地图 > 祝福语 > 范文大全 > 七年级英语上册课件 >






Unit12 My favorite subject is science课件.rarUnit12 My favorite subject is science课件3.rarUnit12 My favorite subject is science课件2.rarUnit11 What time do you go to school课件.rarUnit11 What time do you go to school课件3.rarUnit11 What time do you go to school课件2.rarUnit10 Can you play the guitar课件.rarUnit10 Can you play the guitar课件3.rarUnit10 Can you play the guitar课件2.rarUnit9 Do you want to go to a movie课件.rarUnit9 Do you want to go to a movie课件3.rarUnit9 Do you want to go to a movie课件2.rarUnit8 When is your birthday PPT课件.rarUnit8 When is your birthday PPT课件3.rarUnit8 When is your birthday PPT课件2.rarUnit7 How much are these pants课件.rarUnit7 How much are these pants课件3.rarUnit7 How much are these pants课件2.rarUnit6 Do you like bananas PPT课件.rarUnit6 Do you like bananas PPT课件2.rar

Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball课件.rarUnit5 Do you have a soccer ball课件2.rarUnit4 Where's my backpack PPT课件.rarUnit4 Where's my backpack PPT课件2.rarUnit3 This is my sister PPT课件.rarUnit3 This is my sister PPT课件2.rarUnit2 Is this your pencil PPT课件.rarUnit2 Is this your pencil PPT课件2.rarUnit1 My name's Gina PPT课件.rar



Unit7 How much are these socks?

Section A(1a-2e)湛江市霞山职业高级中学 蔡景茜


本节课是新目标英语七年级上册unit 7 How much are these socks?第一课时,以Shopping为主线,通过对本课的学习,让学生学会用英语谈论服装的颜色、尺寸和价格,学生运用所学语言,模拟在商场售货和购物。教学内容简单且富有生活情趣,有利于激发学生的参与意识和好奇心理。

二、教学目标 1.知识目标:

词汇:掌握有关服装、尺寸和颜色的单词 句型:(1)--How much is …?--It’s….(2)--How much are …?--They’re….2.能力目标:学会询问价格及使用购物用语

3.情感目标:树立节约用钱合理消费的正确消费观念 学习重点:学会使用询问价格的句型,并能正确回答 学习难点: 区分服装的单复数






五、学法分析 1.分组合作学习。


六、教学过程 Step1 Warming up Show a picture T: I’m very happy these days because Nov 11 online shopping carnival is coming soon.I want to buy a lot of clothes.Can you help me put them into the shopping cart? 【设计意图】通过双十一购物狂欢节引入新课,使学生在欢快自然的气氛中不知不觉进入教学,激发他们的兴趣和热情,活跃课堂气氛,并为本课任务的开展做热身准备。Step 2 Presentation 1.Present the new words about the picture of a sweater T: Look!What’s this?

Ss: It’s a sweater.In the same way, learn the other new words about clothes.Match the words with the things in the picture, and then check the answers together.2.Present the words about size: big, small, long, short.3.Present the words about colors.4.Present the monetary unit of yuan and dollar 【设计意图】通过大量的图片引入,直观地呈现新单词,能吸引学生的注意力,活跃学生的思维,激起学生的求知欲,让学生在真实的语境中理解单词。Step 3 Listening 1.Listen to the conversations and circle the things you hear, and then check the answers.2.Listen again and fill in the price tag, and then check the answers.【设计意图】通过师生互动的方式,引导学生看书上的六幅插图,听音圈物品,核对答案;再听录音,填价签,通过这项操练,锻炼学生获取信息的能力,在听力中使用目标语言,为下一个任务做准备。Step 4 Practice 1.Present the new sentence patterns: ‚How much is /are…? It’s/They’re …‛

2.Get the students to practice the dialogues in pairs.【设计意图】通过呈现询问价格的句型,让学生总结‚How

much is / are…? It’s / They’re…‛ 的特点:单数用is ,复数用are,并通过结对操练加以巩固。Step 5 Read and act 1.Let the students try to fill in the blanks in the conversation, read and act it out.2.Translate the sentences into English.【设计意图】通过补充对话中所缺的单词和句子,进一步熟悉购物时所需的交际用语,为下一任务做准备。Step 6 Consolidation Scene play: Thanksgiving Day is coming, please buy some clothes for your friends.【设计意图】通过‚shopping‛这个生活平台,学生不仅可以在愉快的氛围中运用本节课所学询问价钱等语言,而且使学习的过程变得生动有趣,这一活动将课堂气氛推向高潮。Step 7 let’s be a doctor Get the students to correct some wrong sentences.【设计意图】通过易错点的呈现和改正,学生能更好地掌握知识点。

Step 8 Summary and Homework 1.Summarize what we have learned in this lesson 2.Homework: write a dialogue about shopping 【设计意图】通过鼓励学生小结本课的收获,培养他们自主学习的习惯。本作业与本节课的教学目标相匹配,既帮助学生巩固了已学语言材料,又提高学生写作的能力。

教师用一长一短的pants和shorts呈现long和short,用一大一小的sweater呈现big和small, 并让学生跟着老师做手势。

[教学思路] 通过猜图游戏引入,能吸引学生的注意力,活

跃学生的思维,激起学生的求知欲,使学生能愉快地参与课堂活动,用实物和肌体语言,直观地呈现big,small , long and short等形容词,让学生在真实的语境中理解单词。Show some pictures, get the students to practice the new sentence patterns: ‚How much is / are…? It is / They are…‛ Step3、教授、练习新句型,完成活动1c 将dollar与人民币单位yuan相比较,注意dollar的单复数变化。

此环节中结合图片设计师生对话、结对活动、小组活动等任务,让学生分小组竞赛,练习巩固新句型。在练习的过程中,将重点句型How much is it?发散为How much are they?重点掌握单复数在此句型中的变化。Step4.综合运用

How much is that red hat? It’s 6 dollars.How much are your white trousers?

They are 10 dollars.加大句子难度继续操练,巩固新词汇和句型。



1、词汇:T-shirt, sweater, skirt, jacket, socks, shoes, trousers, shorts

2、句型:--How much is this T-shirt?--It’s 7

dollars.--How much are these socks?--They are 2 dollars.Homework: Ask about prices of your friend’s clothing, and write down your conversations.询问你朋友衣物的价格,并将你们的对话写下来。Step6、板书设计

Unit 7 How much are these socks?(Section A 1a ~2d)Clothing jacket A: How much is this T-shirt? a pair of socks B: It’s seven dollars.two pairs of trousers A: How much are these socks? Shorts shoes skirt sweater

B: They are two dollars.(一)教材分析

本节课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语新目标‚Go for it‛七年级上册unit 7 How much are these pants?的第一课时。本节课是新课引入,教学内容和教学重点就是通过学习section A(1a—2c),认识并初步掌握谈论衣物,询问价格这一情景中的运用。教学内容简单且富有生活情趣,有利于激发学生的参与意识和好奇心理,更主要的是学生通过对本课的学习,让学生学会用英语谈论服装的颜色和价格,学











①初一学生有着学习英语的浓厚兴趣和愿望,乐于参与多种调查、采访、表演等实践活动。到学期后段,学生已具备了一定的英语基础,并在unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?和unit 6 Do you like bananas?中进行过有关调查活动、设计过野炊菜单、外出活动安排表;有过寻宝、建立俱乐部、给父母准备生日礼物等英语实践活动的体验。








Step 1 Warming up

(Two minutes)

1、Sing an English song.2、Greetings.Who is wearing yellow today? Yellow today , yellow today.Who is wearing yellow today? Yellow today.①Black





④[教学思路]通过Sing a song of color 引入新课,使学生在欢快自然的气氛中不知不觉进入教学,激发他们的兴趣和热情,活跃课堂气氛,并为本课任务的开展做热身准备。

Step 2 Presentation

(Seven minutes)

1、present the new clothing words.T: Boys and girls , I thought LingShui is very hot.But today it is cold , you see , I am just in a blouse now.I feel so cold.What should I do ? Oh, I must go to the shop to buy some clothes.教师布置任务:What am I going to buy ? Can you guess?



T:Oh!It is a sweater.Read after me ‘‘sweater‛.Ss: ‘‘Sweater‛.(Then show another picture with a boy and a woman come to the clothes shop ,What are they going to buy ?Can you guess?)

T:(Pointing to the boy)

What is LiLei going to buy ?

Ss: 裤子、短裤、短袜和鞋子。

T: Excellent!He is going to buy pants, shorts, socks and shoes.Read after me ‘‘pants ,shorts, socks and shoes‛.Ss:

‘‘Pants , Shorts, Socks and Shoes‛.T:

(Pointing to the woman)

What about his Chinese teacher Miss Li ?

Ss: She is going to buy a sweater and a T—shirt.T: It is very clever of you to say so!

2、Present: big , small, long, short.教师用一长一短的pants和shorts呈现long和short,用一大一小的sweater呈现big和small, 并让学生跟着老师做手势。

[教学思路] 通过猜图游戏引入,能吸引学生的注意力,活跃学生的思维,激起学生的求知欲,使学生能愉快地参与课堂活动,用实物和肌体语言,直观地呈现big,small , long and short等形容词,让学生在真实的语境中理解单词。

Step 3 practice and present‚How much is /are…? It is/They are …‛。(Six minutes)

1、教师先通过多媒体呈现短裤、男衬衣、毛衣等图片,鼓励学生说出相应物品的名称,由复习衣物名称导入How much is/are ……? It is /They are 等句型。

T:(Pointing to the sweater)What is this in English ?

Ss: It is a sweater.T: What color is it ?

Ss: It is red.T: How much is the red sweater ?

Ss: …(学生可能不知所云,教师快速点击鼠标,一张8元人民币的价签已挂在毛衣上。)

T:It is 8 Yuan , Read after me ‚It is 8 yuan‛.Ss:‚It is 8 Yuan..‛

T:You are so intelligent , and I think it is 3 dollars.(教师快速点击鼠标,挂上3美元的价签,从而引出生词dollar.)

教师教读几遍后,快速在裤子、短袜、鞋等服装上挂上价签,反复让学生练习How much is…? It is…的句型。

2、教师通过多媒体呈现两件挂有7美元价签的pants和三件挂有9美元价签的shorts问学生,由教‚How much is…? It is…‛过度到教‚How much are…? They are…‛.T:How much are these pants?

Ss:They are seven dollars.学生回答时可能想不到dollar需加s ,教师可通过dollar 与 yuan的货币学习,讲解人民币和美元的不同写法及用法,并简单介绍汇率的概念。

[教学思路]通过鼓励学生说出相应的衣物名称引出目标语言‚How much is are…?It is / They are…,‛产生信息沟,学生有交流的动机和兴趣,兴趣是最好的老师,在新课

呈现时,以兴趣为出发点,通过图片及信息沟激发学生的兴趣。同时,在特定的语境中引出生词dollar ,做到了‚词不离句‛让学生有意义地学习单词。

Step 4 Group work(Six minutes)

①T:I like shopping very much.Do you like shopping? Now come with me to the clothing shop again.Go over how to say them in English and how to buy them.Boys and girls , are you ready? Ss:Ok.T:This is a sweater.(学生重复说a sweater ,并用手拼写sweater.)

T:What color is it?

Ss:It is red.(并用手拼写red)

T:How much is the red sweater?

Ss:It is eight dollars.通过实物图,教师提问,学生集体回答,由单数名词到复数名词,反复操练新句型。

②Then , students play a guessing game:

T:How much is the red sweater /are the white shoes ?

Can you guess?

Ss:Is it /Are they 3 dollars?

T:No , it is / they are move expensive / cheaper.Well done!You are right.[教学思路]利用多媒体动画,给学生提供明确,真实的语言信息,把表示衣物名称、颜色、大小、长短的新单词和句型‚How much is / are…? It is / They are…‛融合在一起进行操练。接着,考虑到学生有一定的基础,如果单纯看图机械操练,虽使用了target language ,但学生兴趣不大,仍是无意义操练,于是设计了‚猜衣物价格‛游戏,极大地调动了学生的积极性和主动性,也使本课教学目标中的重、难点得到进一步的巩固。

Step 5 Listening(Seven minutes)1、1c练习对话


练,然后教师检查几组同学的操练情况,目的是保证他们能正确而迅速地说出新语言,最后总结句型‚How mach is / are…? It is / They are…‛ 的特点:单数用is ,复数用are.2、2a,听对话,圈出你听到的物品。3、2b,再听一遍录音并填写价签。

[教学思路]通过师生互动的方式,引导学生看书上的六幅插图,复习服装名称及‚How much is / are…?‛句型,然后听音圈物品,核对答案;再听录音,填价签;第三遍听录音,写出对话中衣物颜色及名称的单词,通过这项操练,锻炼学生获取信息的能力,在听力中使用目标语言,为下一个任务做准备。

Step 6 Consolidation(Ten minutes)







Step 7 Summary and Homework(Three minutes)




④教师用一句Are you happy ? 来了解学生在这节课上开心与否来做为评价方式,让学生在愉快的气氛中结束学习。



Unit 1 Topic 3 How old are you ?


2、预习课本P23 Part 2 ,分别找出Jane 和 Huang Hua 的个人信息

(三)问题导学 再看课本P22 Part 2 ,回答问题。

Where is Jane from ?__________________________

How old is she ?___________________________

What class is she in ? _____________________

Where is Huang Hua from ? _______________

What’s his English name ? _____________________

Are they in the same class ? ______________

1、They are not in the same class ,but they good friends.


解析:same 意思是“相同的”,前面一定要用定冠词“the”,后面接单数名词。

but 意为“但是,可是”,起转折作用。

eg : We are in the same school ,but in different classes . 我们在同一个学校,但是在不同的班级。

1、---How old ________ you ?

2、----I ________ ten .

3、---What _____ this ? -

4、---It _________ a pen .

5、----Who ________ that ?

----She _________ Lucy .

6、---What _________ these ?

----They ________ schoolbags .

7、---__________ this a pen ?

----Yes , it _________ .

1.What’s that _______ Chinese ?

2.Is he ____________ English boy ?

3、These are my _____________.

4、---Is this your eraser ? ----Yes ,____________.

5、They are not ________ the same class ,but they

are good friends .

1.They are in the s________ class .

2、--How o________ is she ? ---She is 15.

3.Li Ming and Wang Fei are good f___________.

4、I’m in a h_________ school .

5、Is your p__________ number 3264-7853 ?

1、______ is Zhou Lan ._________ phone number is 1358429764.

A、Her , her B、She , her C、She , She

2、What grade ______ your brother in ?

3、---Is that a car ? ---No ,____________

A、that isn’t B、that is C、it isn’t

4、Nine and eleven is __________.

5、_________ are good friends .

A、you ,he and I B、I ,you and he C、you and he ,I This is an English boy(男孩). His name is Jim. He is twelve. He is in my school. He and I are in the same grade. I’m in Class Three, Grade Seven, but he is in Class Four. I’m his good friend. He is my good friend, too. 根据短文内容, 补全对话。

A: Excuse me, what’s his name?

A: 6. ______________________________

B: 7. ______________________________

B: 8. ______________________________

A: Is he in your school?

B: 9. ______________________________

A: Is he in Class Three, Grade Seven?

B: 10. ______________________________

He is in Class Four, but he and I are good friends.

汉译英:1.布朗是他的姓氏。 Brown is his ____ ____.

Is that ____ ____.


They are ____ ____.


Let ____ ____ you.

15.给你。 ____ ____ are.

(五) 作业:请写一份自我介绍,内容包括姓名、年龄、国籍、班级、学校、电话号码。


教师:准备游戏时所用的图片(食物、蔬菜、动物)。 学生:准备表演时所需道具(服装、假发)。

Step One :Present the sentence patterns.

1. Play a game “How many words do you know?”(利用小游戏调 动学生的积极性,同时通过对冠军的介绍引出本课。)

Teacher: After the study of the first three starters, I think most of the students must have known a lot of words. How many

words do you know? Let’s play a game to see who know? Let’s play a game to see

who knows the most.

(Divide all the students into several groups and show a picture to them with the computer. Every group can choose two students to join. They are asked to come to the blackboard and write down the words in 30 seconds.) (Group 2 is the champion group. They can write 11 words.) 2. Introduce the champion group to the class.(引课方式贴近生活,学生易于接受)

Teacher: Congratulations, now Group 2 is the champion. But I don’t know your names. Would you like to introduce yourselves to us? S1& S2:Yes.

S1:Hello.My name is Li Lei. Nice to meet you. Ss: Hello, Li Lei. Nice to meet you ,too. Ss: Hello! What’s your name? S2:I’m Sun Ping. How do you do? Ss: How do you do ? Step Two: Drills.

1. Make introductions.(通过句型的操练使学生更加熟练掌握所学 的.句式。)

Teacher: The new term begins. Everyone will meet many new classmates. Do you want to make friends with them? If your answer is “yes”, please introduce yourself in your group. Example:

Sa: Hello! I’m Li Lei. What’s your name? Sb: My name’s Zhang Feng. Nice to meet you.

Sa: Nice to meet you, too. And what’s your name, please? Sc: Lin Li. How do you do? Sa:How do you do?

2. Listen and number the conversations.

Teacher: Today I have good news for you. Three new students will come to our class. They are from other countries. Do you want to know them? Let’s listen to the recording of 1b in Section A.

(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.) Step Three: Make friends.

1. Make new friends.(用谈话的方式完成任务,生动活泼,同时更 容易向学生进行美德教育。)

Teacher: Now everyone has some new friends. Do you want others to know them? Do you want more friends? Let’s introduce our new friends to others, OK? Ss: OK. Example:

Sa: This is my new friend. His name is Sun Nan. Sb: Hello, Sun Nan. Nice to meet you.

Sc: Nice to meet you, too. Look! This is my new friend. Her name is He Lu. Ss: How do you do? Sd: How do you do?

(Students can stand up and introduce their friends to others freely. They can greet each other warmly. Everyone in the class can have more friends. They can also know something else about them.)

2. The New comers.(以表演的形式完成,使课堂气氛达到高潮。)

Teacher: Just now I said three new students from other countries would come to our class. Now, look! They are here. Let’s give them a warm welcome.

(Three “foreign” students come in and all the students clap warmly.)

Teacher: It’s their first time to come to China. Would you like to listen to their introductions? Ss: Yes.

(Three students can make introductions and act out the dialogue vividly.) Step Three: Sum up.

Some students are asked to sum up this lesson. It is how to make new friends and how to greet them. It is very important in the daily life. Homework

“How do you meet new visitors at home?

教师:准备歌曲磁带(歌词)、情景图片及上课所需表格。 学生:需要向父母了解自已名字的含义。

Step One: Revise the sentence patterns.

1. Sing an English song.(用唱歌的方式既带动了气氛,又复习了 所学内容。) Teacher: Yesterday we’ve known each other already. Do you remember your new friends’ names? If you do, let’s sing the song “What’s your name?”. Hello! Hello! What’s your name? My name’s Gina. Hello! Hello! What’s his name? His name’s Peter. Hello! Hello! What’s her name? Her name’s Anna.

2. Listen to the conversations and finish the exercises.

Teacher: Yesterday I made a new friend. Her name is Jenny. She is very lovely. She introduces many friends of hers to me. Do you want to know about them? Let’s listen to the tape and find out some useful information.

(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

3. Act out the dialogues.(在特定的情景下表演对话更符合实际, 更贴近生活。) Teacher: Now you’ve known something about introductions and greetings. But if you are in other places, how do you introduce yourself and greet others? Look at the four pictures and imagine you are in such a situation, how do you get to know new friends?

(Students can choose any picture they like and act out the dialogues.) Example:

Sa: Hello! I’m Lucy Green. What’s your name?

Sb: My name is Kate Brown, Jim’s classmate. Nice to meet you.

Sa: Nice to meet you, too. I’m Jim’s sister. Welcome to Jim’s birthday party. Make yourself at home. Sb: Thanks, I will.

Step Two: Choose English names.

1. Play a name game.(有效引出“英文名字”这一主题。)

Teacher:As we know, everyone has a name. Each name has its special meaning and so do English names. Do you want to have an English name? If you do, let’s play a name game. The winners of the game will get English names.

Rules: Every student should introduce himself or herself,but at the same time he (she ) should repeat all the above-mentioned classmates' names. Example:

S2: His name’s Tony. My name’s Linda.

S3: His name’s Tony. Her name’s Linda. My name’s Nick.

S4: His name’s Tony. Her name’s Linda. His name's Nick. My name's Kim. S5:??.

2. Choose English names.

1).Find out first names and last names.(用小组的方式完成名字的识别。)

Teacher: Congratulstions to the winners. Now you choose English names from the box. But before you choose names, you must know English names have two parts: first name and last name. Look at the box, can you classify them according to the demands?

Jenny Gina Alan Mary Jim Tony Tom Bob Mike Green Miller Jack Smith Brown Linda Nick Kim Hand

教师:准备所需的歌曲磁带、名片样本及各项表格。 学生:制作名片所需的纸张、画笔等。

Step One: Present the English numbers.

1. Sing the song “Ten Little Indian Boys”.(歌曲欢快有趣,比起单纯教授单词更

为有效。) Teacher: During the first two classes, we’ve known something about new friends names. But if we want to contact them. What shall we do? S1: A telephone call.

T: But you don’t have their telephone numbers. S1: Ask for their telephone numbers.

T: If we want to know about their telephone numbers, we must learn how to say these numbers in English. Let’s learn to sing “Ten Little Indian Boys”.

One little, two little, three little Indisns, Four little, five little, six little Indians, Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians, Ten little Indian boys.

(After singing the song, tell the students not to forget “zero”.) T: Count the number together from zero to nine. S2: Zero? 2. Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.(通过听力复习单词。)

Teacher: This is my friend’s telephone number. But I can’t hear it clearly. Could you please help me write it down?

(Students listen to the recording of 1b in Section B and give the answer.) Step Two: Drills.

1. Make a survey about your partners’ telephone numbers.(调查组内成员的电话号码,重点练习所学句式。)

Teacher: Thank you for your help. But do you want to know your friends’ telephone numbers? Now let’s make a survey about it and try to fill in the chart. Name Telephone numbers Li Lei Liu Yu Lin Fang Yin Kailin S1: Hello, Liu Yu. What’s your telephone number? S2: My telephone number is ?

S1: Oh, thank you. What about yours, Lin Fang? S3: It’s?

S1: ? And may I know your phone number, Yin Kailin? S4: ?

S1: Thank you very much. Oh, I nearly forgot. My telephone number is? 2. Report it to the class.

(After the survey, every group can choose a student to report the survey result to the class.) Example: My telephone number is? Liu Yu’s phone number is? Lin Fang’s telephone number is? Yin Kailin’ s phone number is?

3. Listen and match the names and telephone numbers.(制作电话号码簿这一任务能

Teacher: I will play the recording twice. The first time just listen. The second time, write the letter of the person’s telephone number in the space after that person’s name.

T: Next, I’ll play the recording again. This time, fill in the missing numbers. (Students listen to the tape again .)

T: Can you find out whose telephone numbers they are ? S:?

4. Make an address book.

Teacher: The new term begins. Our class needs an address book to contact each other. Now we can put all the information together and then we can have our own address book. Pay attention to the address book headings “Names” and “Phone numbers”. Now work in groups of six and ask your group members “What’s his /her name? And What’s his/her phone number?” Step Three: Make an ID card.

1. Show some different ID cards to the class and try to enjoy them.(向学生展示


Teacher: Now our class has a very useful address book. We can use it to talk with others on the phone. But for most adults, ID cards are more important because they are easy to take along. What’s more, they are very enjoyable. Sometimes they can show the owners’ special personalities. Look at the ID cards below and try to enjoy them.

Teacher: From the cards above, what can you find out ? S1: It must have a person’s name? S2: Sometimes it has a motto.

T: Yes, It must have a person’s name, postcode, telephone number, home address and e-mail address. So if you have a chance to make an ID card, you must think about all the above. But before you make your card, first let’s learn how to get information from the card. It’s very important.

2. Read the ID card and answer the questions.(提供参考信息,但允许学生创新。) Teacher: Look! Here’s an ID card of my friend’s. Please look at it and find out some useful information about her. FIRST NAME: Jenny LAST NAME: Brown TELEPHONE NUMBER: 535-2375 1. What’s her telephone number? 2. What’s her family name? 3. What’s her first name?




(2)单词:blue,green,red,yellow,black,white,brown,purple,co lor,UFO,CCTV


—What's this/that?

—It's ...

—What color is it?

—It's ...




这一部分的Guessing game主要是为了让学生从不完整的画面中通过想象,猜出其是什么字母,既复习学过的字母,又丰富学生的想象力。而“What's this?It's ...”既是前一单元的重点句型,也是下一课时使用频率较高的一个句型。我们在游戏的最后用同样的方式引出本堂课所要教授的新字母的小写形式。

For example:

The  teacher shows a part of a letter and asks:

Get the students to answer the question like this:

Then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether they're right or wrong.

导入新课What color is it?




The teacher answers himself/herself: It's red.


Ss:It's red.(Help the students to answer.)

导入新课 What color is it?


T:Good morning,boys and girls.

Good morning,A.

Good morning,B.

(Greet as many students as possible individually.)

T:What color are your clothes?

T:Good.Now please ask and answer questions with your partner about the color of your clothes.

导入新课 What color is it?

Step 2:Present the new letters and words


For example:

T:Look at these pictures.Let's play  a game.Who can say these letters and the colors as quickly as possible?If you can,you will be the winner.Now let's begin.

Get some students to ask each other about letters and colors in English,and then do 1a:let the students write the letters for each color.The teacher can offer some help.


T:They  are the names of colors.Draw them on the blackboard or show them on the screen.Now please read after me.You should pay attention to your pronunciation.

Let's match the words with the colors.


教学过程中我们可以设计一个任务型活动为顺藤摸瓜。在学生学习了有关颜色的词汇后,作为拓展,向学生介绍几个新的表示颜色的词汇,如:dark/light green,orange,pink。这几个词较常见,也很实用。然后通过顺藤摸瓜的游戏加以巩固。具体操作为:

准备10个乒乓球,乒乓球染成10种不同的颜色,然后将10个乒乓球放在一个开口的纸盒子里。上课时,教师找一个学生背对着大家,放音乐,音乐一开始,大家就开始传盒子,音乐一停,手拿盒子的同学马上拿出一个球举起。问控制音乐的同学 “What color is it?” 他猜:“It's red.”。若猜对了,大家说yes,控制音乐的学生继续放音乐;如果大家说“No,it's blue.”,控制音乐的学生下台,由刚才拿球的学生来控制音乐。游戏继续,直到乒乓球在不同学生手里。可以多练几次,让学生充分掌握表示颜色的单词。



具体操作建议是:第一遍 让学生只是听,第二遍让学生听并跟读,然后教师让学生进行操练,先学生齐读,然后把学生分成组齐读,最后让个别学生读。通过这种从整体到部分再到个体的机械操练,让学生掌握本课所学的新句型。

2.教师板书并强调What question 句型。

A:What color is it?  B:It's red.

A:What color is it?  B:It's black.

1.让学生先按照课本的内容练习,建议前后位互问,同位互问,一生随意选择另一学生互问,尽量采取多形式从多角度练习,让更多 的人参与进来。

2.Pa ir work:Let's look at the pictures below.Can you ask and answer questions about the colors?Now work in pairs.Ask your partner about the letters in the pictures.



For example:

Please look at the letters.Let's practice saying the letters Aa—Rr in order.


Good.Look at the letters in 2a.They are letters Ss—Zz.Let's listen and repeat them.Pay attention to the pronunciation of the long /i?/sound in T and V and the short /e/ sound in S and Z.The /v/ sounds in V doesn't exist in most Chinese dialects.You should pay special attention.You can't say that like /veI/ or /weI/./zi?/is American English and is also acceptable.

OK.Let's listen and repeat them.


1.第一遍让学生只是听,第二遍让学生听并跟读,然后教师让学生进行操练,先学生齐读,然后把学生分成组齐读,最后让个别学生读。通过这种从整 体到部分再到个体的机械操练,让学生掌握本课所学的新字母。


Look at the letters in 2b.They are not arranged alphabetically.Now listen to the tape and number the letters in order,and then read them aloud.



建议2:利用投 影仪,以动态的形式展示给同学们看。





For example:

T:Have you seen these abbreviations?Do you know what they stand for?Now let's look at the pic tures and abbreviations and discuss in groups.




本课我们主要学习了red,white,yellow,black等表示颜色的单词,S—Z八个字母的读音及大小写形式,还学习了“What color is it?It's red.”两个句型。难点是准确而熟练地描述物体的颜色。在第二课时的学习中我们会继续使用这两个句型进行语言交际。



1.What color is it?它是什么颜色的?

【用法透析】该句型结构为“What color +be +名词(代词)+?”用来问某物是什么颜色。


2.It's black.它是黑色的。


【误区警示】注意:its易与it's混淆。it's是it is的缩略式,意思是“它是”,用时要注意以下几点:

①在句首时it's 和it is 两者可以通用。例如:

It's/It is a pen.它是一支钢笔。

That is a car.It's an English car.那是一辆汽车,它是一辆英国生产的汽车。

②作肯定回答时,在Yes之后只能用it is,而不能用it's。如:

—Is this a pen?这是只钢笔吗?

Starter  Unit 3  What color is it?


What color is it?

It's red...





第一单元,主题是交朋友,topic 1是welcome to China. 功能是问候,介绍和说再见。理解be动词的用法。Topic 2是where are you from?功能是谈论名字,出生地和电话号码;语法是学会疑问句what/ where/ who的表述,理解人称代词的主格。Topic 3是How old are you ? 谈论年龄,班级,年级,辨认物品。语法还是学习疑问句what/ how,代词a/an的用法,名次的复数形式(plural)。

第二单元Unit 2, 主题是谈论外貌特征。Topic1是I have a small nose. 功能是描述外貌(appearances),语法学习一般现在时have/has的用法。Topic 2 是What does she look like? 功能是描述外貌、服饰、颜色,语法是wh-questions. Topic3 是Whose cap is it? 功能是谈论物品的归属性。语法是物主代词(possessive pronouns), 特别注意名词性物主代词(the possessive case of nouns)。

第三单元Unit3,主题是getting together,朋友家人的团聚。Topic 1 Does he speak Chinese?功能是学会发出请求(making requests), 交朋友(招待朋友), 表达爱好。语法是学习人称代词,以及一般现在时like / want/ speak 的用法。Topic 2 What does your mother do? 功能是谈论职业,说明家人的职业外貌等特征。语法是疑问句,学习work-worker单词的变形,一般现在时do/ does的用法。Topic3What would you like to drink? ,功能是一起吃饭,发出建议或请求。

第四单元Unit 4,主题是having fun, 一起玩得很高兴。 Topic1What can I do for you?功能是购物,谈论重量,以及发表建议。语法是疑问句how much/ how many的区别,some与any 的区别,可数名词与不可数名词。Topic2 Would you like to cook with us? 功能是打电话,邀请别人,发出建议,语法是复习一般现在时。Topic3是What time is it now?功能是谈论时间,谈论日常互动,语法是时间的表达。





guitar, sing, swim, dance, chess, play chess, draw, speak, speak English, join, club


① —Can you play the guitar? —Yes, I can./ No, I can't.

② —What can you do? —I can dance.

③ —What club do you want to join? —I want to join the chess club.

2. 情感态度价值观目标:


1. 教学重点:

1) 学习询问和谈论彼此的能力和特长;

2) 掌握一些弹奏乐器的表达方式。

2. 教学难点:

1. 教师可携带一些易于演奏的乐器,也可带一些演奏乐器的图片,一边演示乐器,一

边说: I can play the guitar.…等;再指着图片说:He/She can play the violin.But I can’t play it.等;然后询问学生:Can you play the guitar?….并引导学生进行简单的回答。

2. Ss look at the picture in 1a. Then read the words and phrases. Let Ss match the activities

with the people.

Then Check the answers with the class together.


He/She can dance/swim/sing/“··But I can’t dance/swim/sing/...等,学习表达活动的`动词短语。

T: Tell your partners what you can do. For example:

I can play the guitar. I can sing and dance.

Ss work in groups. The let some Ss talk to their classmates in front of the class.

1. T: Now let’s listen to the tape, find out the right conversation, and number them 1-3. (播放lb部分的录音让学生听,引导学生根据所听到的内容,选出对话的顺序,

1. Ask the Ss to practice the conversations in 1b with a partner. Then make their own conversations.


1. Work on 2a;

T: Now, look at the pictures on P2, listen to the four conversations. Just listen.

(Play the recording for the first time, students only listen carefully.)

Then, listen to the recording again, and circle the clubs you hear.

Check the answers with the class.

2. Work on 2b;



Check the answers with the Ss.

1. Look at 2b and talk about what the people can do and the clubs they want to join.

老师可以和一名优秀的学生做一个对话的例子,让学生们明白如何去问答,例如: T: What club does Lisa want to join?

S1: She wants to join the chess club.

2. Ss work in pairs to practice asking and answer about Lisa, Bob and Mary.

3. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.

1. Ask Ss to look at the picture in 2d. Then Ss read the dialogue by themselves and try to

find out the answers to these questions.

① What club does Bob join?

② What club does Jane join?

Ss read the conversation by themselves and find the answers to the questions. Then check the answers:

① Bob joins the soccer club.② Jane joins the English and art club.

2. Explain something that Ss can't understand.

3. Let Ss read after the teacher or play the recording and let Ss read after the recording.

4. Ss work in pairs to act out the conversation.

5. Ask some pairs come to the front of the classroom. They try to act out the conversation. See which group is the best.


1. Remember the new words and expressions after class.

2. Recite the conversation after class.

3. Write English names as many as possible in the exercises book.



Step One :Present the sentence patterns.

1.  Play a game “How many words do you know?”(利用小游戏调动学生的积极性,同时通过对冠军的介绍引出本课。)

Teacher: After the study of the first three starters, I think most of the students must have known a lot of words. How many words do you know? Let’s play a game to see who know? Let’s play a game to see who knows the most.

(Divide all the students into several groups and show a picture(图片略)to them with the computer. Every group can choose two students to join. They are asked to come to the blackboard and write down the words in 30 seconds.)

(Group 2 is the champion group. They can write 11 words.)

2.  Introduce the champion group to the class.(引课方式贴近生活,学生易于接受)

Teacher: Congratulations, now Group 2 is the champion. But I don’t know your names. Would you like to introduce yourselves to us?

S1:Hello.My name is Li Lei. Nice to meet you.

Ss: Hello, Li Lei. Nice to meet you ,too.

Ss: Hello! What’s your name?

S2:I’m Sun Ping. How do you do?

1.  Make introductions.(通过句型的操练使学生更加熟练掌握所学的句式。)

Teacher: The new term begins. Everyone will meet many new classmates. Do you want to make friends with them? If  your answer is “yes”, please introduce yourself in your group.


Sa: Hello! I’m Li Lei. What’s your name?

Sb: My name’s Zhang Feng. Nice to meet you.

Sa: Nice to meet you, too. And what’s your name, please?

Sc: Lin Li. How do you do?

2.  Listen and number the conversations.

Teacher: Today I have good news for you. Three new students will come to our class. They are from other countries. Do you want to know them? Let’s listen to the recording of 1b in Section A.

(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

1.  Make new friends.(用谈话的.方式完成任务,生动活泼,同时更容易向学生进行美德教育。)

Teacher: Now everyone has  some new friends. Do you want others to know them? Do you want more friends? Let’s introduce our new friends to others, OK?

Sa: This is my new friend. His name is Sun Nan.

Sb: Hello, Sun Nan. Nice to meet you.

Sc: Nice to meet you, too. Look! This is my new friend. Her name is He Lu.

(Students can stand up and introduce their friends to others freely. They can greet each other warmly. Everyone in the class can have more friends. They can also know something else about them.)

2.  The New comers.(以表演的形式完成,使课堂气氛达到高潮。)

Teacher: Just now I said three new students from other countries would come to our class. Now, look! They are here. Let’s give them a warm welcome.

(Three “foreign”students come in and all the students clap warmly.)

Teacher: It’s their first time to come to China. Would you like to listen to their introductions?

(Three students can make introductions and act out the dialogue vividly.)

Some students are asked to sum up this lesson. It is how to make new friends and how to greet them. It is very important in the daily life.

“How do you meet new visitors at home?


Step One: Revise the sentence patterns.

1.  Sing an English song.(用唱歌的方式既带动了气氛,又复习了所学内容。)

Teacher: Yesterday we’ve known each other already. Do you remember your new friends’names? If you do, let’s sing the song “What’s your name?”.

Hello! Hello! What’s your name? My name’s Gina.

Hello! Hello! What’s his name?  His name’s Peter.

Hello! Hello! What’s her name? Her name’s Anna.

2.  Listen to the conversations and finish the exercises.

Teacher: Yesterday I made a new friend. Her name is Jenny. She is very lovely. She introduces many friends of  hers to me. Do you want to know about them? Let’s listen to the tape and find out some useful information.

(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

3.  Act out the dialogues.(在特定的情景下表演对话更符合实际,更贴近生活。)

Teacher: Now you’ve known something about introductions and greetings. But if  you are in other places, how do you introduce yourself and greet others? Look at the four pictures and imagine you are in such a situation, how do you get to know new friends?

(Students can choose any picture they like and act out the dialogues.)

Sa: Hello! I’m Lucy Green. What’s your name?

Sb: My name is Kate Brown, Jim’s classmate. Nice to meet you.

Sa: Nice to meet you, too. I’m Jim’s sister. Welcome to Jim’s birthday party. Make yourself at home.

Step Two: Choose English names.

1.  Play a name game.(有效引出“英文名字”这一主题。)

Teacher:As we know, everyone has a name. Each name has its special meaning and so do English names. Do you want to have an English name? If you do, let’s play a name game. The winners of the game will get English names.

Rules: Every student should introduce himself or herself,but at the same time he (she ) should repeat all the above-mentioned classmates' names.

S2: His name’s Tony. My name’s Linda.

S3: His name’s Tony. Her name’s Linda. My name’s  Nick.

S4: His name’s Tony. Her name’s Linda. His name's Nick. My name's Kim.

2.  Choose English names.

1).Find out first names and last names.(用小组的方式完成名字的识别。)

Teacher: Congratulations to the winners. Now you choose English names from the box. But before you choose names, you must know English names have two parts: first name and last name. Look at the box, can you classify them according to the demands?

Step One: Present the English numbers.

1.Sing the song “Ten Little Indian Boys”.(歌曲欢快有趣,比起单纯教授单词更为有效。)

Teacher: During the first two classes, we’ve known something about new friends names. But if we want to contact them. What shall we do?

T: But you don’t have their telephone numbers.

S1: Ask for their telephone numbers.

T: If we want to know about their telephone numbers, we must learn how to say these numbers in English. Let’s learn to sing “Ten Little Indian Boys”.

One little, two little, three little Indisns,

Four little, five little, six little Indians,

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,

Ten little Indian boys.

(After singing the song, tell the students not to forget “zero”.)

T: Count the number together from zero to nine.

2.Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.(通过听力复习单词。)

Teacher: This is my friend’s telephone number. But I can’t hear it clearly. Could you please help me write it down?

(Students listen to the recording of 1b in Section B and give the answer.)

1.Make a survey about your partners’ telephone numbers.(调查组内成员的电话号码,重点练习所学句式。)

Teacher: Thank you for your help. But do you want to know your friends’ telephone numbers? Now let’s make a survey about it and try to fill in the chart.

S1: Hello, Liu Yu. What’s your telephone number?

S2: My telephone number is …

S1: Oh, thank you. What about yours, Lin Fang?

S1: … And may I know your phone number, Yin Kailin?

S1: Thank you very much. Oh, I nearly forgot. My telephone number is…

2.Report it to the class.

(After the survey, every group can choose a student to report the survey result to the class.)


My telephone number is… Liu Yu’s phone number is… Lin Fang’s telephone number is… Yin  Kailin’ s  phone number is…

3.Listen and match the names and telephone numbers.(制作电话号码簿这一任务能够大面积调动学生装的参与意识。)

Teacher: I will play the recording twice. The first time just listen. The second time, write the letter of the person’s telephone number in the space after that person’s name.

T: Next, I’ll play the recording again. This time, fill in the missing numbers.

(Students listen to the tape again .)

T: Can you find out whose telephone numbers they are ?

4.Make an address book.

Teacher: The new term begins. Our class needs an address book to contact each other. Now we can put all the information together and then we can have our own address book. Pay attention to the address book headings “Names” and “Phone numbers”. Now work in groups of six and ask your group members “What’s his /her name? And What’s his/her phone number?”

some different ID cards to the class and try to enjoy them.(向学生展示不同种类的名片,一方面开阔学生眼界,一方面便于学生找出名片所含内容。)(引导学生有效搜集名片上的信息,提高学生的阅读能力。)

Teacher: Now our class has a very useful address book. We can use it to talk with others on the phone. But for most adults, ID cards are more important because they are easy to take along. What’s more, they are very enjoyable. Sometimes they can show  the owners’ special personalities. Look at the ID cards below and try to enjoy them.

Teacher: From the cards above, what can you find out ?

S1: It must have a person’s name…

S2: Sometimes it has a motto.

T: Yes, It must have a person’s name, postcode, telephone number, home address and e-mail address. So if you have a chance to make an ID card, you must think about all the above. But before you make your card, first let’s learn how to get information from the card. It’s very important.

2.Read the ID card and answer the questions.(提供参考信息,但允许学生创新。)

Teacher: Look! Here’s an ID card of my friend’s. Please look at it and find out some useful information about her.

1.  What’s her telephone number?

2.  What’s her family name?

3.  What’s her first name?

1.Students are asked to make ID Cards of their own.

Demands: A. Useful information must be included.

B. It can be designed as beautifully as possible.

C. Students may show their own personalities if possible.

2.Find out the information about the famous person.

Step One: Make an ID card show.

the ID cards to the students.

Teacher: Yesterday all of you made some beautiful ID we’ll make a show here. Let’s enjoy it together and try to choose the best ones.

2.Find the owner of the card.

Teacher: The ID card show is over. All the cards are mixed together. I can’t find the owners. Who can help me?

S1:I can.(Show one of the cards to another students.)

S1:Excuse me, are you in ...?

S1:What’s your telephone number?

(Teacher asks more students to find the owners of ID cards).

1.Play a guessing game.

Teacher: ID cards are useful. But some persons’names are known to all the people.They are very famous. Now look at the pictures and guess their names.

(The teacher shows some famous person’s pictures and students guess their names and give their answers.)

llect useful information.

Teacher: These persons are very famous. But it’s better for us to know something else about them. Before class you’ve been asked to collect some information. Now let’s exchange it together.

3.Report it to class.

Each group can choose a student to give a report about their favourite person. The other students can ask him some questions in class.


S1:This is Michael Jordan. He’s years old. He’s... He speaks...His birth place is ... He is a famous ...player. He’s a member of six Chicago Bulls championship teams.

People like to call him “Air Jordan”.

S2:Do you like Michael Jordan? Why or Why not?

S1:Yes, I like him very much because he’s so ...

S2:Do you want to be a basketball player like him?

S1:Of course I do. That’s my dream.

Step Three: Make a poster about yourself.

Teacher: Do you want to be famous all over the world?

First you must learn to show yourself. Now you have a chance to do that. Please try to make a poster about yourself. In your poster you should try to introduce yourself.

(Students can write a passage about themselves. They can give some personal information. They can alse design the poster as well as they can.)

Students are asked to sun up this unit, especially about how to talk with others politely.




4。 初步学习美英人士购物时所用的度量衡。



录音机,实物投影仪,图片或实物等。 如有条件搞一份麦当劳或肯德基的菜单。


值日生Duty Report。


引出今日新单词:all day The shopkeepers in this shop work hard all day。

a lot of The supermarket has a lot of things。

This shop sells a lot of things。

This supermarket is open from 9 a。m。 to 9 p。m。

This shop is open at 9 a。m。 and is closed at 9 p。m。

market On Saturdays and Sundays the markets are full of



1。 老师可先复述课文,让学生们了解main ideas,然后让学生们听录音,提醒他们不看书。




( ) 1。 A big supermarket is near my home。

A。 Yes B。 No C。 The text doesn’t tell us

( ) 2。 It has no name。

A。 Yes B。 No C。 The text doesn’t tell us

( ) 3。 It sells a lot of things, almost everything。

A。 Yes B。 No C。 The text doesn’t tell us

( ) 4。 If you want to buy “house”, does the supermarket sell?

A。 Yes B。 No C。 The text doesn’t tell us

( ) 5。 All things in the supermarket are not expensive。

A。 Yes B。 No C。 The text doesn’t tell us

( ) 6。 The supermarket is open 12 hours a day。

A。 Yes B。 No C。 The text doesn’t tell us

( ) 7。 All the shopkeepers are friendly。

A。 Yes B。 No C。 The text doesn’t tell us







8.谈谈自家附近的超市或农贸市场(Free Market),并写成书面的文字。



2.新单词:dollar one dollar is equal about 8。3 yuan。


步骤同Step 3。


用麦当劳肯德基的菜单或Workbook P147 Menu编一对话。


New Words: all day a lot of open market dollar

It has a lot of things。 This supermarket is open from 9 a。m。 to 9 p。m。 pound

语言技能:listening,talking and writing


basketball volleyball medicine box English book corner

Do you have a pen / a pencil-sharpener / a ruler / doll / English book / story book?

Yes, I do。 / No, I don’t。

How much is it? / are they? It’s / They are…yuan。

Here you are。

Here is the money。 Thank you。

I want to buy…


1。 老师布置任务:同学们把集中闲置的物品如:学习用品、生活用品、玩具、和书籍等带到学校。




语言技能:listening,talking and writing


How much is our class fees?

What do we buy with this money?

We can buy something that we all like。

What about buying a basketball?

I don’t agree to buy … because it’s no use。

I think we should buy a …, because it is very useful to everyone。



2。 每位成员必须发言,阐明自己的观点,并说明理由。



语言技能:listening,talking and writing


traditional(传统) food in Spring Festival

What’s in it?

There is meat and all kinds of vegetables。



1。 老师布置任务:一“老外”要买中国的传统食品“饺子”,但又不知怎么说,根据这一情景编一对话。




语言技能:listening,talking and writing


mineral,(矿物质) nutrition,(营养) vitamin,(维生素) crisp and tasty (又香又脆), tasty refreshing (爽滑可口),health food (保健食品) promote sales(促销)


1。 一顾客想买一保健食品,你向他介绍了最近新研制的一种方便面。



4。 听了的介绍,看那一组卖出的面最多。

语言技能:listening,talking and writing

1。 班上一同学生病住院,老师想派几位同学去看望,打算从班费总抽出50元买些礼品。让同学们讨论一下,这50元钱买些什么。









Step One :Present the sentence patterns.1.Play a game “How many words do you know?”(利用小游戏调动学生的积极性,同时通过对冠军的介绍引出本课。)

Teacher: After the study of the first three starters, I think most of the students must have known a lot of words.How many words do you know? Let’s play a game to see who know? Let’s play a game to see who knows the most.(Divide all the students into several groups and show a picture(图片略)to them with the computer.Every group can choose two students to join.They are asked to come to the blackboard and write down the words in 30 seconds.)

(Group 2 is the champion group.They can write 11 words.)

2.Introduce the champion group to the class.(引课方式贴近生活,学生易于接受)

Teacher: Congratulations, now Group 2 is the champion.But I don’t know your names.Would you like to introduce yourselves to us?

S1& S2:Yes.S1:Hello.My name is Li Lei.Nice to meet you.Ss: Hello, Li Lei.Nice to meet you ,too.Ss: Hello!What’s your name?

S2:I’m Sun Ping.How do you do?

Ss: How do you do ?

Step Two: Drills.1.Make introductions.(通过句型的操练使学生更加熟练掌握所学的句式。)

Teacher: The new term begins.Everyone will meet many new classmates.Do you want to make friends with them? If your answer is “yes”, please introduce yourself in your group.Example:

Sa: Hello!I’m Li Lei.What’s your name?

Sb: My name’s Zhang Feng.Nice to meet you.Sa: Nice to meet you, too.And what’s your name, please?

Sc: Lin Li.How do you do?

Sa:How do you do?

2.Listen and number the conversations.Teacher: Today I have good news for you.Three new students will come to our class.They are from other countries.Do you want to know them? Let’s listen to the recording of 1b in Section A.(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

Step Three: Make friends.1.Make new friends.(用谈话的方式完成任务,生动活泼,同时更容易向学生进行美德教育。)

Teacher: Now everyone has some new friends.Do you want others to know them? Do you want more friends? Let’s introduce our new friends to others, OK?

Ss: OK.Example:

Sa: This is my new friend.His name is Sun Nan.Sb: Hello, Sun Nan.Nice to meet you.Sc: Nice to meet you, too.Look!This is my new friend.Her name is He Lu.Ss: How do you do?

Sd: How do you do?

(Students can stand up and introduce their friends to others freely.They can greet each other warmly.Everyone in the class can have more friends.They can also know something else about them.)

2.The New comers.(以表演的形式完成,使课堂气氛达到高潮。)

Teacher: Just now I said three new students from other countries would come to our class.Now, look!They are here.Let’s give them a warm welcome.(Three “foreign”students come in and all the students clap warmly.)

Teacher: It’s their first time to come to China.Would you like to listen to their introductions?

Ss: Yes.(Three students can make introductions and act out the dialogue vividly.)

Step Three: Sum up.Some students are asked to sum up this lesson.It is how to make new friends and how to greet them.It is very important in the daily life.Homework

“How do you meet new visitors at home?

Period Two





Step One: Revise the sentence patterns.1.Sing an English song.(用唱歌的方式既带动了气氛,又复习了所学内容。)

Teacher: Yesterday we’ve known each other already.Do you remember your new friends’names? If you do, let’s sing the song “What’s your name?”.Hello!Hello!What’s your name? My name’s Gina.Hello!Hello!What’s his name? His name’s Peter.Hello!Hello!What’s her name? Her name’s Anna.2.Listen to the conversations and finish the exercises.Teacher: Yesterday I made a new friend.Her name is Jenny.She is very lovely.She introduces many friends of hers to me.Do you want to know about them? Let’s listen to the tape and find out some useful information.(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

3.Act out the dialogues.(在特定的情景下表演对话更符合实际,更贴近生活。)

Teacher: Now you’ve known something about introductions and greetings.But if you are in other places, how do you introduce yourself and greet others? Look at the four pictures and imagine you are in such a situation, how do you get to know new friends?

(Students can choose any picture they like and act out the dialogues.)


(At a party)

Sa: Hello!I’m Lucy Green.What’s your name?

Sb: My name is Kate Brown, Jim’s classmate.Nice to meet you.Sa: Nice to meet you, too.I’m Jim’s sister.Welcome to Jim’s birthday party.Make yourself at home.Sb: Thanks, I will.Step Two: Choose English names.1.Play a name game.(有效引出“英文名字”这一主题。)

Teacher:As we know, everyone has a name.Each name has its special meaning and so do English names.Do you want to have an English name? If you do, let’s play a name game.The winners of the game will get English names.Rules: Every student should introduce himself or herself,but at the same time he(she)should repeat all the above-mentioned classmates' names.Example:

S1: My name’s Tony.S2: His name’s Tony.My name’s Linda.S3: His name’s Tony.Her name’s Linda.My name’s Nick.S4: His name’s Tony.Her name’s Linda.His name's Nick.My name's Kim.S5:…….2.Choose English names.1).Find out first names and last names.(用小组的方式完成名字的识别。)

Teacher: Congratulations to the winners.Now you choose English names from the box.But before you choose names, you must know English names have two parts: first name and last name.Look at the box, can you classify them according to the demands?

Period Three





Step One: Present the English numbers.1.Sing the song “Ten Little Indian Boys”.(歌曲欢快有趣,比起单纯教授单词更为有效。)

Teacher: During the first two classes, we’ve known something about new friends names.But if we want to contact them.What shall we do?

S1: A telephone call.T: But you don’t have their telephone numbers.S1: Ask for their telephone numbers.T: If we want to know about their telephone numbers, we must learn how to say these numbers in English.Let’s learn to sing “Ten Little Indian Boys”.Words

One little, two little, three little Indisns,Four little, five little, six little Indians,Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,Ten little Indian boys.(After singing the song, tell the students not to forget “zero”.)

T: Count the number together from zero to nine.S2: Zero…

2.Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.(通过听力复习单词。)

Teacher: This is my friend’s telephone number.But I can’t hear it uld you please help me write it down?

(Students listen to the recording of 1b in Section B and give the answer.)

Step Two: Drills.1.Make a survey about your partners’ telephone numbers.(调查组内成员的电话号码,重点练习所学句式。)

Teacher: Thank you for your help.But do you want to know your friends’ telephone numbers? Now let’s make a survey about it and try to fill in the chart.

S1: Hello, Liu Yu.What’s your telephone number?

S2: My telephone number is …

S1: Oh, thank you.What about yours, Lin Fang?

S3: It’s…

S1: … And may I know your phone number, Yin Kailin?

S4: …

S1: Thank you very much.Oh, I nearly forgot.My telephone number is…

2.Report it to the class.(After the survey, every group can choose a student to report the survey result to the class.)


My telephone number is… Liu Yu’s phone number is… Lin Fang’s telephone number is… Yin Kailin’ s phone number is…

3.Listen and match the names and telephone numbers.(制作电话号码簿这一任务能够大面积调动学生装的参与意识。)

Teacher: I will play the recording twice.The first time just listen.The second time, write the letter of the person’s telephone number in the space after that person’s name.(Students listen to the tape.)

T: Next, I’ll play the recording again.This time, fill in the missing numbers.(Students listen to the tape again.)

T: Can you find out whose telephone numbers they are ?


4.Make an address book.Teacher: The new term begins.Our class needs an address book to contact each other.Now we can put all the information together and then we can have our own address book.Pay attention to the address book headings “Names” and “Phone numbers”.Now work in groups of six and ask your group members “What’s his /her name? And What’s his/her phone number?”

Step Three: Make an ID card. some different ID cards to the class and try to enjoy them.(向学生展示不同种类的名片,一方面开阔学生眼界,一方面便于学生找出名片所含内容。)(引导学生有效搜集名片上的信息,提高学生的阅读能力。)

Teacher: Now our class has a very useful address book.We can use it to talk with others on the phone.But for most adults, ID cards are more important because they are easy to take along.What’s more, they are very enjoyable.Sometimes they can show the owners’ special personalities.Look at the ID cards below and try to enjoy them.Teacher: From the cards above, what can you find out ?

S1: It must have a person’s name…

S2: Sometimes it has a motto.T: Yes, It must have a person’s name, postcode, telephone number, home address and e-mail address.So if you have a chance to make an ID card, you must think about all the above.But before you make your card, first let’s learn how to get information from the card.It’s very important.2.Read the ID card and answer the questions.(提供参考信息,但允许学生创新。)

Teacher: Look!Here’s an ID card of my friend’s.Please look at it and find out some useful information about her.1.What’s her telephone number?

2.What’s her family name?

3.What’s her first name?


1.Students are asked to make ID Cards of their own.Demands: A.Useful information must be included.B.It can be designed as beautifully as possible.C.Students may show their own personalities if possible.2.Find out the information about the famous person.Period Four





Step One: Make an ID card show. the ID cards to the students.Teacher: Yesterday all of you made some beautiful ID we’ll make a show here.Let’s enjoy it together and try to choose the best ones.2.Find the owner of the card.Teacher: The ID card show is over.All the cards are mixed together.I can’t find the owners.Who can help me?

S1:I can.(Show one of the cards to another students.)

S1:Excuse me, are you in...?

S2:Yes, I am.S1:What’s your telephone number?

S2:It’s...S1:Are you...?

S2:Yes, I am.S1:Here’s your ID card.S2:Thank you.(Teacher asks more students to find the owners of ID cards).Step Two: “Face to Face”.1.Play a guessing game.Teacher: ID cards are useful.But some persons’names are known to all the people.They are very famous.Now look at the pictures and guess their names.(The teacher shows some famous person’s pictures and students guess their names and give their answers.)

llect useful information.Teacher: These persons are very famous.But it’s better for us to know something else about them.Before class you’ve been asked to collect some information.Now let’s exchange it together.3.Report it to class.Each group can choose a student to give a report about their favourite person.The other students can ask him some questions in class.Example:

S1:This is Michael Jordan.He’s years old.He’s...He speaks...His birth place is...He is a famous...player.He’s a member of six Chicago Bulls championship teams.People like to call him “Air Jordan”.S2:Do you like Michael Jordan? Why or Why not?

S1:Yes, I like him very much because he’s so...S2:Do you want to be a basketball player like him?

S1:Of course I do.That’s my dream.Step Three: Make a poster about yourself.Teacher: Do you want to be famous all over the world?

First you must learn to show yourself.Now you have a chance to do that.Please try to make a poster about yourself.In your poster you should try to introduce yourself.(Students can write a passage about themselves.They can give some personal information.They can alse design the poster as well as they can.)


Students are asked to sun up this unit, especially about how to talk with others politely.






—How is the weather(in +地点)?/What’s the weather like?(in +地点)?

—It’s rainy/windy/sunny/cloudy/snowy.2、能力目标










—How is the weather(in +地点)? /What’s the weather like?(in +地点)?

—It’s rainy/windy/sunny/cloudy/snowy.2、教学难点








(1)师生共唱“rain? go? away”, 活跃课堂气氛。







—How is the weather(in +地点)? /What’s the weather like?(in +地点)?

—It’s rainy/windy/sunny/cloudy/snowy.(2)分别用两个句型进行游戏比赛,让学生在游戏中反复巩固新句型和新知识点。











七年级英语上册课件 篇1





Step One :Present the sentence patterns.1.Play a game “How many words do you know?”(利用小游戏调动学生的积极性,同时通过对冠军的介绍引出本课。)

Teacher: After the study of the first three starters, I think most of the students must have known a lot of words.How many words do you know? Let’s play a game to see who know? Let’s play a game to see who knows the most.(Divide all the students into several groups and show a picture(图片略)to them with the computer.Every group can choose two students to join.They are asked to come to the blackboard and write down the words in 30 seconds.)

(Group 2 is the champion group.They can write 11 words.)

2.Introduce the champion group to the class.(引课方式贴近生活,学生易于接受)

Teacher: Congratulations, now Group 2 is the champion.But I don’t know your names.Would you like to introduce yourselves to us?

S1& S2:Yes.S1:Hello.My name is Li Lei.Nice to meet you.Ss: Hello, Li Lei.Nice to meet you ,too.Ss: Hello!What’s your name?

S2:I’m Sun Ping.How do you do?

Ss: How do you do ?

Step Two: Drills.1.Make introductions.(通过句型的操练使学生更加熟练掌握所学的句式。)

Teacher: The new term begins.Everyone will meet many new classmates.Do you want to make friends with them? If your answer is “yes”, please introduce yourself in your group.Example:

Sa: Hello!I’m Li Lei.What’s your name?

Sb: My name’s Zhang Feng.Nice to meet you.Sa: Nice to meet you, too.And what’s your name, please?

Sc: Lin Li.How do you do?

Sa:How do you do?

2.Listen and number the conversations.Teacher: Today I have good news for you.Three new students will come to our class.They are from other countries.Do you want to know them? Let’s listen to the recording of 1b in Section A.(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

Step Three: Make friends.1.Make new friends.(用谈话的方式完成任务,生动活泼,同时更容易向学生进行美德教育。)

Teacher: Now everyone has some new friends.Do you want others to know them? Do you want more friends? Let’s introduce our new friends to others, OK?

Ss: OK.Example:

Sa: This is my new friend.His name is Sun Nan.Sb: Hello, Sun Nan.Nice to meet you.Sc: Nice to meet you, too.Look!This is my new friend.Her name is He Lu.Ss: How do you do?

Sd: How do you do?

(Students can stand up and introduce their friends to others freely.They can greet each other warmly.Everyone in the class can have more friends.They can also know something else about them.)

2.The New comers.(以表演的形式完成,使课堂气氛达到高潮。)

Teacher: Just now I said three new students from other countries would come to our class.Now, look!They are here.Let’s give them a warm welcome.(Three “foreign”students come in and all the students clap warmly.)

Teacher: It’s their first time to come to China.Would you like to listen to their introductions?

Ss: Yes.(Three students can make introductions and act out the dialogue vividly.)

Step Three: Sum up.Some students are asked to sum up this lesson.It is how to make new friends and how to greet them.It is very important in the daily life.Homework

“How do you meet new visitors at home?

Period Two





Step One: Revise the sentence patterns.1.Sing an English song.(用唱歌的方式既带动了气氛,又复习了所学内容。)

Teacher: Yesterday we’ve known each other already.Do you remember your new friends’names? If you do, let’s sing the song “What’s your name?”.Hello!Hello!What’s your name? My name’s Gina.Hello!Hello!What’s his name? His name’s Peter.Hello!Hello!What’s her name? Her name’s Anna.2.Listen to the conversations and finish the exercises.Teacher: Yesterday I made a new friend.Her name is Jenny.She is very lovely.She introduces many friends of hers to me.Do you want to know about them? Let’s listen to the tape and find out some useful information.(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

3.Act out the dialogues.(在特定的情景下表演对话更符合实际,更贴近生活。)

Teacher: Now you’ve known something about introductions and greetings.But if you are in other places, how do you introduce yourself and greet others? Look at the four pictures and imagine you are in such a situation, how do you get to know new friends?

(Students can choose any picture they like and act out the dialogues.)


(At a party)

Sa: Hello!I’m Lucy Green.What’s your name?

Sb: My name is Kate Brown, Jim’s classmate.Nice to meet you.Sa: Nice to meet you, too.I’m Jim’s sister.Welcome to Jim’s birthday party.Make yourself at home.Sb: Thanks, I will.Step Two: Choose English names.1.Play a name game.(有效引出“英文名字”这一主题。)

Teacher:As we know, everyone has a name.Each name has its special meaning and so do English names.Do you want to have an English name? If you do, let’s play a name game.The winners of the game will get English names.Rules: Every student should introduce himself or herself,but at the same time he(she)should repeat all the above-mentioned classmates' names.Example:

S1: My name’s Tony.S2: His name’s Tony.My name’s Linda.S3: His name’s Tony.Her name’s Linda.My name’s Nick.S4: His name’s Tony.Her name’s Linda.His name's Nick.My name's Kim.S5:…….2.Choose English names.1).Find out first names and last names.(用小组的方式完成名字的识别。)

Teacher: Congratulations to the winners.Now you choose English names from the box.But before you choose names, you must know English names have two parts: first name and last name.Look at the box, can you classify them according to the demands?

Jenny Gina Alan Mary Jim Tony Tom Bob MikeGreen Miller Jack Smith Brown Linda Nick Kim Hand

Period Three





Step One: Present the English numbers.1.Sing the song “Ten Little Indian Boys”.(歌曲欢快有趣,比起单纯教授单词更为有效。)

Teacher: During the first two classes, we’ve known something about new friends names.But if we want to contact them.What shall we do?

S1: A telephone call.T: But you don’t have their telephone numbers.S1: Ask for their telephone numbers.T: If we want to know about their telephone numbers, we must learn how to say these numbers in English.Let’s learn to sing “Ten Little Indian Boys”.Words

One little, two little, three little Indisns,Four little, five little, six little Indians,Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,Ten little Indian boys.(After singing the song, tell the students not to forget “zero”.)

T: Count the number together from zero to nine.S2: Zero…

2.Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.(通过听力复习单词。)

Teacher: This is my friend’s telephone number.But I can’t hear it uld you please help me write it down?

(Students listen to the recording of 1b in Section B and give the answer.)

Step Two: Drills.1.Make a survey about your partners’ telephone numbers.(调查组内成员的电话号码,重点练习所学句式。)

Teacher: Thank you for your help.But do you want to know your friends’ telephone numbers? Now let’s make a survey about it and try to fill in the chart.

NameTelephone numbersLi Lei
Liu Yu
Lin Fang
Yin Kailin

S1: Hello, Liu Yu.What’s your telephone number?

S2: My telephone number is …

S1: Oh, thank you.What about yours, Lin Fang?

S3: It’s…

S1: … And may I know your phone number, Yin Kailin?

S4: …

S1: Thank you very much.Oh, I nearly forgot.My telephone number is…

2.Report it to the class.(After the survey, every group can choose a student to report the survey result to the class.)


My telephone number is… Liu Yu’s phone number is… Lin Fang’s telephone number is… Yin Kailin’ s phone number is…

3.Listen and match the names and telephone numbers.(制作电话号码簿这一任务能够大面积调动学生装的参与意识。)

Teacher: I will play the recording twice.The first time just listen.The second time, write the letter of the person’s telephone number in the space after that person’s name.(Students listen to the tape.)

T: Next, I’ll play the recording again.This time, fill in the missing numbers.(Students listen to the tape again.)

T: Can you find out whose telephone numbers they are ?


4.Make an address book.Teacher: The new term begins.Our class needs an address book to contact each other.Now we can put all the information together and then we can have our own address book.Pay attention to the address book headings “Names” and “Phone numbers”.Now work in groups of six and ask your group members “What’s his /her name? And What’s his/her phone number?”

Step Three: Make an ID card. some different ID cards to the class and try to enjoy them.(向学生展示不同种类的名片,一方面开阔学生眼界,一方面便于学生找出名片所含内容。)(引导学生有效搜集名片上的信息,提高学生的阅读能力。)

Teacher: Now our class has a very useful address book.We can use it to talk with others on the phone.But for most adults, ID cards are more important because they are easy to take along.What’s more, they are very enjoyable.Sometimes they can show the owners’ special personalities.Look at the ID cards below and try to enjoy them.Teacher: From the cards above, what can you find out ?

S1: It must have a person’s name…

S2: Sometimes it has a motto.T: Yes, It must have a person’s name, postcode, telephone number, home address and e-mail address.So if you have a chance to make an ID card, you must think about all the above.But before you make your card, first let’s learn how to get information from the card.It’s very important.2.Read the ID card and answer the questions.(提供参考信息,但允许学生创新。)

Teacher: Look!Here’s an ID card of my friend’s.Please look at it and find out some useful information about her.1.What’s her telephone number?

2.What’s her family name?

3.What’s her first name?


1.Students are asked to make ID Cards of their own.Demands: A.Useful information must be included.B.It can be designed as beautifully as possible.C.Students may show their own personalities if possible.2.Find out the information about the famous person.Period Four





Step One: Make an ID card show. the ID cards to the students.Teacher: Yesterday all of you made some beautiful ID we’ll make a show here.Let’s enjoy it together and try to choose the best ones.2.Find the owner of the card.Teacher: The ID card show is over.All the cards are mixed together.I can’t find the owners.Who can help me?

S1:I can.(Show one of the cards to another students.)

S1:Excuse me, are you in...?

S2:Yes, I am.S1:What’s your telephone number?

S2:It’s...S1:Are you...?

S2:Yes, I am.S1:Here’s your ID card.S2:Thank you.(Teacher asks more students to find the owners of ID cards).Step Two: “Face to Face”.1.Play a guessing game.Teacher: ID cards are useful.But some persons’names are known to all the people.They are very famous.Now look at the pictures and guess their names.(The teacher shows some famous person’s pictures and students guess their names and give their answers.)

llect useful information.Teacher: These persons are very famous.But it’s better for us to know something else about them.Before class you’ve been asked to collect some information.Now let’s exchange it together.3.Report it to class.Each group can choose a student to give a report about their favourite person.The other students can ask him some questions in class.Example:

S1:This is Michael Jordan.He’s years old.He’s...He speaks...His birth place is...He is a famous...player.He’s a member of six Chicago Bulls championship teams.People like to call him “Air Jordan”.S2:Do you like Michael Jordan? Why or Why not?

S1:Yes, I like him very much because he’s so...S2:Do you want to be a basketball player like him?

S1:Of course I do.That’s my dream.Step Three: Make a poster about yourself.Teacher: Do you want to be famous all over the world?

First you must learn to show yourself.Now you have a chance to do that.Please try to make a poster about yourself.In your poster you should try to introduce yourself.(Students can write a passage about themselves.They can give some personal information.They can alse design the poster as well as they can.)


Students are asked to sun up this unit, especially about how to talk with others politely.

七年级英语上册课件 篇2

一 学生情况分析(学生62人,其中男生:36人,女生:26 人)







二 课时总安排

总共100课时:授课 课时 复习 课时

测试 课时 机动 课时


The goal:

The goal of Go for it is to make language a step-by-step progression that builds confidence and leads to open-ended activities where students can actively relate learning to their personal lives.

Go For It! 是以《英语课程标准》为依据,以学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。不仅以语言知识、语言技能为重点,而且更注重学生的学习策略、情感态度和文化意识。教学内容的处理和取舍灵活开放, 只要教师从学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,任何教学内容的调整或取舍,任何教学步骤的安排都是可行的。“I sometimes go to the last to do the group work first…It depends on the teachers’ knowledge of the students actual language ability…”(David Nunan);提倡教师结合学生实际,充分利用学生、教师本身和环境中一切可以利用的资源,丰富教学内容,创造运用英语的机会,注意多渠道开发教学资源。 “Don’t use just the textbook. Anything in real life that connect and appropriate to the lesson can be used as teaching resources.”(David Nunan);提倡任务型语言教学,教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格;课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,课后访谈调查,读写扎记,重视语言运用;正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。

The key points of each unit:

Topic Functions Structures

U 1 Making new friends Introduce yourself

Greet people

Ask for and give telephone numbers Present tense to be

What questions

Prossessive adjectives:my,your,his,her

U2 Things in the classroom

Identify ownerships Demonstratives:this,that

What questions and Yes/No questions

How do you spell pen?

U3 The family Introduce people

Identify people Demonstratives:these,those

Subject pronouns:I,he,she

Yes/No questions

Plural nouns

U4 Things around the house Talk about where things are Where questions and Yes/No questions

Prepositions: on,in,under

Subject pronouns: they

U5 Spending time with friends Ask and answer questions about ownership

Make suggestions Present tense to have

Yes/No questions and short answers: let’s

Adjectives of quality


Food Talk about likes and dislikes Present tense to like

Yes/No questions and short answers

Affirmative and negative statements


Shopping Ask about prices

Talk about clothing

Thank someone Demonstratives:this,that,these,those

How much questions


Dates Talk about dates When questions

Prossessive “s”

How old are you?


Movies Talk about preferences

Make plans Present tense to want

Yes/No questions and short answers:

Adjectives of quality

U10 Joining a club Talk about abilities Modal verb can

Yes/No questions and short answers:

Affirmative and negative statements

What questions

U11 Daily routines Talk about daily routines

Ask about and say times When questions

What time is it?

Adverbs of frequency

U 12 School subjects Talk about preferences

Give reasons What questions

Why questions

Who questions

Adjectives of quality

四、 教材分析



A. 图文并茂。一幅副充满情趣,幽默生动的画面,令你眼睛一亮。它不仅版面设计充满新意,而且在内容和结构方面更富有创意 更具时代感,更有现代气息,更加贴近学生的生活。学生一拿到课本后都爱不释手,迫不及待地翻阅。

B. 实用性强。每个单元的选材都来源于学生的学习和生活。紧紧地与学生的年龄特征、认知结构、生活经验联系在一起。如第一册的十四个话题:认识新朋友、教室里的物品、家庭成员、食品、购物、电影、参加社团、生活习惯、学习科目、国家与语言。第二册的十二个话题:邻居、动物、足球、职业、周末活动、音乐、人物性格与外貌、天气、节日、度假与休闲、流行文化、规章制度与日常生活。由于这些都是学生熟悉的话题,生活中经常碰到的事情,所以学生容易接受,学习热情自然也高。使教学活动由“要我学”转变为“我要学”。

C.注重交际。针对中国学生学英语普遍存在的“聋哑病”,教材设计了大量的听说读写材料。每个单元都有语言活动,且内容不同,形式多样,学生对这些活动充满兴趣,所以大家都能情绪高昂地参加pair work, group work, games等活动。学生们充满了自信,开心地练习说英语,教室里常常充满了欢歌笑语。同学们都喜欢上英语课,他们能为学以致用而感到兴奋,同时也体验到了学习语言的快乐。

D.词汇量大。第一册有词汇700个左右,第二册约450个,第三册约450个,第四册约400个, 第五册约500个,合计2500个。这一点正好达到《英语课程标准》5级的要求。大大丰富了学生的词汇量,让学生能更好地表达自己的所思所想。同时也要求学生必须采取有效的记忆单词的方法,就会事半功倍,否则难以适应教材的要求。这时学生特别需要教师的指导 .。


a.言语、情境真实性原则 (The authenticity principle)


b.形式-功能性原则 (The form-function principle)


c.阶梯型任务原则 (The task dependency principle)


d. 在做中学原则 (Learning by doing)









Week 1 Starter Unit 1 5课时

Week 2 Starter Unit 2& Starter Unit 3 5课时

Week 3 Unit 1 6课时

Week 4 Unit 2 6课时

Week 5 Unit 3 6课时

Week 6 Revision 6课时

Week 7 Unit4 6课时

Week8 Unit 5 6课时

Week 9 Unit 6 6课时

Week 10 Revision 6课时

Week 11 Middle examination 6课时

Week 12 Unit 7 6课时

Week 13 Unit 8 6课时

Week 14 Unit 9 6课时

Week 15 Unit 10 6课时

Week 16 Unit 11 6课时

Week 17 Unit 12 6课时

Week 18 Revision 6课时

Week 19 Revision 6课时

Week 20 Final examination

七年级英语上册课件 篇3


本单元以家庭为话题,以家庭介绍为任务学习That’s my sister. These are my brothers. Who is she?等句型的使用。要求学生能够做到:






另外,由于计划生育政策的施行,同学们的兄弟姐妹少了,这对于brother, sister的概念的表达可能有些不利。但是,中国是一个注重家庭的国家,本单元的学习会让学生了解不同国家的家庭结构间的不同。同时由于班级内可能有来自单亲家庭的同学,在授课时要注意保护学生,不要伤及学生的自尊,同时要注意培养学生的移情能力。




Period 1 (A1, 3a, B3)

I. Teaching Objectives

1. Knowledge Objectives:

(1) Expressions: sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, family, those, who, oh, these, those, they.

(uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, nephew, here, photo )

(2) Structure: That’s my family. Those are my parents. Who’s she? She’s my sister. Oh, and these are my brothers.

3) Grammar: The plural forms of the demonstrative pronouns.

2. Ability Objectives:

(1) Learn how to introduce the family.

(2) Get Ss to know the names of the various members of a family.

3. Moral Objectives: Father and mother, I love you!

II. Teaching Importance(focus)

(1) Learn how to introduce the family.

(2) Get Ss to know the names of the various members of a family.

(3) Get Ss to know the differences between this/that is and these/those are.

(4) Get Ss to know who questions

III. Teaching Difficulties

1. 因为单复数的问题,学生对this与these,that与those的转换可能会弄错,

2. 在拼写时,学生习惯把mother写成monther。

3. grandmother,grandfather中d不发音。

Ⅳ. Teaching Aids

A recorder, multi-media

Ⅴ. Teaching Procedure:

Step l:Lead in

Enjoy an English song called the Finger Family, do daily greetings as usual.

Step 2: Pre-task

1. T: Today I’ll introduce a new friend.

Then show a picture of a boy to teacher new words about family members.

2. Work on 1a, match the words.

3. Listening practice: Do A 1b, first listen and circle the words, then imitate.

4. Look at the picture on SB P7, ask and answer in pairs.

Step 3:While-task

Photo show. 1.T ask and S answer

2. Ss ask and answer in pairs. Then Do A3a

3. Make a short passage about the photo. Then Do B 2b.

step 4:Post-task

Draw a photo of family and write about it, then share with friends.

Step 4. Sum up

Do exercises in class and check the answers


1.完成2号本P14-15 第一课时

2. 预习Unit 2 第二课时

3. 完成 Self check 2

4. 常规听读,听写作业

Layout of Bb

Unit 2 This is my sister. Period 1

sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, family, those, who, oh, these, those, they.

That’s my family.

Those are my parents.

Who’s she?

She’s my sister.

Oh, and these are my brothers.


Period 2 (A2)

I. Teaching Objectives

1. Knowledge Objectives:

(1) Expressions: well, have, day, bye, goodbye

(2) Structure: Have a good! Thanks! You, too. Bye!

— Nice to meet you. — Nice to meet you, too

(3) Grammar: Yes or No questions.

2. Ability Objectives:

(1) Identifying people and the relationship.

(2) Find out the correct relationship.

七年级英语上册课件 篇4
























七年级英语上册课件 篇5

教学内容:Unit 6 Do you like bananas?







1.掌握基本词汇:food、banana、hamburger、tomato、broccoli、French fries、strawberry、orange、ice cream、salad。

2.掌握句型:Do you like bananas? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.二、过程与方法














Step 1: Greetings.Greet the students as usual.Step 2: Revision Show the students pictures and ask:What’s this? It’s a soccer ball.Do you have a soccer ball? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.Do you like it? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.Step 3: New words Show the students some food and ask:

2What’s this? It’s a hamburger.Do you like it? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.What are these? They’re bananas.Do you like bananas? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.运用图片和对话教学单词:hamburger、banana、tomato、broccoli、French fries、strawberry、orange、ice cream、salad,并运用这些单词进行对话。

Step 4: Pair work Work in pairs and try to match the words with the pictures of 1a.Step 5: Listening 1b Listen and number the conversations.After listening, show the dialogue on the screen and get the students to practice the conversations, and then make their own conversations.Step 6: Listening Listen and circle the food you hear.First get the students to check their answers in groups and then report their answers.Step 7: Listen again Listen again and fill in the blanks.I like hamburgers.Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do.Do you like______? No, I don’t like ______.Let’s have _______.Oh, no.I don’t like_________.Step 8: Group work Make a food survey in groups by asking: Do you like...? Then fill in the blanks to complete the form.How many students like hamburgers? How many students like bananas? Step 9: Summary Let’s sum what we have learned this class.Words:banana, hamburger, tomato, ice cream, salad, strawberry.Sentences:Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.Step 10: Homework 1.Remember the words in this class.2.Practise the dialogue in pairs.课堂作业


(1)汉堡 ____________(2)西红柿 _____________(3)沙拉 ____________(4)草莓 ____________(5)梨 ____________(6)牛奶 __________(7)面包 __________(8)冰激凌 _________2.根据句意完成句子

(1)A:_______ you like salad? B:No, I _______./Yes, I ______.(2)I __________(喜欢)hamburgers.(3)_____________(你喜欢)hamburgers?(4)____________(我们吃)strawberries.参考答案:

1.(1)hamburger(2)tomato(3)salad(4)strawberry(5)pear(6)milk(7)bread(8)ice cream

2.(1)Do, don’t, do(2)like(3)Do you like(4)Let’s教学反思


七年级英语上册课件 篇6


Unit12 My favorite subject is science课件.rarUnit12 My favorite subject is science课件3.rarUnit12 My favorite subject is science课件2.rarUnit11 What time do you go to school课件.rarUnit11 What time do you go to school课件3.rarUnit11 What time do you go to school课件2.rarUnit10 Can you play the guitar课件.rarUnit10 Can you play the guitar课件3.rarUnit10 Can you play the guitar课件2.rarUnit9 Do you want to go to a movie课件.rarUnit9 Do you want to go to a movie课件3.rarUnit9 Do you want to go to a movie课件2.rarUnit8 When is your birthday PPT课件.rarUnit8 When is your birthday PPT课件3.rarUnit8 When is your birthday PPT课件2.rarUnit7 How much are these pants课件.rarUnit7 How much are these pants课件3.rarUnit7 How much are these pants课件2.rarUnit6 Do you like bananas PPT课件.rarUnit6 Do you like bananas PPT课件2.rar

Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball课件.rarUnit5 Do you have a soccer ball课件2.rarUnit4 Where's my backpack PPT课件.rarUnit4 Where's my backpack PPT课件2.rarUnit3 This is my sister PPT课件.rarUnit3 This is my sister PPT课件2.rarUnit2 Is this your pencil PPT课件.rarUnit2 Is this your pencil PPT课件2.rarUnit1 My name's Gina PPT课件.rar

七年级英语上册课件 篇7





—How is the weather(in +地点)?/What’s the weather like?(in +地点)?

—It’s rainy/windy/sunny/cloudy/snowy.2、能力目标










—How is the weather(in +地点)? /What’s the weather like?(in +地点)?

—It’s rainy/windy/sunny/cloudy/snowy.2、教学难点








(1)师生共唱“rain? go? away”, 活跃课堂气氛。







—How is the weather(in +地点)? /What’s the weather like?(in +地点)?

—It’s rainy/windy/sunny/cloudy/snowy.(2)分别用两个句型进行游戏比赛,让学生在游戏中反复巩固新句型和新知识点。








七年级英语上册课件 篇8


大家好!今天我要说课的内容是新目标七年级英语上册第二单元Section A的前部分,题目是Is this your pencil ?其主要的内容是学会辨认物品的所有者这一话题。由于本单元具有两部分Section A和Section B。从本单元来说,本节课既是本单元的基本语言内容,又为本单元知识扩展和综合语言运用奠定坚实的基础。因此,上好Section A的前部分,既可让知识学习具有一定的延续性,又可为下面的教学做好铺垫,对完成本单元和今后的英语教学具有重要的意义。

重点、难点及处理对于Secttion A前部分的教学,我准备把对词汇的掌握和听力的理解作为重点,把结队活动的核心对话作为难点。这是因为我校地处农村,学生在英语学习方面没有一个好的语言氛围,也没有听力训练的条件,因此解决这一重点,能让学生进一步感受英语语言的美,体验知识间的相互应用、相互依存的联系,让学生充满自信,体验成就感和合作精神。




七年级英语上册课件 篇9







































Unit 1 Topic 3 How old are you ?

Section D












1、预习课本P23 Part 1 ,复习书上的六个音标

2、预习课本P23 Part 2 ,分别找出Jane 和 Huang Hua 的个人信息

3、预习P23 Part 3 ,根据所给信息把空补充完整

4、背诵课本P24 Part 4a 4b

(三)问题导学 再看课本P22 Part 2 ,回答问题。

Where is Jane from ?__________________________

How old is she ?___________________________

What class is she in ? _____________________

Where is Huang Hua from ? _______________

What’s his English name ? _____________________

Are they in the same class ? ______________



1、They are not in the same class ,but they good friends.他们不在同一个班,但是他们是好朋友。

解析:same 意思是“相同的”,前面一定要用定冠词“the”,后面接单数名词。

but 意为“但是,可是”,起转折作用。

eg : We are in the same school ,but in different classes.我们在同一个学校,但是在不同的班级。



1、---How old ________ you ?

2、----I ________ ten.3、---What _____ this ?-

4、---It _________ a pen.5、----Who ________ that ?

----She _________ Lucy.6、---What _________ these ?

----They ________ schoolbags.7、---__________ this a pen ?

----Yes , it _________.(二)单项选择

1.What’s that _______ Chinese ?

A、on B、in C、with

2.Is he ____________ English boy ?

A、a B、an C、the3、These are my _____________.A、book B、pens C、a friend4、---Is this your eraser ?----Yes ,____________.A、it is B、this is C、it’s5、They are not ________ the same class ,but they

are good friends.A、in B、on C、from



1.They are in the s________ class.2、--How o________ is she ?---She is 15.3.Li Ming and Wang Fei are good f___________.4、I’m in a h_________ school.5、Is your p__________ number 3264-7853 ?


1、______ is Zhou Lan._________ phone number is 1358429764.A、Her , her B、She , her C、She , She2、What grade ______ your brother in ?

A、is B、am C、are3、---Is that a car ?---No ,____________

A、that isn’t B、that is C、it isn’t4、Nine and eleven is __________.A、thirteen B、fifteen C、twenty5、_________ are good friends.A、you ,he and I B、I ,you and he C、you and he ,I This is an English boy(男孩).His name is Jim.He is twelve.He is in my school.He and I are in the same grade.I’m in Class Three, Grade Seven, but he is in Class Four.I’m his good friend.He is my good friend, too.根据短文内容, 补全对话。

A: Excuse me, what’s his name?

B: His name is Jim.A: 6.______________________________

B: Yes.J-I-M, Jim.A: Where is he from?

B: 7.______________________________

A: How old is he?

B: 8.______________________________

A: Is he in your school?

B: 9.______________________________

A: Is he in Class Three, Grade Seven?

B: 10.______________________________

He is in Class Four, but he and I are good friends.A: Thank you.汉译英:1.布朗是他的姓氏。Brown is his ____ ____.12.那是一张地图吗

Is that ____ ____.13.它们是五辆公共汽车。

They are ____ ____.14.让我帮帮你吧。

Let ____ ____ you.15.给你。____ ____ are.(五)作业:请写一份自我介绍,内容包括姓名、年龄、国籍、班级、学校、电话号码。




结构:由be动词(am, is, are)+ 动词ing构成,其中be动词要与主语保持性数一致。

Mary is flying a kite in the park.玛丽正在公园里放风筝。

--What are you doing now? 你现在在干什么?

--I’m reading English.我正在读英语。

Are they drawing the pictures now? 他们正在画画吗?




play—playing, do—doing, talk—talking, sing--singing


make—making, write—writing, have—having, take—taking


run—running, stop—stopping, put—putting, swim—swimming


She is cleaning her room now.她正在打扫房间。

Look!The girl is dancing over there.看!那个女孩在那里跳舞。

--Can you go and play games with me? 你能和我们一起做游戏吗?

--Can’t you see I am doing my homework? 你没看见我正在做作业吗?



英语七年级上册课件 篇1


(一)基础:引导词---who, which, that, whom,练习1.I like cities___________are quiet and clean.2.I prefer students _________are hard-working.3.I hate TV shows _________ are noisy and boring.4.The music __________ is gentle and quiet attracts me a lot.5.The food __________tastes delicious is not always healthy.6.Those boys ___________ are playing basketballs over there are from Class Fifteen.7.The books ____________ are written by Lu Xun are worth reading.8.The town ___we visited last week is much larger than before.9.The book ___ he bought is very interesting.(二)特例:只用that的情况

1先行词被___________或___________所修饰,或本身是______________________时,只能用 that,2.被修饰的先行词为 ________________________________________________等不定代词时, 只能用 that.3.先行词被 _____________________________________________等词修饰时,只能用 that,而不用 which。

4.先行词里同时含有______________________,如I can remember well the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room.5.以______________________引导的特殊疑问句,只能用that.如: Who is the girl that is crying?

练习1.I am interested in everything___ is about the 2006 World Cup.2.Is there anything___I can do for you? 3.This is the very bike ______I lost

4.To my surprise, he gave me nothing __ I need.5.This is the best dictionary __ I have ever used.6.He was the first person _______passed the exam.7.He talked happily about the men and books________interested him greatly.(三)whose 1.The student ______father works in the factory is sitting there.2.I like the rooms ______windows face south.3.This is the desk ______legs were broken.4The woman ___ umbrella you took is angry about it.5.Here comes a girl ___ handwriting is the best.6The banana __skin is green can’t be eaten.7That tall tree _ leaves are yellow is very old.(四)从句谓语单复数由先行词确定,时态由从句时间状语决定,不必跟主句保持一致。

1-He is one of the boys who ____(doesn’t, don’t)finish doing homework.2-I like films which ____(be)exciting and interesting.3-Children who often ____(eat)junk food are easy to become fat and unhealthy.4-That boy who _____(run)fastest is from our class.5Those boys who ____ playing the guitar are from our school.(be)

6The trees which _____(be)watered yesterday belong to them.7The man who ____ over there is our teacher.(stand)8Those boys who ____ playing the guitar are from our school.(be)

9Mr.Brown is one of the foreign experts _______ _________(work)in China.10I’m one of the boys ______ ________(like)English best.(五)“介词+关系代词”注意: 介词的选用要考虑:


1)I will never forget the day __________ I joined the army.2)I will never forget the days ______ I worked here.3)I will never forget the year ____________ my son went to college.B.与谓语动词的搭配习惯

1)Have you found the book ________I paid 29 dollars?

2)Have you found the book ________I spent 29 dollars?

3)Have you found the book _____________we learnt a lot?

4)Have you found the book _______she often talks?


练习:1.It must be a good place ________________we can do a lot of exercise.2.This is the village _________________we visited last week.3.The house _______ we live in is very big./ The house _______ we live is very big

4.The woman ___________ talked to you just now is a doctor.The woman ______ you talked to is my sister.The woman to ___________ you talked is my sister.5.This is the hospital ____________ I was born in.This is the hospital in _________I was born.This is the hospital____________ I was born.综合练习一.用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空

1.The boy ______ is wearing the black jacket is very clever.2.This is the present ____he gave me for my birthday.3.The man _______ talked to you just now is an engineer.4.He talked about the teachers and schools _______ he had visited.5.There is nothing in the world ______can frighten him.6.We visited a factory _______makes toys for children.7.Is this the place _______ your father once lived 8.I’ll never forget the days _______ I joined the League.9The car______my father bought last month is beautiful.10The man______hair is white is his grandfather.二()1.Rosa likes music ___ is quiet and gentle.A.when B.that C.where D.who

()2.--Is the girl _ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend--Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV.A.whom B.which C.who D.whose

()3 Yao Ming is a famous basketball star ___ is playing in the NBA.A.whose B.who C.what D.which

()4.The doctor ___I am waiting for is Mr.Smith.A.which B.whom C.whose D.why

()5.---Do you know Hong Zhanhui?---Yes.He’s the college student ____ has moved Chinese people a lot.A.who B.which C.what D.whom

()6.In my family, my sister is the only person __ loves chocolate.A.which B.who C.whom D.she

()7.This is the place ____ the old man lived last year.A.when B.where C.that D.which

()8.The song ___ Jay Zhou sings are popular with students.A.why B.whom C.what D.which

()9.The farmer was very thankful to the doctor ___ treated his son.A.what B.which C.who D.whose

()10.I like to live in a house__ is big and bright.A.that B.who C.how D.why

()11.The young lady ___ we met yesterday is our new math teacher.A.what B.whose C.whom D.which

()12.--Can you introduce the town to me?--OK.This is the town in __ I was born.A.that B.who C.which

()13.Miss green is the only person __ can help you with your English.A.she B.whom C.which D.who

()14.I like the second football match ___was held last week.A.which B.who C.that D./

()15.Is there anything ____ to you? A.that is belonged B.that belongs C.that belong D.which belongs

()16.I hate people ___ don’t help others when they are in trouble.A.who B.which C.they

()17.This is the only book ___I am looking for.A.that B.which C.who D.whom

()18 Her sister__ you met at my home was a teacher of English.A.whom B.that is C.which D.who is

()19 The book__is sold out at the moment.A.you need Bwhat you need C.which you need it D that you need it

()20 I'm one of the boys ______never late for school.A.that is B.who are C.who am D.who is

()21.__cleans the classroom can go home first.A.Anyone B.Those who C.However D.The one who

()22.The old man __yesterday is a scientist.A.I spoke B.I spoke to C.whom I spoke D.that I spoke to him


1.---Is the girl __ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend?--Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV.A.whom B.which C.who D.whose

2.Do you still remember the movie _____ we saw last weekend? A.who B.what C.that D.whom

3.---Who is your new English teacher?---Elena, the woman ____ is wearing a red T-shirt over there.A.不填 B.whom C.whose D.who

4.Is that the man _____ helped us a lot after the earthquake? A.whose B.which C.when D.who

5.---What are you looking for?---I’m looking for the pen ___ I bought yesterday.A.who B.which C.whose

6.This is the novel_____ written by Guo Jingming.A.who B.what C.that D./

7.We should be ready to help the people ____ are in trouble.A.whose B.whom C.which D.who

8.Two years has passed, but Chinese people still remember those exciting days ____ they spent during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.A.that B.who C.when

9.The magician _____ played magic tricks in 2008 CCTV Spring Festival Gala is Liu Qian.He is popular in China now.A.whose B.who C.which

10.July likes music very much.She likes music ____ she can dance to.A.what B.who C.that

11.At school, you should do the things _____ are allowed by the teachers.A.that B.when C.what

12.Thought is the key _____ opens the doors of the world.A.why B.where C.which D.who

13.The gentlemen ___ are coming to my office tomorrow are my classmates many years ago.A.whom B.who C.those D.which

14.That’s the man _____ house was destroyed in the storm.A.that B.whose C.who D.which

15.The girl ____ I just talked with is Ben’s sister.A.whom B.which C.she

16.I love people ____ are friendly to others.A.which B.whose C.what D.who

17.It’s time to say goodbye to my school.I’ll always remember the people _____ have helped me.A.who B.what C.which D.where

18.I like the teacher ____ classes are very interesting and creative.A.which B.who C.what D.whose

19.Do you know the boy ____ is sitting next to Peter?---Yes.He is Peter’s friend.They are celebrating his ____ birthday.A.who, ninth B.that, nineth C./, nineth D.which, ninth

20.ShaolinTemple__lies in the west of Zhengzhou welcomes the visitors from abroad.A.where B.which C.who




如Where does she live?(Do you know?)----Do you know where she lives?


Which is the way to the nearest shop?/ What’s wrong with you?/ What’s up?/ What’s the matter?


第二:时态;1)如果主句是___________,宾语从句时态根据实际情况而定.如:1.It’s going to rain.I think.---I think it’s going to rain.2.“I will go with you.” he says.---He says he will go with me.3.He studied English ten years ago.I know.I know he studied English ten years ago.2)主句是___________,宾语从句要用___________。

如:It’s going to rain.I thought.---I thought it was going to rain.“I will go with you.” he said.---He said he would go with me.3).若从句表达的是___________,规律,不管主句是什么时态,从句都用___________。

如1 The earth turns round the sun.The teacher told us---The teacher told us that the earth turns round the sun.Light travels much faster than sound.She said …---She said that light travels much faster than sound.第三:连接词1)如果被连接的句子是___________,那么连接词用___________,(也可省)

如1.He’ll be back in a month.(I hear…)I hear(that)he will be back in a month.2.I have been to the Great Wall once.(He tells me…)He tells me(that)he has been to the Great Wall once.2.)如果被连接的句子是___________,则用连接词___________

如:*Does he live in that house?(She asked me …)She asked me if/ whether he lived in that house.*Have you finished your homework?(I want to know…)I want to know if you have finished your homework.3)___________句,用原句中的特殊疑问词引导:what, who, where, when, which, why, how(many/ much/ often/ long/ old).如: Who are you waiting for? Can you tell me?---Can you tell me who you are waiting for?

What did he do yesterday? I don’t know.---I don’t know what he did yesterday.***其中 以wh-疑问词或how 引导的宾语从句与动词不定式可相互转换

如I don’t know what I can do.可以说成 I don’t know what to do.The policeman showed me where I could get books.可以说成The policeman showed me where to get books.Can you tell me how I can make a kite?可以说成 Can you tell me how to make a kite?

4).宾语从句___________。在_________________________________等动词所跟的宾语中,如果从句谓语是否定的,一般要将否定词not转移至主句谓语上去,而将从句谓语改为肯定形式。如:I don’t think he has time to play with the girl.二.综合练习

1.I want to know __

A.whom is she looking after B.whom she is looking C.whom is she looking D.whom she is looking after

2.I don't know _________ the day after tomorrow.

A.when does he come B.how will he come C.if he comes D.whether he'll come

3.Could you tell me _________ the nearest hospital is?A.what B.how C.whether D.where

4.Could you tell me _________ the radio without any help?

A.how did he mend B.what did he mend C.how he mended D.what he mended

5.I don't know if he____ tomorrow.If he _____,I'll tell you.

A.comes, comes B.will come, will come C.will come, comes es, will come

6.Do you know where _________ now?A.he lives B.does he live C.he lived D.did he live

7.Do you know what time ___?A.the train leave B.does the train leave C.will the train leave Dthe train leaves

8.I don't know _________ .Can you tell me,please? A.how the two players are old

B.how old are the two players C.the two players are how old D.how old the two players are

9.The small children don't know _________ . A.what is their stockings in

B.what is in their stockings C.where is their stockings in D.what in their stockings

10.I can't understand _________ . A.what does Christmas mean B.what Christmas does mean

C.what mean Christmas does D.what Christmas means.When the job______, let me know.A.do B.done C.is done D.finished.She asked me if I knew__.A.whose pen is it B.whose pen it was C whose pen it is D.whose pen was it 13.Miss Li wants to know _____________next week.A.when my uncle leaves

B.when will my uncle leave C.where my uncle will stay D.where does my uncle uld you tell me ________________with the money ? A.how to do B.what should I do C.how I should do D.what I should do


()1.Everyone can play an important role in the society.As members,we should try our best to do__.A.what we should do B.what should we do C.how we should do

()2.--I really hope to keep in touch with Lily.--Sorry.I don't know __.A.what her name is B.what her job is C.what her number is D.when she left

()3 —Can you tell me ______? —By doing more speaking.A how I will improve my English

B.which way can I choose C.how do I deal with my English D.what’s wrong with my English

()4.How lovely the dog is!Can you tell me _____?

A.where did you get it B.where will you get it C.where you got it

()5..--Excuse me, could you tell me ____ the book about aliens?--Sure, take the escalator to the second floor.A.where I can buy B.where can I buy C.when can I buy D.when I can buy

()6-“Do you know_ have our summer holiday?”-“Next week.”A.when will we B.when are weC.when we will

()7---Do you know ____ the MP4 yesterday?--Sorry, I’ve no idea about it.A.how much did he pay for B.how much he paid for C.he paid for how much D.he paid how much for

()8--What time will Mr.Brown be back to China?--Sorry.I don’t know ___.A.when did he go abroad B.why he is going abroad C.how soon will he be back Dhow long he will stay abroad

()9.You can’t image ___ when the pupils received these nice presents on Children’s Day.A.how they were excited B.how excited they were C.how excited were they D.they were how excited

()10.–Can you tell me ______?–She is in the computer lab.A.where Linda was B.where is Linda C.where was Linda D.where Linda

()11.–Do you know _______ the Capital Museum? –Next Friday.A.when will they visit B.when they will visit C.when did they visit D.when they visited

()12.He wanted to know____the English party.A.when will we have B.when we will have C.when would we have D.when we would have

()13.I want to know_______.A.when we should arrive at the airport B.when should we arrive at the airport

C.when the airport we should arrive at D.when the airport should we arrive at

()14.–David, look at the man in white over there.Can you tell me_______? –He is a doctor.A.who is he B.who he is C.what is he D.what he is

()15.–Do you know___the girl in red is? –I’m not sure.Maybe a teacher.A.when B.how C.where D.what

()16.Your T-shirt is so uld you tell me ________?

A.where you buy it B.where do you buy it C.where you bought it D.where did you buy it is

()17.I really want to know ____.A.what is wrong with my brother

B.how will he go to Beijing tomorrow C.if had he bought that car D.where did he go yesterday

()18.Excuse me, uld you tell me ?

A.where is the bank nearestB.where is the nearest bankC.where the nearest bank isD.the nearest bank is where

()19.Lily’s mother looked for her for half an hour, but couldn’t find ____.A.What Lily was.B.What was Lily C.Where Lily was D.Where was Lily

()20--Could you tell me___? He is wanted by the head teacher.--Sorry, I’ve no idea.But he _ here just now.

A.where Tim was, was B.where is Tim,was C.where Tim is,was D.where Tim is,is


一).条件状语从句:引导词为:if, unless。


主句_______________, 从句______________.练习:1.I am waiting for my friend.____________, I’ll do shopping alone.A.If she comes B.If she will come C.If she doesn’t come D.If she didn’t come

2.I am sure I can make it better, if our teacher _________me a second chance.A.give B.gave C.gives D.will give

3.The art club is for members only.You can’t go in___you are a member.A.unless B.Because C.if D.though

4.I ________the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow.A.will return B.returned C.have returned D.return

5.1)You won’t pass the final exam ___________(除非)you work hard.2)The children __________ climb the mountain if it __________________(不下雨)

3)_______________________if he comes.(给我打电话)

二)时间状语从句:(常见从属连词有when,before, after, until, as soon as, while…)

1)As soon as he _____in Paris, he will call you.A.arrive B.arrived C.arrives

2)Don’t leave until the rain_______.A.stopped B.stops C.stopping D.stop

3)You can go skating after you ____A.finish the job B.finished the job C.finishing the job

4)I’ll tell her the good news when he _____ back.A.came es e

5)Father was watching TV ________ Mum was washing dishes.A.before B.while C.after D.until

6)I was watching TV ____ you called me last night.A.when B.while C.until D.after

7)I ______ here since I came to China.d B.have lived C.am living D.had living

8).My grandma didn’t go to sleep______ I got back home.A.till B.until C.since D.when

三)原因状语从句:(常用连词有because, since, as)

1.Tom is ill at home, _____he can’t come here.A.so B.if C.because D.and

2.—Why did you come to school late this morning?--___I watched the Football World Cup until 12:00 last night.A.If B.Because C.Since D.Though

3.I hope to go to France some day__there are many museums there.A.though B.unless C.because D.where

四)结果状语从句:由so… that…/such…that/so that引导的从句(so后接形、副原级)


He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him.=______________________________________________

The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it= ___________________________________________________

2)“so… that +从句”与“enough to”的替换

He’s so strong that he can carry the box.=___________________________________________________

He is not old enough to go to school.=________________________________________________________

3)so that…/ so…that…/such…that ____________________________________________________________

如:He got up early in the morning so that he could catch the early bus.The boy is so strong that he can lift up the heavy stone.He is such a clever boy that all of us like him.练习:1.--He was _______tired ______he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.--Oh, we can go out and let him have a good rest..A.too;to B.so;that C.enough;to D.such;that

2.There were _______many people ____I couldn’t find where she is.A.so;that B.so;as C.such;that D.as;that

3.He ran as fast as possible__he could reach school on time.A.in order to B so as to C such that D so that

4.They are ___interesting books __ I want to read them once more.A.so that B.such…that C.too…to D.so…that


1.You may leave the classroom when you__writing.A.will finish Bare finishing C have finished Dhad finished

2.Would you give Johnny this letter if you ________ to see him this week.A.will happen B.happen C.are happened D.happened

3.She was busy, ____she couldn’t go to your birthday party last night.A.and B.so C.or D.but

4.English is ________ a useful language ________ it is spoken in many countries of the world.A.so…that B.such…that C.so…because D.such…because

5.Don’t cross the street __ the traffic lights are green.A.after B.until C.while D.since

6.Your dream won’t come true__ you know what your dream is.A.after B.unless C.while D.since

7.--Could you ask him if he __to my birthday party next Sunday? –I will, if I __ him this afternoon.es, meet B.will come, will meet es, will meet D.will come, meet

8.Sarah is ______ a hard-working girl ______ she often works late into night.A.so;that B.too;to C.such;that D.not only;but also


1.—Where was your brother at this time last night?—He was writing an e-mail ___I was watching TV at home.A.as soon as B.after C.until D.while

2.The film “Kung Fu Panda” is___interesting__I would like to see it again.A.such,that B.too,to C.as,as D.so that

3.Tom will call me as soon as he ___home.A.gets B.has got C.got D.will get

4.We will have no water to drink___we don’t protect the earth.A.until B.before C.though D.if

5.We won’t start the meeting ___our teacher arrives.A.though B.until C.while D.or

6.Bob promises to join in the football match____he has to help his parents on the farm..A.if B.as C.unless D.when

7.___it’s difficult to make her dream come ture, she never gives up.A.Though B.Unless C.Because D.If

8.---Could you tell me when Mr.Li___in Huanggang?---Sure.When he ___, I’ll call you.A.arrives;will arrive B.will arrive;arrives C.arrives;arrives D.will arrive;will arrive

9.In summer, food goes bad easily__it is put in the refrigerator.A.until B.if C.unless

10.A moment, please.I’m checking if Mr.Smith__free tomorrow.A.is B.being C.to be D.will be

11.I didn’t go to bed __my mother came back late last night.A.so;B.until C.though

12.Hurry up,___you will miss the early train.A.or B.and C.if D.unless

13.---Tommy, do you know if Frank___to the theatre with us this Sunday if it ___?---Sorry, I have no idea.A.will go, is fine;B.goes, is fine C.will go, is going to be fine D.goes;will be fine

14.What a beautiful painting it is!I’ve never seen ___painting.A.such a B.a C.such D.this better

15.I don’t know __he will come tomorrow.___he comes, I’ll tell you.A.if, Whether B.whether, Whether C.if, That D.if, If


()1.Is this museum_ they visited last month? A.that B.where C.which D.the one

()2.Is that book ____ he borrowed on Friday? A.that B.which C.who D.the one

()3 The second book__I want to read is Business at the Speed of Thought.A.which B.what C.that D.as

()4 –Do you know the man __is running along the street? A who B which C whom

()5.Without friendship, one can’t be happy although he is rich enough.As for me, I will never forget the days ___I spent with my dearest friend.A that B when C who

()6 This is the best TV play __we have seen this year.A when B what C who D that

()7--Have you found the information about famous people ____you can use for report?

--Not yet.I’ll search some on the Internet.A which B who C what D whom

()8--Have you been to the Sports Center___ is just opened in town?--No, no yet.A where B who C that D when

()9--Bob, where do you work?--I work for a company ___sells cars.A which B where C what

()10____ have finished the work can leave.A.Those who B.Anyone C.The one who

()11.The building that ___new is our school.A.is B.are C.was D.were

()12.The pandas that we saved ____better now.A.are B.were C.is D.was

()13 This is the only thing _________ I have lost.A.which B.that C.where

()14.--Could you tell me____?--Sorry, I don’t know.I was not at the meeting.A.what does he say at the meeting.B what did he say at the meeting.C.what he says at the meeting D.what he said at the meeting

()15.No one can be sure____ in a million years.A.what man looks like B.what will man look like C.man will look like what D.what man will look like

()16.--Could you tell me ____?--She is a student in Eton School.A.where Kate is studying B.how Kate studies C.why Kate was studying D.when Kate studied

()17.--Could you tell me___ yesterday?--About two hours.A.How long it takes to fly to Guilin B.How long it took to fly to Guilin C.How long does it take to fly to Guiln D.How long did it take to fly to Guilin

()18.Please tell me____.A.what is wrong with the boy B.what is the boy wrong C.what wrong the boy is

()19.She will hate him when she _more about him.A.knowsB.know C.will know Dis going to know

()20.--Excuse me.Do you know_____?--Sorry, I don’t know.A.where is No.1 Middle School

B.where No.1 Middle School is C.No.1 Middle School is where D.No.1 Middle School where is

()21.At the science museum,the boys and girls get to know__________.A.what is the spaceship like

B.what the spaceship looks like C.how the spaceship looks 1ike D.how does the spaceship1ook like

()22.He didn’t tell me ____.A.which floor did he live on B.which floor he lived on C.which floor he lived D.he lived on which floor

()23.I’m new uld you tell me__, please?A.when does the first bus arrive B.when the first bus arrives

C.when did the first bus arrive D.when will the first bus arrive

()24.I wonder how long_______school?

A.has he been away from B.he has been away C.he has left D.he has been away from

()25.---We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet.---Really? Will you please show ____it? ‘

A.what to use B.how to use C.how can I use D.where can I use

()26.The teacher asked the students.A.if they were interested in chatting online

B.when was Albert Einstein born C.what they will do with the computers D.how often they go to movies

()27---Could you tell me how long __the book?--Three days.A.I can keep B.can I borrow C.I can borrow D.can I keep

()28.I can’t understand ___the boy alone at home.A.why she left B.did she leave C.why had she left D.why she leave

()29.You will not succeeded if you ______ harder.A.will work B.won’t work D.don’t work

()30.Write clearly __your teacher can understand you correctly.A.since B.for C.because Dso that

()31.______he failed , he went on doing the experiment.A.Even B.Yet C.Although D.in spite of

()32.The dog went out while we __ supper.A.had B.had had C.were having D.would have

()33.His brother has worked there ________ he left schoo A.when B.after C.since D.until

()34.The boy didn’t stop talking ____the second bell rang.A.when B.until C.after D.because

()35.__I came into the office, the teacher were having a meeting.A.While B.When C.Once D.Since

()36.I was about to leave my house __ the telephone rang.A.while B.as C.when D.since































































英语七年级上册课件 篇2

人教版英语七年级上册Unit7 How much are these socks? Section A 1a-1c说课稿







与Starter Unit3辨认颜色以及Unit 6谈论好恶联系紧密,学习询问价格的同时可以复习巩固之前的知识。


课题:How much are these socks ? 话题:“ask about prices”。目标语言:

--How much is „?


--How much are „?

--They are„

3.教学目标 ①知识目标


shorts sweater trousers


skirt 句型:--How much is this T-shirt?

--It’s seven dollars.--How much are these socks?

--They are two dollars..②能力目标:掌握用how much„句型来询问价格,让学生能够利用简单的英语进行购物,培养学生的听说读写能力。③情感目标:









四、学法分析 1.分组合作学习。2.“为用而学,用中学,学了就用”:本课时的目标语言是询问事物的价格,与学生实际生活联系紧密,所以应该充分利用创造的情景和实物给与学生练习英语口语的机会。


Step1、Warm up and Lead in:


socks shorts sweater T-shirt trousers jacket



What’s this ∕that in English?

What color is it?

3、注意名词的单复数 a pair of trousers/shorts/socks two pairs of trousers/shorts/socks Step2、练习、巩固新单词,完成活动1a、1b Step3、教授、练习新句型,完成活动1C


此环节中结合图片设计师生对话、结对活动、句子接龙等任务,让学生分小组竞赛,练习巩固新句型。在练习的过程中,将重点句型How much is it?发散为How much are they?重点掌握单复数在此句型中的变化。Step4.综合运用

How much is that red hat? It’s 6 dollars.How much are your white trousers?

They are 10 dollars.加大句子难度继续操练,巩固新词汇和句型。

此环节将表示颜色的形容词带入操练句型中,并结合学生穿的毛衣、裤子、身边的尺子、书包、铅笔、橡皮擦擦等物品让学生自己编对话。Step5、总结回顾 词汇:sock





shoe skirt


2、句型:--How much is this T-shirt?

--It’s 7 dollars.--How much are these socks?--they are 2 dollars.Homework: Ask about prices of your deskmate’s clothing, and write down your conversations.询问你同桌衣物的价格,并将你们的对话写下来。Step6、板书设计

Unit 4 How much are these socks?

(Section A

1a – 1c)Clothing


A: How much is this T-shirt? a pair of socks

B: It’s seven dollars.two pairs of trousers

A: How much are these socks? Shorts shoes skirt sweater

B: They are two dollars.

英语七年级上册课件 篇3




The goal:

The goal of Go for it is to make language a step-by-step progression that builds confidence and leads to open-ended activities where students can actively relate learning to their personal lives.

Go For It! 是以《英语课程标准》为依据,以学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。不仅以语言知识、语言技能为重点,而且更注重学生的学习策略、情感态度和文化意识。教学内容的处理和取舍灵活开放, 只要教师从学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,任何教学内容的调整或取舍,任何教学步骤的安排都是可行的。“I sometimes go to the last to do the group work first…It depends on the teachers’ knowledge of the students actual language ability…”(David Nunan);提倡教师结合学生实际,充分利用学生、教师本身和环境中一切可以利用的资源,丰富教学内容,创造运用英语的机会,注意多渠道开发教学资源。 “Don’t use just the textbook. Anything in real life that connect and appropriate to the lesson can be used as teaching resources.”(David Nunan);提倡任务型语言教学,教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格;课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,课后访谈调查,读写扎记,重视语言运用;正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。

The key points of each unit:

U 1 Making new friends Introduce yourself

Ask for and give telephone numbers Present tense to be

Prossessive adjectives:my,your,his,her

Identify ownerships Demonstratives:this,that

What questions and Yes/No questions

How do you spell pen?

Identify people Demonstratives:these,those

U4 Things around the house Talk about where things are Where questions and Yes/No questions

U5 Spending time with friends Ask and answer questions about ownership

Make suggestions Present tense to have

Yes/No questions and short answers: let’s

Food Talk about likes and dislikes Present tense to like

Yes/No questions and short answers

Affirmative and negative statements

Thank someone Demonstratives:this,that,these,those

Dates Talk about dates When questions

Prossessive “s”

Make plans Present tense to want

Yes/No questions and short answers:

U10 Joining a club Talk about abilities Modal verb can

Yes/No questions and short answers:

Affirmative and negative statements

U11 Daily routines Talk about daily routines

Ask about and say times When questions

What time is it?

U 12 School subjects Talk about preferences



A. 图文并茂。一幅副充满情趣,幽默生动的画面,令你眼睛一亮。它不仅版面设计充满新意,而且在内容和结构方面更富有创意 更具时代感,更有现代气息,更加贴近学生的生活。学生一拿到课本后都爱不释手,迫不及待地翻阅。

B. 实用性强。每个单元的选材都来源于学生的学习和生活。紧紧地与学生的年龄特征、认知结构、生活经验联系在一起。如第一册的十四个话题:认识新朋友、教室里的物品、家庭成员、食品、购物、电影、参加社团、生活习惯、学习科目、国家与语言。第二册的十二个话题:邻居、动物、足球、职业、周末活动、音乐、人物性格与外貌、天气、节日、度假与休闲、流行文化、规章制度与日常生活。由于这些都是学生熟悉的话题,生活中经常碰到的事情,所以学生容易接受,学习热情自然也高。使教学活动由“要我学”转变为“我要学”。

C.注重交际。针对中国学生学英语普遍存在的“聋哑病”,教材设计了大量的听说读写材料。每个单元都有语言活动,且内容不同,形式多样,学生对这些活动充满兴趣,所以大家都能情绪高昂地参加pair work, group work, games等活动。学生们充满了自信,开心地练习说英语,教室里常常充满了欢歌笑语。同学们都喜欢上英语课,他们能为学以致用而感到兴奋,同时也体验到了学习语言的快乐。

D.词汇量大。第一册有词汇700个左右,第二册约450个,第三册约450个,第四册约400个, 第五册约500个,合计2500个。这一点正好达到《英语课程标准》5级的要求。大大丰富了学生的词汇量,让学生能更好地表达自己的所思所想。同时也要求学生必须采取有效的记忆单词的方法,就会事半功倍,否则难以适应教材的要求。这时学生特别需要教师的指导 .。

a.言语、情境真实性原则 (The authenticity principle)


b.形式-功能性原则 (The form-function principle)


c.阶梯型任务原则 (The task dependency principle)







Week 2 Starter Unit 2& Starter Unit 3 5课时

英语七年级上册课件 篇4

Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?说课稿 第一课时(Section A 1a-1c)

说课教师 :Crystal 大家好!

今天我说课的内容是人教版新目标英语七年级上册的第四单元Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?下面,我将从以下几个方面进行说课。


本单元主要内容是谈论物品的位置。通过询问物品的位置,学生们将学习一些有关家居物品的单词,以及on、in、under等方位介词的用法,学习并掌握where引导的特殊疑问句及其答语。学习人称代词they的用法。使学生学会基本句型“Where’s/ Where’re..? It’s/ They’re on/in/under...”学会运用方位介词“on/in/under”来表达物品的位置。通过以上的学习,使学生学会运用听关键词、推测词意的学习策略,识别不同物品的位置。这样既能让学生了解自己的家居环境,热爱自己的家,又能促使学生通过想象来设计自己理想中的房间和对好的生活习惯的重新认识。



三、说教学目标 知识目标:


Where’s my schoolbag? It’s on/in/under/behind/next to the chair.2、学习和掌握有关家具类的单词:table, bed, bookcase, keys,books , sofa ,chair ,schoolbag

3、学会三个方位介词的用法:on ,in , under 能力目标:学会询问物品的位置和确认物品的位置;能够运用所学知识进行简单的会话。


四、说教学重难点 重点:

1、熟练拼写和运用家居物品名称:where, table, chair, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, on, under等词。





六、说教学过程 Step1.Warming up T:Good morning, everyone!Ss: Good morning,Miss Zhan!T:How are you today? Ss: Fine, thinks.And you? T:I’m fine, too.Step2:Lead in Now, look at me.What’s this in English? Ss: It’s a pen.T:Very good.together, read twice.Step3:Teach the new words 通过图片展示来学习新单词,同时引出句型“Where’s my schoolbag? It’s…” T:Where’s the schoolbag? Ss:It’s under the table?(引导学生回答)T: Where’s the pencil box? Ss: It’s on the desk.T: Where’s the baseball? Ss: It’s in the drawer.根据1a图,引出复数句型。Where are …? They’re …? T:Where are the books ? Ss:They’re on the sofa ?(引导学生回答)T: Where are the keys? Ss:They’ re on the table.接着板书呈现句型,让学生对比这两个单复数句型的用法。Step4:Listening Practice 1b 播放1b部分的录音让学生听,引导学生写出所听到的单词的号码,完成1b部分的听力任务。Step5: Pair work 让学生小组合作共同探究完成1c部分口语交际的教学任务,学会运用“Where’s my schoolbag? It’s under the chair.” 的对话及方位介词“on/in/under/behind”目标句型来表达物品的位置。Step6: Guess Game 设计一个猜谜游戏,比如把不同的物体放在不同的位置,让学生来猜,在找寻物体的过程中来巩固今天所学的内容。Step7:Summary 教师带着学生总结本课重点学习了哪些词汇、句型。Step8:Homework 1.画出自己的小房间,为其中的物品标上英文,物品越多越好。2.抄写新单词和重点句型。


Unit4 Where‘s my schoolbag?

Word: Sentences:

table chair bed Where‘s my schoolbag? It’s under the chair.Sofa clock tape Where is his pencil? It is in his schoolbag.Desk pencil Where are the keys? Ss:They’ re on the table.where schoolbag Where are my books on in under behind.? They’re on the sofa

英语七年级上册课件 篇5

Unit 4  Where's my schoolbag?

Section A  1a1c

Words Sentences






... —Where's my schoolbag?

—It's under the table.

—Where are my books?

—They're on the sofa.




1.—Where's my schoolbag?我的书包在哪里?

—It's under the table.在桌子下面。

★这是一个由疑问副词Where引导的特殊疑问句。where “在哪里、哪儿”,通常用来询问某人或某物在什么地方。对于特殊疑问句,我们不能用“Yes”和“No”回答,而要用一个陈述句或短语来作出明确的回答。例如:

—Where's Tom?汤姆在哪儿?

—He is here.他在这儿。

2.介词 on、in 和under


如:An  apple is on the table.苹果在桌子上。

Are his keys on the chair?他的钥匙在椅子上吗?


如:—Where is your eraser?你的橡皮在哪里?

—It's in my pencil box.在我的铅笔盒里。

The book is in your schoolbag.那本书在你的书包里。


如:The baseball is under the desk.棒球在桌子下面。

A chair is under the tree.一把椅子在树下。


on the desk/floor/wall/hill/tree/playground/bed/bike 在桌子/地板/墙/山/树/操场/床/自行车上


英语七年级上册课件 篇6




(3)学生能用不同的句型来介绍个人信息,如:My…’snameis…;His/Her favourite hobbyis…;He/She is…years old,…centimetershigh.He/She lives in…etc。


I Sing a song.

II.Duty report(Ask the students some Wh-questions about the duty reporter)

1.Get ready for the listening.

Pay attention to the words:length n.长度,height n.高度,birth n.出生,blond adj.金色的.

2.Explain how to do the two parts of the listening.

A.Fill in the blanks in the table for the first time to listen.

B.Write the numbers 1-4 under the correct photos for the second time to listen.

3.Read the dialogues after finishing the listening.Pay attention to the Wh-questions.

IV.Practice in pairs.

1.Practice the dialogues in pairs.

You:What colour is your hair?

Your deskmate:It’s_________(brown).

You:How long is your hair?

Yourdeskmate:It’s_________(very long).

You:What colour are your eyes?



Yourdeskmate:I am from_________(theUK).

You:What’s your favourite sport?


You:What’s your best subject?

2.Then fill in the information in the table.

3.Introduce your deskmate to the class

My deskmate is______________.He/She is____________.

He/She has________________hairand___________eyes.

His/Her favourite hobby is____________

His/Her best subject is_____________.

And he/she wants to be_____________.

Describe one of your favorite teachers in our school!


英语七年级上册课件 篇7


宜君县第二中学 王娟


本节课教授的词汇主要是服饰类的,课型属于听说课。所以在课前先营造一种轻松的学习氛围,教唱一首英语歌曲,让学生尽快地融入进课堂,期间还有pair work,groupwork,把学生分成两两小组或四人小组,互相对话。这样的活动要进行两次,可以提供给学生充分的时间进行交流。





(1)New words:T-shirt,sweater,bag,hat,skirt,socks,shorts,pants,shoes,(2)Questions and answers:How much is/are…?It’s/They are…dollars.(二)能力训练要求




四、教学重点和难点 重点:





(一)、课前热身:教唱英语歌曲 color song Who is wearing yellow today?

yellow today, yellow today Who is wearing yellow today?

yellow today.Who is wearing red today?

red today, red today Who is wearing red today?

red today Who is wearing green today?

green today, green today Who is wearing green today?

green today Who is wearing blue today?

blue today, blue today Who is wearing blue today?

blue today Who is wearing black today?

black today, black today Who is wearing black today?

black today Who is wearing white today?

white today, white today Who is wearing white today?

white today Who is wearing pink today?

pink today, pink today Who is wearing pink today?

pink today 设计意图:为了给学生营造一种轻松愉快的学习氛围,尽快融入到所教知识中去,也可以为接下来的颜色的教学作铺垫。



(2)生走进一家虚拟的服装店,让学生根据所学单词,进行结对活动,学会提问:How much is/are…? 以及回答:It’s/They’re…dollars.设计意图:目的是给学生创设半真实的情景,在这样的情景下呈现新的句型能让学生更容易理解和接受。在结对活动之前,先让个别学生操练重点句型以作示范,以使全班同学都能理解并准确地操练新的语言点。



(4)服饰大调查: ①以四人一组为单位,对本组同学所穿服装颜色和价格进行问答② 根据回答做记录并填好表格;③挑选几位同学向全班汇报记录的情况。






英语七年级上册课件 篇1


本单元以家庭为话题,以家庭介绍为任务学习That’s my sister. These are my brothers. Who is she?等句型的使用。要求学生能够做到:






另外,由于计划生育政策的施行,同学们的兄弟姐妹少了,这对于brother, sister的概念的表达可能有些不利。但是,中国是一个注重家庭的国家,本单元的学习会让学生了解不同国家的家庭结构间的不同。同时由于班级内可能有来自单亲家庭的同学,在授课时要注意保护学生,不要伤及学生的自尊,同时要注意培养学生的移情能力。




Period 1 (A1, 3a, B3)

I. Teaching Objectives

1. Knowledge Objectives:

(1) Expressions: sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, family, those, who, oh, these, those, they.

(uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, nephew, here, photo )

(2) Structure: That’s my family. Those are my parents. Who’s she? She’s my sister. Oh, and these are my brothers.

3) Grammar: The plural forms of the demonstrative pronouns.

2. Ability Objectives:

(1) Learn how to introduce the family.

(2) Get Ss to know the names of the various members of a family.

3. Moral Objectives: Father and mother, I love you!

II. Teaching Importance(focus)

(1) Learn how to introduce the family.

(2) Get Ss to know the names of the various members of a family.

(3) Get Ss to know the differences between this/that is and these/those are.

(4) Get Ss to know who questions

III. Teaching Difficulties

1. 因为单复数的问题,学生对this与these,that与those的转换可能会弄错,

2. 在拼写时,学生习惯把mother写成monther。

3. grandmother,grandfather中d不发音。

Ⅳ. Teaching Aids

A recorder, multi-media

Ⅴ. Teaching Procedure:

Step l:Lead in

Enjoy an English song called the Finger Family, do daily greetings as usual.

Step 2: Pre-task

1. T: Today I’ll introduce a new friend.

Then show a picture of a boy to teacher new words about family members.

2. Work on 1a, match the words.

3. Listening practice: Do A 1b, first listen and circle the words, then imitate.

4. Look at the picture on SB P7, ask and answer in pairs.

Step 3:While-task

Photo show. 1.T ask and S answer

2. Ss ask and answer in pairs. Then Do A3a

3. Make a short passage about the photo. Then Do B 2b.

step 4:Post-task

Draw a photo of family and write about it, then share with friends.

Step 4. Sum up

Do exercises in class and check the answers


1.完成2号本P14-15 第一课时

2. 预习Unit 2 第二课时

3. 完成 Self check 2

4. 常规听读,听写作业

Layout of Bb

Unit 2 This is my sister. Period 1

sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, family, those, who, oh, these, those, they.

That’s my family.

Those are my parents.

Who’s she?

She’s my sister.

Oh, and these are my brothers.


Period 2 (A2)

I. Teaching Objectives

1. Knowledge Objectives:

(1) Expressions: well, have, day, bye, goodbye

(2) Structure: Have a good! Thanks! You, too. Bye!

— Nice to meet you. — Nice to meet you, too

(3) Grammar: Yes or No questions.

2. Ability Objectives:

(1) Identifying people and the relationship.

(2) Find out the correct relationship.

英语七年级上册课件 篇2

各位领导老师好,,我叫….我今天说课的内容是《牛津英语》7A Unit3 Let's celebrate第二课时。今天我要讲述的内容包括教学过程,教学创新方面,首先我要讲述教学过程,包括以下几点:


(“良好的开端是成功的一半”, 因此,我认为能以一种新颖的问候方式或复习方式进入一节课,,或循序渐进地导入所学的内容,那么可为这节课的成功打下基础,同时也能给自己适当的减压。)


T:Do you know some famous festivals in china or western countries?

T:Great!Can you give us some examples? Just say something about it?







What are you cooking?

Why do you like fishing?

Where are you going?

Which is your favorite festival?

Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.

It is wonderful!

Happy Halloween!

以及介词in, at, on用法,频率副词的使用。







例如在认识节日时,我就通过让学生听春节的鞭炮声和喜气洋洋的新年音乐猜“What festival is this?”通过美丽的月亮图片和实物月饼,问学生What do people usually do at the Mid-Autumn Festival?通过一则美国总统奥巴马首次赦免了一只重45磅(20公斤)、名叫“勇气”的火鸡的新闻引出.



时在使用课堂用语时,我都坚持对学生进行文明礼貌教育,总是加上please和thank you 对学生多鼓励,多表扬,


英语七年级上册课件 篇3

教学目标 学习称呼语和问候语

教学重点 打招呼用语

教学难点 如何正确运用打招呼用语

教具 多媒体、录音机 课时 1

教学课程 1. Greeting.

2. Warming-up

T: Class,Please stand up. Hello, class.

S: Hello, Ms…

T: Sit down please.

S: Thank you.

3. Drills

(1) 练习打招呼问好。

(2) 练习感谢他人。

(3) 练习告别语Goodbye。

4. Practise

1)Work in pairs part7 and part8

2) Complete the sentences.

Daming, ______ ______, please(请坐)

_____,______ (同学们好)


_______,_______ (谢谢), Miss Li.

_______(再见), Lucy.

5. Conclude

6. Homework

Complete part5 and part 6 个人修改



课题 Starter Module1 Unit2 课型 listeningandspeaking

教学目标 学习打招呼的用语,询问姓名和相互间的问候。

教学重点 打招呼用语,询问对方姓名的特殊疑问句及回答。

教学难点 一天中不同时间的打招呼用语

教具 多媒体、录音机 课时 1

教学课程 1.Greeting.


T: Good morning.What’s your name?

S: I’m … / My name is…

T: How are you?

S: Fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine. too.


1)练习打招呼的用语 Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening。


What’s your name? I’m …

How are you? I’m fine, thank you.


1)Work in pairs part7

2) Listen and number

3) Write the sentences.



英语七年级上册课件 篇4

一、Teaching materials:

Unit 3 Language in use (Module 10 Life history)

二、Targets for this perio d:

To summarize and consolidate past simple questions and negative sentences and the new vocabulary

三、Key points:

Key vocabulary— in, a lot

Key structures—Did you do…? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

We didn’t do ….

四、Teaching methods:

Task-based approach, formal and interactive approach

五、Teaching aids

Blackboard, handouts

六、Teaching arrangements:

Step One To translate the sentences into English

1. 当你是个小男孩时,你骑自行车去上学吗?

Did you ride a bike to school when you were a boy?

2. 他是世界上最出名的作家之一。

He is one of the most famous wri ters in the world.

3. 七、八月份,我和哥哥拜访了住在海边的阿姨。

In July and August, my brother and I visited my aunt near the sea.

4. 莎士比亚是一个戏剧家和诗人

Shakespeare is a writer of plays and poems.

5. 1950年人们不使用移动电话和 计算机。

In 1950 people didn’t use cell phones or computer.

6. 当他在十四岁毕业时他决定当一名演员。

He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of f ourteen.

7. 你爹妈什么时候结婚的?

When did your mother and father marry?

8. 二十八岁时他迁往伦敦并加入一家剧团。

At twenty-eight he moved to London and joined a theatre company.

9. 他成了一名成功的演员并开始写戏剧。

He became a successful actor and started writing plays.

10. 你仍然能看到他的英文版和许多其他语言版的剧本。

You still see his plays in English and in many other languages.

Step Two To c omplete the con versation (Activity 1)

1. Students finish it by themselves.

2. Check the answers in pairs.

3. Two student act out the conversation.

4. Detailed explanation:

1) in +原料 / 颜色

e.g: He is in black.

He wrote a diary in ink. Cp: He wrote a diary with a pen.

2) a lot = very much ; often

e.g: He learned a lot when he was a child.

Step Three To use the conversation in Activity 1 to write about your parents. (Activity 3)

1. Students finish it by themselves.

2. Students read aloud their passage in the front of the classroom.

(Students should pay attention to the tense)

Example: My parents didn’t use computers at school when they were young. They watched TV with plain color and few channels. Sometimes they played f ootball and tennis in the park.

Step Four To learn about l ife in the past (Around the world)

1. Students read the passage and answer questions.

1) Did people use computers in 1950? No, they didn’t.

2) Was there satellite TV or Internet in the past? No, there wasn’t.

3) Why did people travel by bike or by bus? Because Cars were expensive.

4) Did they go to other countries on holiday? NO, they didn’t.

2. Students read it aloud.

Step Five To answer the questions according to the actual life ( Activity 5)

1. Students do it by themselves.

2. Studen ts work in pairs.

Step Six To finish all the exercises in Workbook


1. To review Module 10 and copy all the words and expressions in P159

2. To finish Module 10, 点中典 & 轻巧夺冠

英语七年级上册课件 篇5












(二)实验操作:用电子白板拉出问题。鼓励学生用火柴棒或木棒,按照“口”、“日”、 “目”搭建正方形,然后填表,找规律。按照同层独立先竞争、异层小组后合作、全班交流分享的办法进行。















英语七年级上册课件 篇6







































Unit 1 Topic 3 How old are you ?

Section D












1、预习课本P23 Part 1 ,复习书上的六个音标

2、预习课本P23 Part 2 ,分别找出Jane 和 Huang Hua 的个人信息

3、预习P23 Part 3 ,根据所给信息把空补充完整

4、背诵课本P24 Part 4a 4b

(三)问题导学 再看课本P22 Part 2 ,回答问题。

Where is Jane from ?__________________________

How old is she ?___________________________

What class is she in ? _____________________

Where is Huang Hua from ? _______________

What’s his English name ? _____________________

Are they in the same class ? ______________



1、They are not in the same class ,but they good friends.他们不在同一个班,但是他们是好朋友。

解析:same 意思是“相同的”,前面一定要用定冠词“the”,后面接单数名词。

but 意为“但是,可是”,起转折作用。

eg : We are in the same school ,but in different classes.我们在同一个学校,但是在不同的班级。



1、---How old ________ you ?

2、----I ________ ten.3、---What _____ this ?-

4、---It _________ a pen.5、----Who ________ that ?

----She _________ Lucy.6、---What _________ these ?

----They ________ schoolbags.7、---__________ this a pen ?

----Yes , it _________.(二)单项选择

1.What’s that _______ Chinese ?

A、on B、in C、with

2.Is he ____________ English boy ?

A、a B、an C、the3、These are my _____________.A、book B、pens C、a friend4、---Is this your eraser ?----Yes ,____________.A、it is B、this is C、it’s5、They are not ________ the same class ,but they

are good friends.A、in B、on C、from



1.They are in the s________ class.2、--How o________ is she ?---She is 15.3.Li Ming and Wang Fei are good f___________.4、I’m in a h_________ school.5、Is your p__________ number 3264-7853 ?


1、______ is Zhou Lan._________ phone number is 1358429764.A、Her , her B、She , her C、She , She2、What grade ______ your brother in ?

A、is B、am C、are3、---Is that a car ?---No ,____________

A、that isn’t B、that is C、it isn’t4、Nine and eleven is __________.A、thirteen B、fifteen C、twenty5、_________ are good friends.A、you ,he and I B、I ,you and he C、you and he ,I This is an English boy(男孩).His name is Jim.He is twelve.He is in my school.He and I are in the same grade.I’m in Class Three, Grade Seven, but he is in Class Four.I’m his good friend.He is my good friend, too.根据短文内容, 补全对话。

A: Excuse me, what’s his name?

B: His name is Jim.A: 6.______________________________

B: Yes.J-I-M, Jim.A: Where is he from?

B: 7.______________________________

A: How old is he?

B: 8.______________________________

A: Is he in your school?

B: 9.______________________________

A: Is he in Class Three, Grade Seven?

B: 10.______________________________

He is in Class Four, but he and I are good friends.A: Thank you.汉译英:1.布朗是他的姓氏。Brown is his ____ ____.12.那是一张地图吗

Is that ____ ____.13.它们是五辆公共汽车。

They are ____ ____.14.让我帮帮你吧。

Let ____ ____ you.15.给你。____ ____ are.(五)作业:请写一份自我介绍,内容包括姓名、年龄、国籍、班级、学校、电话号码。




结构:由be动词(am, is, are)+ 动词ing构成,其中be动词要与主语保持性数一致。

Mary is flying a kite in the park.玛丽正在公园里放风筝。

--What are you doing now? 你现在在干什么?

--I’m reading English.我正在读英语。

Are they drawing the pictures now? 他们正在画画吗?




play—playing, do—doing, talk—talking, sing--singing


make—making, write—writing, have—having, take—taking


run—running, stop—stopping, put—putting, swim—swimming


She is cleaning her room now.她正在打扫房间。

Look!The girl is dancing over there.看!那个女孩在那里跳舞。

--Can you go and play games with me? 你能和我们一起做游戏吗?

--Can’t you see I am doing my homework? 你没看见我正在做作业吗?

英语七年级上册课件 篇7

1. Knowing: tiring, educational, peaceful, fascinating, thrilling, take it easy, trek, jungle, fall,

2. Understanding: Be able to understand the meaning of the listening material.

3. Habit-forming: 1)---Where would you like to go on vacation?

---I'd like to go somewhere relaxing.

2) I like places where the people are really friendly.

4. Communicating: Talk about th e places they would like to visit and the reasons.

1. Habit-forming:

1)--Where would you like to go on vacation? --I'd like to go somewhere relaxing.

2) I like places where the people are really friendly.

2. Communicating: Talk about th e places they would like to visit and the reasons.


Task 1 Talk about the plans of vacation. 1. Read the adjectives and understand them.

2. Look at the two pictures careful, and write adjectives to describe the vacations .

3. 听录音完成1b。 4. Pair work::

A: Where would you like to go on vacation?

B: I'd like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacations. What about you?

A: I 'd like to ... ...

1.读2a 部分句子,听录音排序。2.Listen again, choose the right answers.

3.找出短语:对...感兴趣_______________ 有一天_________/___________支付___________


1)Wouldn't it be great if we could go on a vacation together? ._________________________

2) I hope to visit Hawaii one day ._______________________________________________

3) Would you be interested in going there?_________________________________________

4) I like places where the weather is always warm.__________________________________

5) I love places where the people are really friendly._________________________________

6) There's not much to do there. _______________________________________________

7) It has exciting things to do. _________________________________________________


二.合作共建:1. I like places where the weather is always warm.

2. I love places where the people are really friendly.




I. 用所给词的正确形式填空:

1. I hope _____________(see) Niagara some day. 2. He likes _____________( visit) Hawaii.

3. He would like _____________(visit) Hawaii. 4. He would love _____________(visit) Hawaii.

5. There is too much____________(do) today. 6.It has exciting things ___________(do) there.

5.Are you interested in ______________( go ) on a vacation?

6. What about _____________(trek ) through the jungle?

II. 翻译句子:





5.在Mexico 没有很多事情可做。______________________________________________________

1.Knowing: touristy, spotlight, consider, lively, sight, including, church, wine, translate, light,


2. Understanding: Be able to understand the meaning of the newspaper.

3. Habit-forming: ---Where would you like to go on vacation? ---I'd like to visit Kunming.

4. Communicating: Talk about th e places they would like to visit and the reasons.

1. Habit-forming: --Where would you like to go on vacation? ---I'd like to visit Kunming.

2. Communicating: Talk about th e places they would like to visit and the reasons.

1. Read tthis newspaper article about Paris.Circle the things you like about visiting Paris. Underline

the things you don't like.

2. Write these phrases: 下个星期_____________________ ……的首都_____________________




3. Understand the following sentences。

⑴For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?

①Why not…=__________________?是提建议的一种方式,另外提建议的句子还有:

Let's go shopping! ______________________. Shall we go to France? _________________

What / How about visiting Hongkong! _________________________________.



⑵Paris is the capital of France, and one of the liveliest cities in Europe. 翻译下面的句子:


⑶It doesn't have any beaches or mountains…


你喜欢牛奶还是茶啊?____________________ 我有三个苹果和两个梨。________________.

(⑷Travelling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.


Task 2 交际练习1.仿照3b部分对话,两人一组编造自己的对话。2.交际对话展示。

Task 3 学习4 Think of a city you know. Make a list of things you like and things you don't like

about the city. then talk to your partner about it.

二.合作共建。1.区别spend , take, cost, pay 四个单词的区别。

2.France is quite an expensive place相似的单词为rather, 两者的区别为__________.


( )1. Mount Emei is oe of_______in China. A.the most beautiful mountains

B.most beautiful mountains C.the most beautiful mountain D.most beautiful mountain

( )2.There are_____stars in the sky and you can see them at night.

A.thousand of B.two thousands C.thousands of D.two thousands

( )3.The dictionary________me . A.paid st C.spend D.took

( )4.You look tired, why not____a short rest? A.have B.having C.to have D.will have]


1. Every year many___________(tourist)go there for their vacation.

2. There are many things__________(do)in Singapore. 3. Hong kong is a beautiful palce for____(shop).

4. Hawaii has beautiful___________(beach). 5. I decide_____________(visit)Beijing next month.




1. Knowing: brainstorm, agency, package, depend, advertisement, whale, actually. 2.Understanding:The meaning of the listening contents. 3. Practicing: answer the phone, take messages, call sb.back, some information on somewhere warm/cold, go on vacation, go on a nature tour, a great whale watch, depend on, find out. municating: be able to practice the listening contents fluently in pairs.

1.Understanding:The meaning of the listening contents. 2. Practicing: answer the phone,take messages,callsb.back,some information on,somewhere warm/cold,go on vacation,go on a nature tour,a great whale watch,depend on,find out. 3. Communicating: be able to practice the listening contents fluently in pairs.

Task1: Learn 1&2c 1. Answer some questions,such as,

①Where would you like to go for your vacation?Why?_______________________

②What are important to you when you go on vacation?_______________________

③Can you introduce some places of interest in the world?_____________________

2. Make a conversation according to the questions above,then practice in pairs,such as,

A: Where would you like to go? B:I'd like to go somewhere warm.

A: What else can you tell me? B:I don't want_________________________.

A:______________________ B:___________________________________.

1. Jeff has a summer job at a travel agency.Lsten to the conversations and number the pictures.


2. Listen to the conversations again and complete the chart.

3. Role play Jeff's conversations and pay attention to the sentences using on the phone.

answer the phone_______________take messages______________call sb.back_______________

Jeff Marino speaking______________________Is that…speaking?_______________________


1. Could you please answer the phone?_____________________________________.

2. Just take messages and I'll call people back.________________________________.

3. I'd like some information on vacation packages,please._____________________________

4. I don't know. Somewhere warm._________________________________________________.

5. I hope to go on a nature tour..______________________________.

6. We have a great whale watch tour.You might like that.______________________________

7. It depends on where it is.______________________________.

8. I'd like to go somewhere that's fun for kids.______________________________________.




3.总结would like的用法以及相似的结构______________________________________________.

1. Hawaii is a______________ (tourist) place. 2. I hope____________(make) more friends in China.

( )3. I'd like to visit Sydney _________ my next vacation. A.for B.on C.at D.in

( )4. What _________ can you tell me?A.other B.else C.the other D.others

( )5.—Would you like to go out for a walk with us? —_____, but I must finish my homework first.

A.Of course not B.That's all right C.I'd love to D.Yes,I do

6.我们想要待在一个有大游泳池的地方。___________ ___________to stay a place with a big pool.

7.下个假期你要去哪儿?___________ would you like to go ___________ your next ___________?

8.今年夏天你想去哪里度假?_____ _____ _________would you like to_______ _______this summer?

9.我希望游览夏威夷。I hope ___________ ___________ Hawaii one day.

英语七年级上册课件 篇8

一 学生情况分析(学生62人,其中男生:36人,女生:26 人)







二 课时总安排

总共100课时:授课 课时 复习 课时

测试 课时 机动 课时


The goal:

The goal of Go for it is to make language a step-by-step progression that builds confidence and leads to open-ended activities where students can actively relate learning to their personal lives.

Go For It! 是以《英语课程标准》为依据,以学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。不仅以语言知识、语言技能为重点,而且更注重学生的学习策略、情感态度和文化意识。教学内容的处理和取舍灵活开放, 只要教师从学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,任何教学内容的调整或取舍,任何教学步骤的安排都是可行的。“I sometimes go to the last to do the group work first…It depends on the teachers’ knowledge of the students actual language ability…”(David Nunan);提倡教师结合学生实际,充分利用学生、教师本身和环境中一切可以利用的资源,丰富教学内容,创造运用英语的机会,注意多渠道开发教学资源。 “Don’t use just the textbook. Anything in real life that connect and appropriate to the lesson can be used as teaching resources.”(David Nunan);提倡任务型语言教学,教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格;课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,课后访谈调查,读写扎记,重视语言运用;正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。

The key points of each unit:

Topic Functions Structures

U 1 Making new friends Introduce yourself

Greet people

Ask for and give telephone numbers Present tense to be

What questions

Prossessive adjectives:my,your,his,her

U2 Things in the classroom

Identify ownerships Demonstratives:this,that

What questions and Yes/No questions

How do you spell pen?

U3 The family Introduce people

Identify people Demonstratives:these,those

Subject pronouns:I,he,she

Yes/No questions

Plural nouns

U4 Things around the house Talk about where things are Where questions and Yes/No questions

Prepositions: on,in,under

Subject pronouns: they

U5 Spending time with friends Ask and answer questions about ownership

Make suggestions Present tense to have

Yes/No questions and short answers: let’s

Adjectives of quality


Food Talk about likes and dislikes Present tense to like

Yes/No questions and short answers

Affirmative and negative statements


Shopping Ask about prices

Talk about clothing

Thank someone Demonstratives:this,that,these,those

How much questions


Dates Talk about dates When questions

Prossessive “s”

How old are you?


Movies Talk about preferences

Make plans Present tense to want

Yes/No questions and short answers:

Adjectives of quality

U10 Joining a club Talk about abilities Modal verb can

Yes/No questions and short answers:

Affirmative and negative statements

What questions

U11 Daily routines Talk about daily routines

Ask about and say times When questions

What time is it?

Adverbs of frequency

U 12 School subjects Talk about preferences

Give reasons What questions

Why questions

Who questions

Adjectives of quality

四、 教材分析



A. 图文并茂。一幅副充满情趣,幽默生动的画面,令你眼睛一亮。它不仅版面设计充满新意,而且在内容和结构方面更富有创意 更具时代感,更有现代气息,更加贴近学生的生活。学生一拿到课本后都爱不释手,迫不及待地翻阅。

B. 实用性强。每个单元的选材都来源于学生的学习和生活。紧紧地与学生的年龄特征、认知结构、生活经验联系在一起。如第一册的十四个话题:认识新朋友、教室里的物品、家庭成员、食品、购物、电影、参加社团、生活习惯、学习科目、国家与语言。第二册的十二个话题:邻居、动物、足球、职业、周末活动、音乐、人物性格与外貌、天气、节日、度假与休闲、流行文化、规章制度与日常生活。由于这些都是学生熟悉的话题,生活中经常碰到的事情,所以学生容易接受,学习热情自然也高。使教学活动由“要我学”转变为“我要学”。

C.注重交际。针对中国学生学英语普遍存在的“聋哑病”,教材设计了大量的听说读写材料。每个单元都有语言活动,且内容不同,形式多样,学生对这些活动充满兴趣,所以大家都能情绪高昂地参加pair work, group work, games等活动。学生们充满了自信,开心地练习说英语,教室里常常充满了欢歌笑语。同学们都喜欢上英语课,他们能为学以致用而感到兴奋,同时也体验到了学习语言的快乐。

D.词汇量大。第一册有词汇700个左右,第二册约450个,第三册约450个,第四册约400个, 第五册约500个,合计2500个。这一点正好达到《英语课程标准》5级的要求。大大丰富了学生的词汇量,让学生能更好地表达自己的所思所想。同时也要求学生必须采取有效的记忆单词的方法,就会事半功倍,否则难以适应教材的要求。这时学生特别需要教师的指导 .。


a.言语、情境真实性原则 (The authenticity principle)


b.形式-功能性原则 (The form-function principle)


c.阶梯型任务原则 (The task dependency principle)


d. 在做中学原则 (Learning by doing)









Week 1 Starter Unit 1 5课时

Week 2 Starter Unit 2& Starter Unit 3 5课时

Week 3 Unit 1 6课时

Week 4 Unit 2 6课时

Week 5 Unit 3 6课时

Week 6 Revision 6课时

Week 7 Unit4 6课时

Week8 Unit 5 6课时

Week 9 Unit 6 6课时

Week 10 Revision 6课时

Week 11 Middle examination 6课时

Week 12 Unit 7 6课时

Week 13 Unit 8 6课时

Week 14 Unit 9 6课时

Week 15 Unit 10 6课时

Week 16 Unit 11 6课时

Week 17 Unit 12 6课时

Week 18 Revision 6课时

Week 19 Revision 6课时

Week 20 Final examination

英语七年级上册课件 篇9


1. 语言知识目标:



① — No, I can't. / Yes, I can.

② …

③ help2.



1. 教学重点:

1) 能过听力训练来提高学生们听说能力。

2) 进行阅读训练,通过阅读简短的文章来学习语言知识,提高综合运用能力。

2. 教学难点

1. 听力训练

2. 阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。


Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Daily greeting.

2. Check the homework. Let some Ss report what his/her family members can do.

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. T: Show some really instruments like violin, drums. Then play some of them. Tell Ss I can play the drums, I can

play the violin, I can play the violin…

Ss: Do after the teacher, Act as he/she are playing an instrument. The say: I can play the piano, I can play the piano,

I can play the drums…

Ⅲ. Game (Talent show)

1. Act and show your classmates your talent.

T: Please stand in front of your classmate. Act and say what you can. e.g.

S1: (sing and dance) I can sing and dance.

S2: (play the drum) I can play the drum.

S3: …

2. Ask as many students as possible to say their abilities.

Ⅳ. Listening

the sounds you hear in 1a.

2. Play the recording again and check the answers.

3. T: Now let's work on 1c. First, let one student read the words and phrases aloud.

Then listen to the tape and circle the words and phrase you hear.

4. Ss listen to the tape and circle the words and phrases they hear.

5. Check the answers:

tape again. Then try to fill in the blanks.


7. Ss listen to the recording carefully and try to fill in the blanks.

8. Check the answers with the class.

Ⅴ. Group work

S1: Bill can play the guitar, but he can't sing.

S3: Frank can play the piano, but he can't sing or dance. S4: …

Ⅵ. Reading

1. T: Let's meet three new friends, Peter, Aland and Ma Huan. What can they do?

S2: What can Alan do?

Ⅶ. Reading

What's each ad's title? Now let's read the three

2. 综合广告内容与三个题目,看每个题目与广告的内容是否最为贴切。

4. Check the answers with the class.

Ⅷ. Reading

1. T: Suppose Peter, Alan and Ma Huan want to help to do something after school. Which ad is right him/her? Now

2. 方法指导:首先,再次明确每个能做的事情,以及他/她喜欢做的事情;然后,看每则广告中要求应聘者去


英语七年级上册课件 篇10



今天我说课的`内容是七年级英语上册第五单元第一课时,这一课时可分为三部分,一是要求掌握一些球类运动的名词,英语单词是学好英语的基础,只有掌握大量的英语单词,在丰富知识的同时,才能提高应用语言的能力;第二部分是听力训练;第三部分是口语训练Do you have a ……句型。下面我将从以下几个方面阐述说课内容。




1、知识目标帮助学生掌握三会、四会单词如have soccer ball tennis racket=bat ping-pong volleyball basketball does让学生掌握句型的灵活运用



教学重点:本课的第一部分是一幅展示新功能在实际生活中运用的图画,图中引出了本课在操练新知识所需用到的重点单词,新的句型也呈现在人物头上的气泡中,本课的重点是让学生学会使用Do you have……的句型。

教学难点:句型Do you have……的肯定回答及否定回答
















1、出示几幅图来出现我们这节课将会学习的球类运动的名词以及相应的名星:在教学单词的过程中,用What is this in English和How do you spell it句型和学生进行双边活动,掌握本课所学习的新单词

2、学习新句型,通过图,来学习I have a soccer ball……句型,并让学生多读、多理解I have……句型


4、让学生以唱的形式复习新单词及I have……句型,如Soccer ball . Soccer ball.I have a Soccer ball.

为活跃课堂气氛,请个别学生为下列句子谱曲并唱如basketball. basketball.I have a basketball.这一部分学生比较感兴趣,学生可随意发挥,也可根据自己所熟悉的歌曲的歌谱来唱出这些句子。

5、新授I have……句型的否定句,一般疑问句、肯定回答和否定回答。




Do you have a computer game?

Do you have a baseball bat?

Do you have a ping-pong bat?


1、通过猜猜我有什么的活动。巩固句型Do you have……及回答



运用下面的单词编写三组Do you have……问句并作答

Volleyball football basketball


DO you have a soccer ball

New words:

Soccer ball basketball volleyball baseball football tennis ping-pong bat=racket

I have a soccer ball:

Do you have a soccer ball?

Yes I do. No I don’t





英语七年级上册课件 篇11

人教版英语七年级上册Unit7 How much are these socks? Section A 1a-1c说课稿







与Starter Unit3辨认颜色以及Unit 6谈论好恶联系紧密,学习询问价格的同时可以复习巩固之前的知识。


课题:How much are these socks ? 话题:“ask about prices”。目标语言:

--How much is „?


--How much are „?

--They are„

3.教学目标 ①知识目标


shorts sweater trousers


skirt 句型:--How much is this T-shirt?

--It’s seven dollars.--How much are these socks?

--They are two dollars..②能力目标:掌握用how much„句型来询问价格,让学生能够利用简单的英语进行购物,培养学生的听说读写能力。③情感目标:









四、学法分析 1.分组合作学习。2.“为用而学,用中学,学了就用”:本课时的目标语言是询问事物的价格,与学生实际生活联系紧密,所以应该充分利用创造的情景和实物给与学生练习英语口语的机会。


Step1、Warm up and Lead in:


socks shorts sweater T-shirt trousers jacket



What’s this ∕that in English?

What color is it?

3、注意名词的单复数 a pair of trousers/shorts/socks two pairs of trousers/shorts/socks Step2、练习、巩固新单词,完成活动1a、1b Step3、教授、练习新句型,完成活动1C


此环节中结合图片设计师生对话、结对活动、句子接龙等任务,让学生分小组竞赛,练习巩固新句型。在练习的过程中,将重点句型How much is it?发散为How much are they?重点掌握单复数在此句型中的变化。Step4.综合运用

How much is that red hat? It’s 6 dollars.How much are your white trousers?

They are 10 dollars.加大句子难度继续操练,巩固新词汇和句型。

此环节将表示颜色的形容词带入操练句型中,并结合学生穿的毛衣、裤子、身边的尺子、书包、铅笔、橡皮擦擦等物品让学生自己编对话。Step5、总结回顾 词汇:sock





shoe skirt


2、句型:--How much is this T-shirt?

--It’s 7 dollars.--How much are these socks?--they are 2 dollars.Homework: Ask about prices of your deskmate’s clothing, and write down your conversations.询问你同桌衣物的价格,并将你们的对话写下来。Step6、板书设计

Unit 4 How much are these socks?

(Section A

1a – 1c)Clothing


A: How much is this T-shirt? a pair of socks

B: It’s seven dollars.two pairs of trousers

A: How much are these socks? Shorts shoes skirt sweater

B: They are two dollars.

英语七年级上册课件 篇12

Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?

一. 教学内容

本单元的主要内容是谈论物品所在的位置。通过这一话题,训练学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能,让学生通过询问物品的位置,学习一些有关家居物品和学习用品的单词,以及方位介词in, on, under,等的用法;学习并掌握Where问句的问答,一般疑问句提问并用方位介词来回答;学习名词单复数及人称代词they 的用法,同时培养学生养成干净、整洁、合理摆放物品的好习惯。

二. 教学目标

1.知识目标:A. 掌握有关物品的新单词:table, bed,, bookcase, sofa, chair,desk , room,hat , radio, clock,, tape player, tape, model plane, etc;

B. 熟练运用in, on, under, 等介词;

C. 熟练运用Where问句和一般疑问句及其回答;

D. 掌握名词单复数及人称代词they的用法。


B. 学会用英语询问自己的或他人物品的具体位置;

C. 能够合理地描述和设计房间。

3.情感目标:A. 培养学生整齐地摆放自己物品的生活习惯;


4.学习策略:A. 交际策略: 学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活中去;




三. 教学重点、难点

1.  重点:A. 方位介词: in, on, under, (add:behind, in front of, next to可以自己增或删)等的用法;

B.Where 的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句:Is the… in/on/under the …?的肯定、否定回答;

C. 新单词:table, bed,, bookcase, sofa, chair,desk , room,hat----

2.  难点:A. 能够准确运用方位介词描述物品所在的位置;


四. 教学方法



第一课时:Section A 1a, 1b, 1c

第二课时:Section A 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d

第三课时:Section A Grammar Focus, 3a, 3b,3c

第四课时:Section B 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e

第五课时:Section B 2a, 2b, 2c

第六课时:Section B 3a,3b,self- check
