Teaching new words : speech , contest , party , school trip , basketball games , event, art , festival , pop , concert , chorus , lecture , music .

3. Listen and check the events above 1.

4. 2b : Listen again , fill in Joe’s calendar

Write 2b conversation on the Bb . Point to the calendar and show the September and October dates . Students listen to the recorder several times

And fill in Joe’s calendar

5. 2c : Ask two students to read the conversation to the class .

Students pairs do .

6. 3a Pair work

Ask students to do in pairs . Look at p51 3a and p97 , complete the schedule .

7. 3b : Practise the dialogue like the model : School Days , Art Festivals , Chorus Competition , Lecture , English Party .

Yes No I don’t

Know Month Do you like it?

School Day

Art Festival




Music Festival

English Party

8. Ask the students in small groups .

9. Ask the students to read the lists to the class .

10. Let the students copy these in their notebook .

11. Homework .

Period Four

1. P51 4 Group work : Write five things about yourself on a piece of paper . Another student will read to the class .

2. Have the students guess who the student is .

3. Self check

1.) Students remember the words

2.) Dictate the words

4. Write the words in the vocabulary builder by the students themselves .

5. Show the pictures of the famous people . Help the students to find their names and their birthdays

6. Home work : Students writing something about themselves including their names , ages , birthdays , the school events etc. .


青铜峡第五中学 王俊霞



1)、词汇:have,soccer,ball,tennis racket,ping-pong ball,volleyball,basketball sport,bat,2)、语言结构:A、Do you have a ping-pong ball?Yes,I do。Do you have a ping-pong bat?Not,I do not。Does she/he have a pen?Yes,she/he does






学生在已经学过词汇:What is this ? What is that? 句型: Where is„? It’s in / on / under/„




词汇:A、重点掌握表示有关各种运动球类的名词, 如basketball, soccerball,so on 重点句型:? Do you/they have a TV? Yes,I/they do./No,I/they don’t.Does he/she have a soccer ball? Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn’t.2、语言技能

1)、能看着图片说;Do you/they have a TV? Yes,I/they do./No,I/they don’t.Does he/she have a soccer ball? Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn’t.3、学习策略




1)通过各小组的对话练习培养学生的合作精神; 2)通过学习本单元,教会学生之间互相有无的主要句式


1、Have 的一般现在时的疑问式用法;





2)学生在课堂教学过程中口头训练应成为本单元教学的重点内容。教学突破:Section A重在通过使用动词have对物品的所属进行提问和回答的交流式口语活动,学习由助动词do或does引导的一般疑问句的构成以及回答。教师要善于引导学生比较行为动词的疑问句和be动词的疑问句在构成和回答上的区别,通过大量和反复地操练以达到运用自如。


一、第一教学环节:情景创设,导入新课 教师活动 学生活动

Section A主要内容是通过使用have对物品的所属进行提问和应答,来学会使用do和does引导的一般疑问句。所以在教学中可采取问答式导人法:





教师活动 学生活动(看图片练句型)

分片进行演示:I have a footba11.Do I have a football? 自己回答:Yes,I d0. 再问:Do I have a basketball? 自己回答:No,I don’t.再使用其它物体和图片询问学生:Do I have„? 询问学生:Do you have„? 询问学生:„? 询问学生:Do they have„? 在学生充分掌握的第一,第二人称和第三人称 的复数。

2.学生回答:Yes,you do.,you don’t.学生回答:Yes,I do.No,I don’t.学生回答:Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesn’t.学生回答:Yes, they do.No,they don’t.掌握它的肯定和否定回答。





教师活动 学生活动


2、让总结本课的 主要内容,如果不周到,教师可以补充完成。

3、游戏:让一个学生在课前 作各种动作,其他学生跟根据他的动作写单词和句型,然后核对结果。这种活动既可练习have一般疑问句的构成和回答的写法,又能调动学生的学习兴趣,十分有效。


动词的第三人称单数形式:当句子的主语是“第三人称单数”时,即:不是I,不是you的其它单数形式时,谓语动词必须改变形式,也就是在词尾加一s或 一es(同名词的复数形式),我们可以简称为“三单形式”。有些动词的变化是特殊的,如:have的三单形式是has。在构成否定句时。要在动词前加助动词don’t或doesn’t;在构成疑问句时,则要在主语前加上助动词do或does,does/doesn’t是do/don’t的第三人称单数形式。助动词后应该用动词的原型。


本单元重点学习的语法是do 和 does 引导的一般疑问句以及它们的回答方式,与此同时学习与运动有关的一些词汇。为此,在本单元我运用不同形式鼓励学生使用目标语言,在任务中体现学生的主体地位。在过程中学生可能出现一些错误,本人就以积极的态度对待他们,愉快的氛围对学生的学习有很大的积极影响力。首先要调动学生的学习兴趣和积极性,我努力在这方面去做,不足的请各位多提宝贵意见。


新目标英语上册/Unit 1 My name's Gina 教学目标







2、在任务活动中掌握you和your,he和his, she和her 的用法


Hi / Hello!Good morning / afternoon / evening.How are you? Fine, thank you!/ Very well / So-so /All right.What’s your name? My name is … / I’m … What’s his/ her name? His/Her name is … 课前准备








Tasks Students’ activities Teacher’s activities

1.Game: ask and answer the question: What’s your name? Students make a self-introduction and pass the sentences one by one.At first, teacher makes a self-introduction.2.Two students act out how to greet people.Act out the greeting forms they are familiar with or they find on the students the pictures of other countries’ customs with computer.3.See who can make the most friends and get the most information.Then report their results with his or hers.Move around to make friends with the ones they are interested in.Make the students move around to make friends with others. and make their name and make their name cards in groups.Ask them to design their name cards and see which group is the best.教学过程设计


1、老师首先向学生做一个自我介绍,将名字写在黑板上: My name is …, My first name is…, My last name is …同时介绍一下名字的意义,然后学生就近组成若干小组,进行自我介绍。例如:一个学生叫徐烨,他说:My name is Xu Ye.Ye means light;一个叫王超的学生介绍说: My name is Wang Chao.Chao means Superman。这个任务能够激起学生学习英语的兴趣,同时扩大词汇量。

2、“What’s your name?”传句子比赛。学生按行分组,一个同学问,“What’s your name?”第二个学生回答,“My name is …”然后再接着问第三个人, “What’s your name?” 第三个人答,“My name is … His/ her name is …”再接着问第四个人What’s your name?”。。看哪个组最先获胜。


任务三:找朋友。并将他或她加入你的朋友记录中。该任务是通过学生自己去询问他们感兴趣的同学的爱好,找出他们之间的共同点,然后和他们交朋友(利用时间争取和所有的同学交朋友,了解他们各自的优点),并将自己所掌握的新朋友的信息介绍给全体同学,让大家了解他(们)。在该任务的执行过程当中,学生可以尽量施展他们的才能,倾尽其所学的英文知识来展示自己并且看谁能获得最多的信息。因此,这项任务在调动学生学习英语兴趣的同时,也反复操练了本单元的关键句型和形容词性物主代词,尤其是he and his, she and her;同时运用到一些超出本课教学内容的语言知识,学生参与性强,最大限度的调动了他们的积极性,同时也为学生树立了英语学习的信心。

Name Hobbies Other information





为主,由易至难,逐层递进,逐步完成各个任务,使学生在愉快的完成每一个任务的同时,体会到学习英语的乐趣,并使每一位学生都参与到活动中,都有所提高。本节课由于是新学期的第一节课,在教学中,本着 “新学期、新起点、新观念、新









Good morning, everyone!Today, I’ll say something about Unit 5 Section A in Book1 of GO FOR IT English.Background on the reformation of curriculum, this book can connect the life and act, emphasize the interest and experience of the Ss, the pictures are active and vivid.Grade four is the initial stage of English learning, so it stresses on the emotion of the Ss, creates a well beginning for the Ss.This Unit has 7 parts, we’ll learn sectionA mainly, it embodies the repeating characterize.Review the learned language points “Where’s„”and the new language points will be represented in the following units.So this unit forms connecting links with a special meaning in this book.The content of this period is to use “Where’sare„” to determine the place.And according to the contents and the fact of the Ss, I establish the following three teaching aims of this period: Aims on the knowledge: students can listen, read, say and spell the following words: a glass, a fridge, an egg, bread and a table.Aims on the abilities: students can listen, read, say and write the following daily expressions: What’s for breakfast?

Have some juice then.Aims on the emotion(1)To foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.(2)To lead Ss to show their loveliness to the poor.III.Key-points of this lesson(1)To help Ss ask and answer the question: What’s in it?

(2)To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.(3)To develop Ss’ interest in English.IV.Difficult points(1)To help the Ss ask and answer the question “What’s in it?” and make sure they can use the plural nouns correctly.(2)To finish the survey by themselves.V.Teaching methods As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language.So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method.That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue.I will arrange four kinds of activities: singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition.And in this lesson a recorder, PPT, school things and a printed form will be needed.Students should prepare some school things.VI.Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing.I’ll finish this lesson in five steps.Step 1.Warm-up and preview 1.Free talk between T and Ss about things in the classroom.2.Sing the song together: Books and pencils.3.Do some TPR, for example: Show me your English me your crayon.4.Review the numbers by asking: “How many crayons do you have?”

Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time.it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.Step 2.Presentation Now I’ll mainly talk about this step.1.Present the pattern: “My schoolbag is heavy.” “What’s in it?.”(1)Show a bag and say: “Look!I have a bag.” Carry it and say: “Oh, it is heavy.My schoolbag is heavy.” Help the Ss understand the meaning with the help of my body language.Then lead the Ss to read the sentence.Make sure they can say it correctly.(2)T: My schoolbag is heavy.Open the bag and say: “What’s in it? What’s in my schoolbag?” Take out a Chinese book.Then do the action again.Let the Ss read the sentence.2.Play a guessing game.Divide the whole class into four groups to have a competition.Let them guess: What’s in the bag? How many?

Purpose: To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the per competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning.3.With the help of the PPT to present the dialogue.Set a situation to help Ss understand: Two Ss are coming.One girl is carrying a heavy bag on her back.They are talking.Girl: My schoolbag is heavy.Boy: What’s in it?

Girl: 20 story-books, 32 pencil, 9 rulers, 12 crayons and 30 picture-books.Etc.Boy: What will you do? Girl: They are for the poor.Boy: Great!I’ll bring some school things too.The boy comes back home and puts a lot of things into the bag.Then he goes to school again and gives them to a teacher.While he is taking them out, he is counting the numbers of all things.The teacher says: Thank you soooooooo much.4.Mention that we should take care of the poor.5.Play the tape.Let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue.Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.Purpose: PPT can provide a real situation for the Ss to understand the dialogue and the relationships between people better.Tell the Ss we should show our loveliness to the Ss.Step 3.Practice Divide Ss into groups of six children.Each one would finish the printed form by asking and answering: How many storybooks do you have? Find out which group finishes faster.Purpose: Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.Step 4.Assessment Help Ss finish “Let’s check” of this unit and workbook.Purpose: To check the knowledge Ss have learned in this period.Step 5.Add-activity 1.Let Ss tell each other how many school things they have after class.Tell their parents how many school things they have at home.2.Take care of everything they have.Purpose: Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they as in class or after class.It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercise after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.In a word, the whole period is based on tasks, which are designed from easy steps to steps that are challenging.When the Ss are carting out the tasks, they can acquire information, knowledge, and have their ability and skills trained.That’s all.Thanks a lot for your attention.


在悠扬的轻音乐中,我开始了上课。这是一堂人物外貌的描述课,所以我用一个游戏“Pally says…”game开始引课。

StepI.Guidance: Play “Pally says…”game目的在于活跃气氛,调动学生的积极性,减少学生的紧张情绪。加之五官属于人的长相的范畴,所以与此课人物外貌相关连,这样引入就能自然过渡到本节课的内容。人物前活动用于扫除学生的语言障碍,因此在教学上以激发学生的学习兴趣为主,通过活动让学生感知、操练语言,为下一步活动做好铺垫。

Rulers: If Pally says touch your eyes/ears/ nose/mouth/shoulder/legs/arm. You should do it . If it doesn’t say that, you can’t do it. If you are wrong, you have to sit down. The person who does it correctly is the winner.

After that we begin to study our lesson.

T: Do you like Miss Hu?

Ss: Yes.

T: Why?

Ss: Because you are beautiful.

T: Thank you. Do you like her?(图片展示)

Ss: Yes.

T: OK, I know you think she is a beautiful girl, too. And you like any beautiful person. Today we learn Unit 7 What does he look like?( 图片展示同时板书。)

Step II. Teach the new words and new sentences pattern.

The teacher uses the pictures to lead and teach the new words and the new sentence pattern. And then ask the Ss to describe the classmates.


StepIII. Pair work

At first the teacher gives the Ss an example. Then ask Ss practice like this.

A:What does he look like?

B: He has short hair. He is tall. He is medium height.


StepIV. Play a guessing game.

At first the teacher gives the Ss an example.Then ask Ss to describe anyone in the classroom. Let the others guess.


StepV. Free talk: talk about any person who you like.


StepVI. Describle and draw

Ask Ss to describle “What do you look like when you are 20 years old and draw a picture of it.




StepVII. Motto


StepIX. Homework.

1. Copy the sentences in Grammar focus.

2. Describe your friend,your parent, your teacher or any other person,and then write it down in your exercise book















在板书设计上,为了避免学生把is和has混用,我采取了分开总结排版的格式,让学生能一目了然,描述什么该用什么词语。这样能使他们更容易接受,并且能分清它们的区别。 而课后作业是描述朋友、父母的外貌特征。这样设计的目的是为了巩固知识培养和提高学生的写作能力 。通过以上几步的语言输入练习,让学生再进一步创造性活用所学语言,提高学生的写作能力。






重庆市110中学 曹毅




本单元的核心话题是用一般过去时谈论度假等发生在过去的事情。因此“Where did you go on vacation?“ ” Did you go to the beach? Yes,I did.No,I didn’t.”等是教学的重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的地点名词,用于询问和回答过去发生的事情的短语和句型。



New York City; Central Park,exam,were,rainy, delicious,expensive,inexpensive.crowded.flew,kite,later,felt,little, corner, discuss,etc

句型: Where did you go on vacation? I went to summer camp.Did she go to Central Park?Yes,she did.No, she didn’t



1.Master the vocabulary

2.Master and use:

Where did you go on vacation? I went to summer camp

Did she go to Central Park?Yes,she did.No, she didn’t


重点 难点

1.Vocabulary and Expressions

2. Grammar Focus:Where did you go on

vacation?I went to summer camp. Did she go on Central Park?Yes, she did.

No, she didn’t Use the past tense to talk about activities that happened in the past in English with the following sentences:

Where did you go on vacation?

Did you go to…?Yes. … /No,…


学生在第五单元已接触过一般过去时,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元话题进行衔接。假期活动Such as; go abroad, go hiking, go hiking, summer camps, and so on接近学生的生活,They are all interested in talking about it.





Section A(一)1课时

Section A〔二)1课时

Section B(一)1课时

Section B(二)1课时

Section A (一)


Section A中1a. 1b. 1c. 2a. 2b. 2c. Grammar focus



1. Match the vocabulary:New York City,Central Park,exam.

2. Master and use:Where did you/ they /he / she go,vacation? I / They /He /She went to the mountains\New York City\beach\summer camp.

Did you go to the beach? Yes,I did.No, I didn’t.


通过例子Who went to the movies last Saturday?引出动词go的过去式went,从而引出一般过去时态。大面积操练,采用学生提出间题,学生解决问题,借助媒体来提高学生的主动性。





l. The vocabulary:New York City, Central Pads,exam.

2. Language:Where did you/they/he/she go on vacation? I/They/He/She went to the mountains/ New York City/ beach /summer camp

Did you go to the beach? Yes,I did. No, I didn’t.


Use the language to talk about past events.



Language: Where did you go on vacation?及答语的学习,借助于课本及课件的图画来引出。







教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

step 1


(1’、Organize Ss by saying hello to each other. Greeting to teacher.

Step 2

Free talk

(2’) Ask the question:

Who is on duty?

Is everyone here today? The Students talk


Step 3

Section A


la 1.(Ask questions about what students

did last Saturday)

(1)Who went to the movies last Saturday?

(Point to one student who raises his or her hand.)

Sara went to the movies last Saturday.

(Repeat.Write this sentence on the board. Underline the word went.)

(2) Ask:Who visited a friend last Saturday?

(Point to one student who raises his or her hand.)

Carlos visited a friend last Saturday.

(Repeat.Write this sentence on the board. Underline the word visited.)

2.(Point to the words went and visited in the sentences on the board.)

Say,We use these words to talk about things that happened in the past.

(Write these pairs of words on the board:go--went, visit --visited)

Ask: Can you point out the words that talk about the past?

This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Students raise their hands.

And give the right answer: I did.

Students raise their hands to answer.



Point to went and visited.

Step 4



3’ 1.Focus attention on the picture.Ask:

What at can you see?Say, Each picture shows something a person did in the past.Name each activity and ask students to repeat;Went to the mountains,went to New York City, went to summer camp,visited my uncle,stayed at home,went to the beach,visited museums.

2.Point to the numbered list of activities.Say each one again and ask the students to repeat.

3.Now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures.Say,Write the letter of each picture next to the name of the activity.Point to the sample answer.

4.Check the answers.


1.e 2.B 3.D 4. c 5.a 6.F 7. g Read after the teacher aloud to learn the new phrases.

Read after the teacher。

Do it and then discuss

the keys in pairs.

step 5




Presentation This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

1.Point to the picture.

on the screen

say, look at Picture A,Where did Tia go on vacation? Yes,she went to the mountains.

Ask,What did the person do in each scene?

2.Play the recording the first time.

3.Play the recording a second time.

say,There are three conversations.

The people talk about what they did on vacation.listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes in the picture.

Please write only 5 numbers. Point out the

sample answer next to the picture showing went to the mountain.

4.Correct the answers.


(1) went to the mountains

(2)visited my uncle

(3)stayed at home

(4) went to New York City

(5)went to summer camp Practice the dialogue in pairs.Eg.

---Where did the boy go on vacation?

---He went to New York City.

only listen.

Listen and number the pictures(1-5).And then discuss in pairs.

At last raise their hands to tell the result

Read it loudly. 多媒体放映





Tape script:

Conversation 1

Xiang Hun: Hey, Tina. Where did you go on vacation?

Tina: I went to the mountains.

Xiang Hua: Cool.

Tina: Where did you go, Xiang Hua?

Xiang Hua:I went to New York City.

Conversation 2

Girl: Where did you go on vacation, Sally?

Sally:No where. I stayed at home.

Girl: And where did you go, Brad?

Brad: I visited my uncle.

Conversation 3

Boy 1:Where did you go on vacation, Tom?

Tom: I went to summer camp. It was great.

Pronunciation note

Write to play---played, visit ---visited on the board.Say,We studied the pronunciation of these --- ed endings in Unit 5.

They are both spelled --- ed,but we pronounce one /d/ and the other /Id/.Ask students to repeat these pairs:play-played,visit一visited. Listen carefully and learn the pronunciation of-ed.



Step 6

Pair work 1 c

(task 1)

3’ This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

1. Point out the example conversation.

Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

2. Say,Now work with a partner. You’re your own conversation about the pictures.

3. Say the dialogue in the picture with a student,Do a second example to the class.

4. Have students work in pairs.

As they talk,move around the room monitoring their work.

Offer language or pronunciation support as needed. Read it to the class.

Make a conversation in pairs.

Practice with the teacher,

Work in pairs.

Step 7


(4’) This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Talk in groups of three.

2c, group work

(Task2) 1.Say, Get into getups of three. One of you will he Nancy,One will be Marco, and one will be Julie. Ask each other about the vacations. You can talk about the activities from the chart in 2b or about any other activities you like.

2.As Ss talk, move around the room, monitoring the conversations and offering support as needed.

3. Have a group of Ss present their conversation to the class. Work in group of three.

some groups

Would like to act it out,

Step 8Test 4' Loot at test

Step 9


Grammar Focus

4’ 1. Review the grammar box. Ask Ss to say the questions and answers.

2. Review the difference between regular –ed past tense verbs (stay –stayed, visited). Then say the past form sentences with the form below.

I go to the summer camp

They go to New York City

He stay at home

She visit her uncle

Go to Central Park

I √

He √

She ×

They ×

Read the questions and answers.

Work in pairs

Saying out the sentences: Eg. –where did you go on vacation?

---I went to summer camp.

Eg. Did you go to Central Park?

---Yes, I did.

Step 10

Homework Practice the dialogue according to the picture on Page 1





a)I went to the mountains.(改成一般疑问句)

b) Tina went to New York City.(就划线部分提问)

c)Did you go to the beach?(作出肯定回答)

d)Did they go to summer camp?(作出否定回答)



(l)呆在家里 ______ (2)去纽约城_____

(3)参加夏令营______(4)去爬山 _____

(5)去海滩______ (6)参观博物馆_____


Unit 10

go - went Sara went to the movies last Saturday

visit – visited Carlos visited a friend last Saturday.

play- played

Section A(二)


Section A中3a.3b.4



1. Match the vocabulary:were rainy

Master and use:How was your vacation?how were the beaches?where did you go?








1. The vocabulary:were rainy fish

2. Language: Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains/ New York City /beach /summer camp…

How was your vacation?how were the beaches?


Use the language to talk about past events.



Language: Where did you go on vacation?及答语的学习,借助于课本及课件的图画来引出。







教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1

Free talk

(2’) Ask the question:Where did you go last Sunday? Students talk about events in the past.

Step 2



(3a) (用班里的学生为例做练习)

Point out the pictures in the photo album. Ask students to describe what they see.(In Picture 1 there is a man with a bowl of soup.There is also a waiter. He looks angry.) Describe what they

see in picture 1 and

picture 2

Fill in the blanks in

the conversation

Step 3


(6') (In picture 2 there is a beautiful beach.There is a man.He looks unhappy.)

Read the first two lines of the dialogue to the class.Point out the answer was in the first line. Then point out the blanks in the rest of the lines of the dialogue.Read the conversation to the class saying the word blank for each blank line: How blank the beaches?

Then say,Write the word was or were in each blank. Ask students to complete the activity on their own.

Point to picture 3 and ask students to say what they see.

Then read the words under the picture.Pronounce any new words and explain what they mean,if necessary Say:In this picture a girl is on a bus.The girl is taking a bus trip.Ask,What does relaxing mean?

Does it mean you are excited or quiet?

How do you look when you relax?

H students don’t know the meaning of relaxing, demonstrate by leaning back in your seat and half一closing your eyes.

Say a dialogue with a student.point to (学生看3a部分)

practice and act.



Work with the teacher.

Work with a partner

and act out.

Read and learn.

Make their own conversation 多媒体




the food picture. Ask,How was the food? Do a send example,if you wish.

Move around the room monitoring their work.Offer language or pronunciation support as needed.

Have two students perform the example conversation,or perform it yourself with one student(you ask the questions).

Point out that the conversations starts off with the sentences in the speech bubbles.

For example,

A:where did you go?

B: I went to…

A: What was the weather like?

B: It was hot and humid. Practice in pairs.

The student replies,it was awful.

work in pairs

Look at picture6,

Practice the conversation below.

Ask and answer questions. 多媒体


Step 4


(10') Say:First fill in the chart with the information about your last vacation,Say where you went,what the weather was like, what you ate,and what else you did.As students fill in the chart move around the classroom, monitoring progress and offering help as necessary。 Something in the pictures.

Act it out

Fill in the chart with

Their own information

Then ask and answer 多媒体



本节课学习了3个生词,和句式的练习运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练地运用句型where did you go? I went … .



A: Where _____ you ______ on your vacation?(go)

B:I _______ to the stores.(go) what about you?

A: I ______ at home (stay)

B: What ______you _______?(do)

A:Nothing much.

B: Why ______ you _______at home?(stay)

A:I just _______ to go out.(not want)

2. Make a conversation and act.


Unit 10

1. were rainy

2. Where did you go on vacation? I went to...

Section B(一)


Section B中la. 1b.lc.2a.2b.2c



1.Match the vocabulary:

delicious, awful expensive, inexpensive, crowded

2. Master and use:Where did Vera go on vacation?

Did Vera like the vacation?

How were the stores? They were very expensive.


通过例子The ring is one hundred million dollars.It’s expensive.引人本课,设置会话情景来激发学生兴趣,调动其学习主动性。利用多媒体图片大量练习句型,提出问题,解决问题,体现师生互动。





1. The vocabulary:delicious, awful, expensive,inexpensive,crowded

2. language:Where did you \ they\ he\ she go on vacation?

I\They \ He\She went to Japan.

How were the museums/ people /stores? They were crowded expensive /friendly.

难点Use the language to talk about past events.



Language: Where did you go on vacation?及答语的学习,借助于课本及课件的图画来引出。







教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1


(1’) Organize Ss by greeting each other.

Step 2

Presentation (1 a)

(11’) Ask:What do you think of this book?

Is it interesting?(通过对话弓l出本

课要学习的新形容词expensive 等)Point to the picture, This is a ring. The price is one hundred million

dollars. Answer the questions


Say:It’s expensive. 多媒体


Step 3

1b writing

(5’) This activity introduces more key vocabularies.

Point out the six words delicious,awful,expensive,inexpensive, crowded

1.Say each word and ask students to repeat them,

2.Call attention to the fourth picture saying: This is a cake.

It’s delicious!Then do the same thing for all six pictures.

crowded delicious

3.Then point out the blank line in front of each numbered word.

4.Point out the sample answer. As students work,move around the room answering questions as needed.


1.f2.a3.d 4.e 5 6.c

This activity provides writing practice using the target language.

Simple draw:the smiley face and the frowny face.Say,the smiley face is for good things. The frowny face is for bad things.

Point out the sample answer. Say, The word delicious is under the smiley face because delicious is a happy word.

Ask students to finish the activity individually, Repeat loudly

Practice in pairs then

act it out

Match each word

with a picture by writing the letter of each picture in the blank in front of the correct word.

Discuss in groups

(act the faces out) 多媒体



1. delicious, inexpensive, crowded

2. awful, expensive, crowded City some examples to learn these adjectives.

This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Step 4



(8') 1.Point out the two questions. After you hear the conversation, please answer these questions. Read the questions to the class.

2. Play the recording the first time.

Students only listen.

This time say, listen to the recording and write the answer to each question.

3. listen to the recording the second time.

correct the answers. Cite some examples to learn these adjectives


2b(4') 1.She went to Tokyo.

2. Yes, she did.


Girl: Hi, Vera , How was your vacation?

Vera: It was great!

Girl: Where did you go?

Vera: I went to Tokyo with my family.

Girl]: Really? Wow!What did you do there?

Vera:Well, we went to a lot of museums.

Girl: Oh, how were they?

Vera: They were really interesting. But they were also very crowded. Did you meet any Japanese people? Listen.

Then answer.

Listen and write.

Then discuss the keys in pairs

Read and practice in pairs. Recorder

Vera: Yeah,the people were really friendly.My parents have some Japanese friends,and we had dinner at their house.

Girl:How was the food?

Vera:It was delicious.I love Japanese food.

This activity provides further

listening practice using the target language

Call attention to the chart. Read the words in the chart:

Her vacation, the museum the stores,the people,the food.

Point out the sample answer. Say,What does Vera think of her vacation? It was great.

Play the recording. Play the recording a second time.Ask students to finish filling in their answers and to check their answers.

Correct the answers.



people -- friendly

museums一interesting, crowded

food-- delicious


delicious relaxing Read aloud.

then discuss the keys.

Listen and fill in the

chart.Then discuss

the keys. 多媒体


Step 5

Pair work

(2c Task)

(5’) This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the question words.

Have a student read them to the class .Ask Where did you go on vacation? Say,please work in pairs.As students talk,move around the room

offering pronunciation and language support as needed. Read out.

(Role play) 多媒体







1) expensive(反义词)______ 2)crowd(反义词)________ 3 ) awful(反义词)________

4)friend(形容词)________ 5)go(过去式) _______ 6) do(过去式)_________





3) -----那儿的商店怎么样?一 都很贵。

4) 日本朋友们对我们很友好。


Unit 10

1.delicious,awful, expensive, inexpensive

2.Where did Vela go on vacation?

How were the stores?

Section B (二)


Section B3a.3b.3c.4以及Self Check 3



1. New words and expressions:flew kite later felt little corner discuss difficulty







The vocabulary: flew kite later felt little comer till fry question discuss difficulty





Language: 通过询问过去的事情引出日记。







教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用

Step 1


(1’) Organize Ss by greeting each other.

Step 2

Free talk

(2’) Ask the questions:

What day is it today?

What day was it yesterday? Answer: It is Friday.It was Thursday.

Step 3


Section B 3a

(17’) 1.Let the students read Kim’s travel diary and find the new words.

2.Teach the new words:

later, felt,little, corner

Explain the meaning and the usage of the new words.

Let the students write the new words.

3.Say,Now read the diary and circle

all the good things about Kim’s holiday.Underline all the bad things. Ask them to notice the description words that tell them whether something is“good”or “bad,” You may want to ask a student to tell you what the first“bad thing” was.

4.Check the answers.


Good things:

The weather(great) Read Kim's travel diary and find out the new words.

Read the new words after then write them in the notebooks.

Read again and finish the activity individually.

Then discuss in pain:

Read aloud,Then read the diary,try to learn the key words by hearts. 多媒体

The beach(beautiful)

Playing in the waves(fun)

Finding the little boy/returning him to his father(happy)

Playing tennis (really fun)

Eating fried fish and garlic vegetables (delicious)

Bad things:

Kim’s kite breaking(not much fun) Museum (boring and crowded)

No money for taxi/walking back to


5.The teacher tell the students the methods of writing the diary.

Step 4

Practice writing

(Section B 36)

(10’) Thus activity provides guided writing

practice using the target language.

1.Say,Now write a travel diary like the one in 3a.

2.Have the students do the activity individually. You may want to have them write on pieces of paper, since space in the textbook is limited. As they work,move around he classroom offering assistance as necessary. Look at the pictures and write a diary.

3.Have several students read out their diaries to the class(You might want to make this activity more substantial, and set it as written homework to be collected and marked.)

4. Do a Survey

Ask students to interview friends and family members and write down where they went on vacation. Ask the students to list at least one activity or place they visited in that city and whether it was good or bad Ask students to share this information with the rest of the class. The students read their own diary

The students write their vacation and tell each other. 多媒体


Step 5



Section B 4

(7’) This activity gives students listening and speaking practice using the target language.

1 Say, Now you can talk about a real vacation or an imaginary one. The other students can ask you questions. You can use the diary you wrote for activity 3b if you want.

2. Ask students to get into groups of four. One student in each group begins by telling where he or she went. The other students ask questions. Then they switch roles, so each student has a chance to tell the others about his or her vacation.

3. Move around the room, offering vocabulary and pronunciation support as needed. Talk about it in


The students talk

about their real vacation.

Be divided into groups of four and ask questions each other.

Talk aloud.

Step 6

Homework 1.Master the new words.

2.Write a diary




1. Write a diary.

2. Make a survey about the circumstance.






Unit 10

How to write a diary?


Unit 3 Is this your pencil 掌握本单元的重点词汇;

pencil, book, eraser, box, pencil case, schoolbag, dictionary,mine,yours, game, bag, some, ask, classroom, help?.按要求完成下列各题。

The blue cup is his.(变一般疑问句)____________________________________ This is my book..(改为同义句)______________________________________(3)These are erasers.(变单数句)_________ is _______eraser.(4)Bob is my good friend.(变一般疑问句并作肯定回答)Is Bob _________ good friend? ________,____________.(5)The girl is Jim’s sister.(对划线部分提问)_________ _______ the girl? Step2.课堂呈现

(1)Is that/this??意为“那是/这是??吗?”,读时用升调。它是在陈述句“That/this is?”的基础上,把be动词is 提到句首得来的。


This和that都是指示代词。this表示“这,这个”,用来指代较近处的人或事物;that表示“那,那个”,用来指代较远的人或事物。肯定回答:Yes, it is.否定回答: No, it isn’t.(2)no 和not 的区别:

no作形容词时表示“不,没有”置于名词前。 have no sister.作副词时表示“不”。用于回答一般疑问句。可单独使用,它的反义词是yes.-----Are you Jack?----No, I’m 是副词,表示“不”。常用于be动词.助动词.情态动词之后,帮助构成否定句,不恩能够单独使用。eg She is not a teacher.(3)Excuse me 意为“对不起,打扰一下”,是英语国家的人常在口边的话,可用于很多场合,如指原谅一个人的过失,或提出不同的意见时的客气语。在美国,它常常用于与陌生人开始谈话或打扰别人时表示礼貌的用语。

me, could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? I’m sorry 和Excuse me 的区别:

I’m sorry 用于对已经发生过的事情感到抱歉,难过。’m sorry, I’m me用于麻烦或打扰别人时,主要用于提醒别人,或唤起他人的注意。 me, where is the menu?(4)thank you for?意为“为??而感谢”是用于表示感谢的表达方式。后面接for短语,是说明感谢的原因。

you for your pencil.=Thanks for your 随堂练习


This is _____(我的) pen is____(她的).--Is this _____(你的)pencil?--Yes, it’s _______(我的).(3)This book isn’t ______(他的).That is ________(他的)book.(4)______(我)am your can call________(我)Miss Wang.(5)What are these? They’re _________(手表).Section B 一.教学步骤: Step1.课前预习句子翻译。

这是你的手表吗?_____________________________ 这是我的身份证。_____________________________ 你的电话号码是多少?_____________________________ 这是海伦的文具盒。_____________________________ 字典怎么拼写?_____________________________ Step 2 课堂呈现


eg, What’s her QQ number?


句型为“特殊疑问词+be(am, is ,are)+主语”或“特殊疑问句+do+主语+动词原形” 特殊疑问词包括who, what, when, where, why和how 用助动词帮助提问,构成问句时,主语后的谓语动词必须是实义动词。

当主语是he, she, it时,则应该用助动词dose帮助提问。特殊疑问句应读降调。How is your brother? Ask the teacher for it.该句使用了ask sth.句型,意为“向某人要某物”,介词for后面跟名词或代词。

asks his dad for a digital camera.(3)E-mail me at?用的是“E-mail+人+at+电子邮件地址”,意为“用电子邮件联系某人。”句中at为介词,引导短语说明联系方式。

eg This is his E-mail E-mail him at May (4)I must find it.句中must是情态动词,意为“一定,必须”,它后面必须跟动词原形。I must keep it must do it today.句中find意为“发现,找到“是及物动词,后面要跟(找到或发现的)”物品、人。I find my 随堂练习



Is _______ your ________ __________?(2).今天晚上你能给我打电话吗?

Can you _______ ________ this ________?(3).把你的笔记本放在你的背包里。

put your _________ _________ your backpack.(4).你的棒球在书桌里吗?

________ your _________ __________ the desk?(5).让我们一起去玩电脑游戏吧。

________ go and play _________ __________






1、教学内容 1)、词汇:have,soccer,ball,tennis racket,ping-pong ball,volleyball,basketball sport,bat,2)、语言结构:A、Do you have a ping-pong ball?Yes,I do。Do you have a ping-pon



1)、词汇:have,soccer,ball,tennis racket,ping-pong ball,volleyball,basketball,bat,2)、语言结构:A、Do you have a ping-pong ball?Yes,I do。Do you have a ping-pong bat?No,I don’t。






学生在已经学过词汇:What is this ? What is that? 句型: Where is…? It’s in / on / under/…




词汇:A、重点掌握表示有关各种运动球类的名词, 如basketball, soccer ball,so on

重点句型:? Do you have a TV? Yes,I do./No,I don’t.2、语言技能

1)、能看着图片说;Do you have a TV? Yes,I do./No,I don’t.3、学习策略




1)通过各小组的对话练习培养学生的合作精神; 2)通过学习本单元,让学生之间能够用所学句型互相交流。


1、Have 的一般现在时的疑问式用法;

2、Have的一般现在时的疑问句,及其肯定,否定回答;教学手段:采用多媒体教学。教学突破:Section A重在通过使用动词have对物品的所属进行提问和回答的交流式口语活动,学习由助动词do引导的一般疑问句的构成以及回答。教师要善于引导学生比较行为动词的疑问句和be动词的疑问句在构成和回答上的区别,通过大量和反复地操练以达到运用自如。


一、第一教学环节:情景创设,导入新课 教师活动 学生活动

Section A主要内容是通过使用have对物品的所属进行提问和应答,来学会使用do引导的一般疑问句。所以在教学中可采取问答式导人法:






教师活动 学生活动(看图片练句型)分片进行演示:I have a footba1 1.Do I have a football? 自己回答:Yes,I do. 再问:Do I have a basketball? 自己回答:No,I don’t.再使用其它物体和图片询问学生:Do I have…? 询问学生:Do you have…? 询问学生:…?


3.引导学生展开Pair work活动,完成lc部分口语交际的教学任务,学会运用助动词do进行问答,可采用师生互动带动学生互动的交流方式: 4.Pair work活动,完成lc部分口语交际的学习任务,学会运用助动词do进行问答并上台展示口语交际。


教师活动 学生活动


2、让总结本课的 主要内容,如果不周到,教师可以补充完成。



时间:80分钟 内容:unit1---12 总分:110分

学校 —————— 班级——————姓名 —————— 座号————


1、r--le﹙规则﹚ 2、m--nd﹙介意﹚ 3、ch----p﹙便宜﹚

4、st----﹙停留﹚ 5t----﹙茶﹚ 6、b----f﹙牛肉﹚

7、b----ld﹙体格﹚8、r--n﹙雨﹚9、w--sh﹙洗﹚ 10、f--sh﹙鱼﹚


A、漂亮的 B、赞同 C、万里长城 D、少年宫 E、不再

F、中国文化 G、访谈节目 H、 一大碗 I、故宫 J、 肥皂剧

1、 talk show 2、 China Culture 3、 soap opera 4、 good—looking

5 、agree with 6、 the Great Wall 7、 not…any more

8、 the Palace Museam9、 the Children’s Palace 10、 a large bowl of



﹙﹚ 1. What does your brother look like? A. Yes, they did.

﹙﹚2. How was your weekend? B. It’s ten yuan

﹙﹚ 3. What time did Tom get to school? C. He’s tall with brown hair

﹙﹚4. Did your parents go to the movies yesterday? D.At about six o’clock

﹙﹚5. Where does Mr Smith come from? E. Yes, there is.

﹙﹚6. What is your best friend like? F. They are playing soccer.

﹙﹚7. Are the children playing soccer or basketball?G. I like Chinese.

﹙﹚8. Do you like English or Chinese? H. America.

﹙﹚9. How much is the book? I. She is really friendly.

﹙﹚10. Is there a post office near here? J. It was great.


1 、I often v___ my grandmother.

2 、Where did you go on v______ last year?

3、She went shopping last night, but the shops were too c______.

4 、My brother usually a_____ late for class.

5 She likes the scarf, but I don’t s_____ it.


1、Don’t ______﹙eat﹚in the classroom.

2、They________﹙go﹚to the beach last weekend.

3、Miss Wang is ________﹙friend﹚to us.

4、Look! The boys__________﹙play﹚soccerover there.

5、They enjoy ________﹙listen﹚to music.

6、There aren’t_______﹙some﹚mutton in the fridge.

7、She _______﹙wash﹚clothes every morning.

8、It’s_____﹙sun﹚. Let’s go out for a walk.

9、We have to______﹙clean﹚the classroom on school day.

10、Thank you for______﹙join﹚us.


﹙﹚1、You are from Australia, can you _____Japanese?

A、 speak B、 say C、 tell

﹙﹚2 、You are a good girl._ _________

A、 Thank you very much B 、Sure C 、OK

﹙﹚3.________ late for school again.

A. Not B.Not be C.Don’t be D. Aren’t

﹙﹚4、 This is my friend, he is a _________boy.

A、 14-years-old B、 14 years old C 、14-year-old

﹙﹚5、 _______did you go last Sunday?-- I went to the zoo

A 、 How B.Where C.When D.Why

﹙﹚6、 Go straight and ___________left. The hospital is next to the post office.

A. turn B.take C.go D. carry

--What_______ _your English teacher _____like?—She is tall with long hair.

A.is, look B.is, looks C.does, look D.do, looks

﹙﹚7、My friend ________a medium build and she ________medium height.

A.has, has B.is , is C.has, is D. is , has

﹙﹚8、 --How was your vacation, Sarah?--________.

A. It’s pretty good B.It was pretty good C.It’s hot D.It was hot

﹙﹚9、 _____ Sunday night , we went to movies.

A 、On B、 At C、 In

﹙﹚10 How about ______ fishing this afternoon?

A、 go B、 goes C 、going

﹙﹚11、 ____________ I’d like some chicken.

A、 Do you like it? B、 Can I help you? C、 What do you like?

﹙﹚12、 Mary like playing __ guitar, but she doesn’t like playing __soccer.

A、 the B、 the, the C、, the

﹙﹚13、 John doesn’t like math, Lily doesn’t, ____.

A、 also B 、too C、 either

﹙﹚14、 She is a waiter. She is ___ at night, but she is free in the morning.

A、 funny B、 busy C 、tired

﹙﹚15、 Is there a park near here? _ __________

A 、Yes, there is. B 、No, it isn’t. C、 No, there is.

﹙﹚16、 Please be _____!It is a reading room.

A 、shy B、 smart C、 quiet

﹙﹚17 、This TV show is _____ , so I want to sleep.

A、 boring B、 interesting C、 exciting

﹙﹚18、 What would you like_____ lunch?-- A bowl of noodles, please.

A、 for B 、with C、 in

﹙﹚19、 There ____ many people in the park yesterday.

A was B were C are

﹙﹚20、 Why __go out for a walk?

A 、don’t B、 not C 、can’t


1、 I’d like some chicken noodles.﹙划线部分提问﹚ _____ _____ you _____ ?

2、Do your homework after school.﹙否定句﹚ _____ _____ your homework after school.

_3、She gets up at six every morning.﹙一般疑问句﹚ ____ she ___ ____ at six every morning?

4、His brother has some tomatoes. ﹙同2﹚His brother ____ _____ _____ tomatoes.

5、What do you think of the TV show ?﹙同2﹚ _____ _____ you _____ the TV show?

6、What can I do for you ? ﹙同2﹚_____ _____ _____ ______ ?

7、He watched TV last night. ﹙同3﹚____ he ___ TV last night?

8、Mr. Wang is teaching English in the classroom.﹙同1﹚

_____ ____ Mr. Wang _____ in the classroom?

9、Mr. Black is a little bit heavy.﹙同1﹚ _____ _____ Mr. Black _____ _____ ?

10、He is from Japan. ﹙划线部分提问﹚___________he _____?


It 51 Sunday yesterday. We has 52 classes. I got up at 6:30 53 morning. Then my mother and I went to the shop. We wanted to do some 54. My mother wanted to buy some food 55 super and I wanted to buy some school things: some books and a pen. The shop56 early in the morning.57a lot of people in the shop. They were 58, old and young. Some things in the shop were cheap, some were not. We bought some food and school things. The people in the shop 59 friendly 60.

51.A.is B.was C.it’s D.it was

52.A.no B.not C.not any D.much

53.A.in B.in the C.at D.at the

54.A.shops B.shopping C.shopping D.shop

55.A.for B.to C.with D.at

56.A.open B.opening C.is opening D.opened

57.A. There is B.There has C.There were D.There have

58.A.man and womanB.mans and womans C. men and women D.a man and a woman

59.A.was B.were C.did D.have

60.A.for we B. to us C. for our D. to ours

60.A.for we B. to us C. for our D. to ours



Billy and Sam were twins. They were in the same class. They were both very happy. One day their teacher asked the class to write a composition(作文)“My Mother”. Sam wrote one, but Billy was lazy. He just copied his brother’s.The next day, the teacher asked Billy why his composition was the same as Sam’s. “We have the same mother, don’t we?”answered Billy.


61.Sam was older than Billy.

62.Sam and Billy were in different classes

63. The name of the composition was” My Mother”

64.Billy’s composition was the same as Sam’s

65.Billy was not lazy. He was very clever



Channel 1 Channel 2

18:00 Around China 17:45 Computers today

18:30 Cartoon network 18:10 Chinese arts

19:00 News 18:30 English classroom

19:30 Weather report 18:50 Animal world

19:40 Around the world 19:25 China’s

20:10 TV play: Sisters 20:20 Sports

21:00 English for today 21:00 TV play: Big family

21:15 Popular music 21:45 English news

21:55Talk show 22:00 Music

66.You want to know something about Japan, you can watch________

A.Weather report B.China’s 2004 C.Around the world D.Animal world

67.You are a football fan. You may watch TV at___________.

A.19:00 on Channel 2 B.19:40Channel 1 C.20:20Channel 2 D.21:15Channel

68.How long does the TV play“sisters”last(持续)?

A.30 minutes B.50 minutes C.90 minutes D.120 minutes

69.You can watch _______if you want to learn English.

A.English news B.English classroom C.English for today D.A、B and C

70.Children often like to watch_________.

A.Cartoon network B.News C.Weather report D.Sports

B:Great! Thanks.

